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Example sentences for "ore"

Lexicographically close words:
ordre; ordred; ordres; ordure; ordynaunce; oregano; orejas; orent; ores; orfice
  1. And he had ridden ore dale and downe By eight of clocke in the day, When he was ware of a bold tannèr, Come ryding along the waye.

  2. As she was walking ore the fields, She heard the bell a knellin; And every stroke did seem to saye, Unworthye Barbara Allen.

  3. Thus from the warres Lord Howard came, And backe he sayled ore the maine, With mickle joy and triumphing Into Thames mouth he came againe.

  4. My father dug de zinc and lead ore to make a living at Valle Mines.

  5. This iron ore came from dat big hill down in Pilot Knob.

  6. Den I went to wheelin' iron ore at Sulphur Springs.

  7. At Valle Mines we could make a little money digging ore and selling it to de store.

  8. Fatele stare almeno dieci ore in una concia composta come abbiam detto sopra; poi rasciugatele ben bene con una salvietta e ponetele in padella sopra un buon fuoco con burro ed olio a vostro piacere.

  9. Tagliate il baccalà a pezzi come è detto sopra, ponetelo per due ore in un marinaggio composto come abbiamo indicato pel tonno (n.

  10. We've put down that fifty thousand as dead clear outlay for a starter, without any offsets by way of return, and surely some of that ore will pay something before we get down two hundred feet.

  11. Thereupon they staked out claims with white pine posts, and blasted little troughs to show milk-white quartz or red ore filling.

  12. They's a good many ton of ore in four hundred foot of shaft!

  13. The ore on the Great Snake as shown by samples taken from various spots in the prospect shaft averages $8.

  14. Well, I will bring some ore in a day or two.

  15. Passava lunghe ore seduta all'ombra, in una specie d'inconscienza, mentre il sentimento vago della maternità le dava a tratti a tratti un brivido profondo.

  16. It was, in fact, a blowing-machine, necessary for the treatment of the ore that the engineer wished to manufacture with the skins of the amphibious creatures.

  17. The ore which he had picked up was in itself very pure and rich.

  18. I have heard my father oft repeat the Triumphs Which in Augustus Caesars tymes were showne Upon his Victorie ore the Illirians; But it seemes it was not like to this.

  19. Suppose an universall Hot Pestilence beat her mortiferous wings Ore all my Kingdome, am I not bound in soule To empty all our Achademes of Doctors And Aesculapian Spirits to charme this plague?

  20. I aske not that we meane to need his trust; Gaine hath great soveraigntie ore servile mindes.

  21. No necessitie of death Hangs ore our heads, no dangers threaten us Nor Senates sharpe decree nor Galbaes arms.

  22. But he hath neither Catoes mind nor cause; A man given ore to pleasures and soft ease.

  23. Ultime ore di Pio IX; a cui apparisce l'Ombra di un solitario, che, non valendo a persuaderlo di rinunziare al dominio temporale della terra, lo lascia in preda a spaventose visioni.

  24. A un altarino innanzi Tutto adorno di ceri e di ghirlande Ei traducea l'eterne ore in ginocchio Mormorando preghiere a un Crocifisso D'indico dente elefantino.

  25. On the hearth was a little heap of the bog iron ore and a bottle.

  26. When the money was in bank, there was no ore about it.

  27. His eyes rested upon her with a coldness such as she had never seen in them before, and his features hardened.

  28. Yet even with these faults of composition, a genuine poet might have wrought a great work from the rough ore of history.

  29. In Spoleto fummo rinchiusi in un orrido sotterraneo, e ciò mi doleva perché ci conveniva di rimanervi 24 ore a causa di una festa che interrompeva la corrispondenza.

  30. Abilitiamo a rientrare nello Stato, a condizione però di presentarsi nelle forze del Governo entro le ventiquattro ore che vi saranno pervenuti, per procedere sui loro addebiti ed al giudizio su di essi a termini di ragione: 188.

  31. Davis found among them copper ore and black and red copper.

  32. The ore that the ships carried proved to be but worthless rock, and from the commercial point of view the whole expedition was a failure.

  33. Great cliffs were seen glittering as with gold or crystal, but the ore was the same as that which Frobisher had brought from Meta Incognita and the voyagers had been warned.

  34. They agree in stating that loose copper and copper ore are freely found.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    crude; mineral; ore