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Example sentences for "whorled"

Lexicographically close words:
whores; whoreson; whoring; whorish; whorl; whorls; whorson; whortleberries; whortleberry; whos
  1. Mostly alternate on the flowering stems, but smaller and broader ones often opposite or whorled on the procumbent shoots; linear; smooth.

  2. Mostly whorled and fascicled; linear-lanceolate; short-petioled; two to six inches long.

  3. The primary branches are whorled regularly around the axis, generally in fives, while each is draped with long, feathery sprays that descend in lines as free and as finely drawn as those of falling water.

  4. Principal leaves on the stem, opposite or whorled --111.

  5. Stem-leaves all or chiefly opposite or whorled (the bracts of the flower clusters may be alternate) --4.

  6. The primary branches are whorled regularly around the axis, generally in fives, while each is draped with long, feathery sprays, that descend in curves as free and as finely drawn as those of falling water.

  7. A hardy perennial of handsome and singular appearance, the large spiny leaves resembling those of certain Thistles, while the long spikes of whorled flowers, which are from 2 to 3 ft.

  8. So the plan of opposite leaves, which is very common, is merely that of whorled leaves, with the fewest leaves to the whorl, namely, two.

  9. Its slender stem varies from six to eighteen inches long, and the narrow, whorled leaves from one to two inches.

  10. Tall and showy herbs, with a thick root, upright and mostly simple stems, bearing whorled leaves, and numerous peduncled flowers in open cymes, disposed in an ample elongated panicle.

  11. Herbs, with perfect flowers and alternate or opposite or whorled entire leaves.

  12. Odorous erect herbs, with entire or toothed leaves, and pretty large flowers in a few whorled heads, closely surrounded with bracts.

  13. Ovary 1-celled with a suspended ovule, becoming an achene; calyx none; aquatic herbs, with finely dissected whorled leaves.

  14. A few alternate along the lower portions of the stem and a number are so close together as to appear whorled about the stem, just below the flowers.

  15. The pointed, lanceolate leaves are whorled about the stem usually in groups of fours, occasionally more or less.

  16. The leaves are lanceolate, sharply pointed at each end and whorled about the stem in groups of from three to seven.

  17. The lanceolate leaves are crowded along the upper stem and whorled about its lower portion.

  18. The regular whorled leaves and graceful bending peduncles supporting the hanging "bells" make a conventional design that often appeals to the artistic eye.

  19. At the same node with opposite or whorled leaves, but occupying a position between their places of attachment.

  20. Defn: An annual herb (Spergula arvensis) with whorled filiform leaves, sometimes grown in Europe for fodder.

  21. Defn: Any plant of the genus Myriophyllum, aquatic herbs with whorled leaves, the submersed ones pinnately parted into capillary divisions.

  22. Defn: At the same node with opposite or whorled leaves, but occupying a position between their places of attachment.

  23. Defn: Furnished with whorls; arranged in the form of a whorl or whorls; verticillate; as, whorled leaves.

  24. The circulation is best seen in the whorled branchlets, a portion of the growing ends being placed in a live-box, or simply laid upon a slide in water and covered with thin glass.

  25. The cells composing the whorled filaments are beaded or moniliform, and are prolonged into colourless hair-like points.

  26. The larger filaments are composed of cells arranged end to end, the knots consisting of numerous smaller whorled filaments, i.

  27. The pretty, close-whorled spirals, placed one against the other on the same level, have a very pleasing general effect.

  28. No shell remains on the surface, not even among the Planorbes, which a many-whorled spiral ought, one would think, to keep afloat.

  29. On the other hand, the whorled character of the core can hardly fail to be recognised.

  30. As regards other patterns, I have made many measurements altogether, but the specimens of each sort were comparatively few, except in whorled patterns.

  31. Whorls contain all cases in which at least one ridge turns through a complete circle, and they include certain double patterns which have a whorled appearance.

  32. Turbinate^: Shaped like a whipping-top; whorled from a broad base to an apex.

  33. Stems are spongy, branching diffusely, 1 foot long, with feathery whorled roots in dense masses at the nodes; branches are short, erect and leafy.

  34. Racemes of 3 spikelets on the capillary whorled branches of an erect panicle.

  35. Racemes many and whorled in the panicle; glume I of sessile spikelets muricate on the margins.

  36. They were often down there together after that, for close alongside were wonderful channels and basins whorled out of the rock in the most fantastic ways, and to sit and watch the tide rush up them was a never-failing entertainment.

  37. A woodland orchid with the leaves and flowers whorled at the apex of the stem.

  38. It is made from an almost entire specimen of a small but compact univalve--a dextral-whorled Busycon or a Strombus.

  39. It is five and one-half inches in length by five in width, and is apparently made from some dextral-whorled shell.

  40. It is about two inches wide by two and a half long, and is made from the base of some large dextral-whorled shell.

  41. It is well preserved and has been made from the columella of a dextral-whorled shell.

  42. It is made from the basal point of a dextral-whorled shell.

  43. One specimen only in this collection differs from the type already described; this has been made from a dextral-whorled shell; the head is somewhat spherical, but is unusual in having an umbonate projection at the top.

  44. It has been made from the broad beak of a Strombus or dextral whorled Busycon.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whorled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.