O Noble Prince, I can discouer all The vnluckie Mannage of this fatall brall: There lies the man slaine by young Romeo, That slew thy kinsman braue Mercutio Cap.
Or those eyes shot, that makes thee answere I: If he be slaine say I, or if not, no.
This torture should be roar'd in dismall hell, Hath Romeo slaine himselfe?
Bindo beinge slaine by a pollicie deuised by the Duke and state, Ricciardo by fine subtelties deliuereth himselfe from foure daungers.
Which when the Gyaunt spyde with staring eye, He downe let fall his arme, and soft withdrew His weapon huge, that heaved was on hye 170 For to have slaine the man, that on the ground did lye.
Edward, came not into the realme till after the death of Hardiknought, and that he did helpe to expell the Danes, which being doon, he was slaine by earle Goodwine and other of his complices.
West, saith that he was slaine with a dart which one of king Harold his seruants threw at him, & so ended his life.
The next day the Normans fell to gathering in the spoile of the field, burieng also the dead bodies of their people that were slaine at the battell, giuing licence in semblable manner to the Englishmen to doo [Sidenote: Giral.
At which time a newe captaine was appointed to captaine Iaques Dirriksons ship aforesaide, who was slainein the mountaines, namely captaine Kloyers Lieutenant.
But in the end Edwin was slaine with one of his sonnes named Osfride, and his armie beaten downe and dispersed.
The first brunt of his furious attempts after he was out of his countrie, Edilwalke the king of the Southsaxons tasted, who in defense of himselfe comming to trie battell with Ceadwalla, was slaine with the most part of all his armie.
Also for a perpetuall memorie of those Britains that were slaine on the plaine of Salisburie by the treason of Hengist, he caused stones to be fetched out of Ireland, and to be set vp in the same place [Sidenote: Stoneheng.
After that Aurelius Conanus had slaine the foresad Constantine, as in the British histories is mentioned, the same Conan was made king [Sidenote: 546.
Heere lyes the man slaine by yong Romeo, 110 That slew thy kinsman braue Mercutio.
Juliet here slainewas married to that Romeo, 160 Without her Fathers or her Mothers grant: The Nurse was priuie to the marriage.
By my holy order, 110 I thought thy disposition better temperd, Hast thou slaine Tybalt?
It had beene better for William a Trent To hange upon a gallowe Then for to lye in the greenwoode, There slaine with an arrowe.
I heard noe tydings but good; For yonder I heare Sir Guye's horne blowe, For he hath slaine Robin Hoode.
And when hee came to Barnesdale, Great heavinesse there hee hadd; He found two of his fellowes Were slaine both in a slade[23], 13.
For I haveslaine one of the curteousest knights That ever bestrode a steed, So[117] have I done one of the fairest ladyes That ever ware woman's weede!
How can I choose, And such a foule Erynnis gase on me, Such furious legions circle me about, And my slaine Sonne and Daughters fire brands Lying so neere me, to torment my soule?
Why slaine a knave that would have murtherd me; Better to kill, then to be kild my selfe.
I, that tormentes me worse than panges of hell:-- He must be slaine to, else hele utter all.
Come then kind death and give me leave to die, Since thou hast slaine Pertillo cruellie.
I dare be sworne he would not strike him thus, Praie God his Maister be not slaine himselfe.
That wilbe done without all question, For thou hast slaine Allenso with the boy, And Rachell doth not wish to overlive The sad remembrance of her brothers sinne.
As though my life were ought but miserie, Having my father slaine for infamie!
When the brave sergeant-major was slaine in her sight Who was her true lover, her joy and delight, Because he was slainemost treacherouslie, Then vow'd to avenge him Mary Ambree.
Also Occoner of Conneigh, and manie other Irishmen of Connagh and Meth wereslaine neere to Aurie by the Englishmen of those parts.
There were slaine of all sorts vpon the English part that daie about ten thousand men, ouer and beside the prisoners that were taken.
The castell of Norbrough was also taken, & at Kenils in Meth the lord Roger Mortimer was discomfited by the foresaid Edward Bruce, and manie of the said sir Rogers men were slaine and taken.
In this fight was slaine the earle of Hereford, the lord William de Sullie, with sir Roger de Bourghfield, and diuerse others.
