Thicken a little and then simmer in this the stalks and peelings of a quarter of a pound of mushrooms and the chicken that was previously prepared and dusted with flour.
Of these there is no more tasty and satisfying dish than Spanish Eggs, prepared as follows: Spanish Eggs Empty a can of tomatoes in a frying pan; thicken with bread and add two or three small green peppers and an onion sliced fine.
Then add one cup of cream, bring to a boil and thicken with two yolks of eggs mixed with a half cup of cream.
Strain the sauce and thicken with flour until it is of the consistency of a rather thin batter.
You may thicken the terrapin with the following mixture: Two raw yolks of eggs, two boiled yolks of eggs, one ounce of butter, one ounce corn starch.
The single root of the commoner biennials is the primary root, or tap-root, which begins to thicken in the seedling.
In the latter, and in other woody plants which climb in this way, the petioles thicken and harden after they have grasped their support, thus securing a very firm hold.
All that have been worked vary greatly in thickness; sometimes within a hundred yards a lode will thickenout from one to seventeen feet.
You may always thicken your shell inside, and put the weight upon it as at x x, in d, Plate III.
We had sent us a gallon of potatoes, to each mess, and oatmeal to thicken our broth.
Take a little stock, squeeze in the juice of a lemon, add a little mushroom powder, cayenne pepper and salt; thickenwith flour.
As previously mentioned, by exposure to the atmospheric air all volatile oils undergo a change, whereby they thicken and are finally converted into substances possessing the character of resins.
The oil, on exposure to the air, does not thicken and but slowly forms resin.
Pottinger had no easy part to play, at the best; but now his difficulties began to thicken around him.
The difficulties of the garrison seemed to thicken around them.
But as events began to thicken in the north-west, it appeared impossible to confine to such narrow limits the communications which he was instructed to make to the Maharajah.
When the onions are boiled to pulp, thicken it with a large spoonful of butter mixed with one of flour.
For instance, they are often used to thicken custards, sauces, etc.
The proportion that has been accepted as ideal to produce a dessert of the right thickness is one egg to each cupful of milk; however, an entire egg is not always required, as one yolk is often sufficient to thicken 1 cupful of milk.
To the liquid that remains, add enough flour to thicken it slightly.
Because of its gummy nature, it helps to thickenany dish to which it is added.
Most seminal liquors dilute of themselves, and liquefy when exposed to the air or a certain degree of cold; but they thicken when a moderate degree of heat is communicated to them.
Thicken with 1 tablespoon of corn starch and cook to the consistency of cream.
Traced south from the uplands of Scandinavia and Finland, they gradually thicken out as the low-grounds are approached.
Speaking in general terms, the stony clays thicken out as they are followed from the mountainous and high-lying tracts to the low-grounds.
The interview had done so little to remove the mystery in which Tom's new engagement was involved, and had done so much to thicken it, that neither could help smiling at the puzzled looks of the other.
Into this I put slices of beef, and let it stew slowly till quite done, and then thicken the sauce with polder starch.
This enables the lens to thicken on account of its own elastic force.
The ciliary muscle plays between these opposing forces in the following manner: To thicken the lens, the ciliary muscle contracts, pulling forward the suspensory ligament and releasing its tension on the membranous capsule.
Cook over slow fire and as eggs thicken stir until cooked.