Then he began to declare in order howe the Earle of Pancalier fell in loue with her, and not beinge able to obtaine his desire, caused his nephew to hide him vnder her bedde: and how hee had slaine him with his owne handes.
Candaules king of Lidia, shewing the secretes of his wyues beautie to Gyges, one of his guarde: was by counsaile of his wife, slaine by the said Gyges, and depriued of his kingdome.
And when shee heard tell that her husbande was slaine in the seruice of Cyrus, she killed herselfe.
And as Sextus Tarquinius was going, he was slaine by those that premeditated reuengemente, of olde murder and iniuries by him done to their predecessours.
Sesostris who was conquerour of the werld, Slaine at the last, and stampt on by his slaues.
Enter our kings carring Crowns, Ladies presenting odors 700 to Potentates in thrond, who suddainly is slaine by his seruaunts, and thrust out, and so they eate.
If so you please my Lord, I straight will shew it: The English king hath all the borders spoyld, Hath taken Morton prisoner, and hath slaine Seuen thousand Scottish Lords, not sarre from Twearde.
Then finding the Captaine as is said, that used the Salvage that was his guide as his shield (three of them being slaine and divers others so gauld) all the rest would not come neere him.
Two days a man would have slaine him (but that the guard prevented it) for the death of his sonne, to whom they conducted him to recover the poore man then breathing his last.
I make no doubt: 75 In meane time, I could wish the wrong were righted Of your slaine brother in law, brave Bussy D'Ambois.
But now for the maine point Of your late resolution for revenge Of your slaine friend.
Of the kings part there were not halfe of them which fought in the fore-ward, and gaue the onset slaine or hurt.
Sidenote: The number of the slaine that were against the king.
This yeare Iames the third of that name king of Scots was slaine by his owne subiects, after they had vanquished him in a pight field.
The victorie in this battell fell to the Frenchmen, so that almost all the Englishmen were slaine with the lord Wooduile, beside six thousand Britons.
Insomuch that they (as it was at their arreignment openlie prooued) intended to haue slaine their maister, and to haue set Perkin and the earle of Warwike at large.
When this battel was ended, the king wanted of all his numbers but three hundred, which were slaine at that conflict.
And as this Constantine the father was slaine by Constantius, so was Constans the sonne killed at Vienna by one of his owne capteines named Gerontius.
Alectus in hauing vanquished and slaine Carausius tooke vpon him the rule and gouernment of Britaine, in the yeare of our Lord 293.
But now being thus slaine by your souldiers, the subiects of your prouince were both preserued from further danger, and tooke pleasure to behold the slaughter of such cruell enimies.
My Lord you are vniust, and more then so, In wrongfull quarrell, you haue slaine your son Tit.
Heere none but Souldiers, and Romes Seruitors, Repose in Fame: None basely slaine in braules, Bury him where you can, he comes not heere Mar.
Oh let me teach thee for my Fathers sake, That gaue thee life when well he might haue slaine thee: Be not obdurate, open thy deafe eares Tamo.
And of the Frenchmen were slaine aboue twelue hundred of the best men of warre they had, so that they gained not much.
In the same conflict were slaine of the Frenchmen no small number, as appeared by the dead bodies, which were seene euerie daie swimming about the English ships.
It was no maruell though this battell was lamentable to the French nation, for in it were taken and slaine the flower of all the nobilitie of France.
There were slaine (as Thomas Walsingham saith) at the point of fiue thousand, and two hundred taken prisoners, among whome was the marshall de Rous, and diuerse other of good account.
Titus Liuius saith, that there were slaine of Englishmen, beside the duke of Yorke, and the earle of Suffolke, an hundred persons at the first incounter.
Madam, Ime sorry my authority Enforces me to doe it: your sonn iust now Has slaine one Mr. Thurstone, and the law Commaunds us apprehend him.
There were slaine beside him, Walter lord Ferrers of Chartleie, sir Richard Radcliffe, and Robert Brakenberie lieutenant of the Tower, and not manie gentlemen more.
On the earle of Richmonds part were slaine scarse one hundred persons, among whome the principall was sir Willam Brandon his standard-bearer.
Sidenote: What persons of name were slaine on king Richards side.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slaine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.