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Example sentences for "yellowish"

Lexicographically close words:
yellowed; yellower; yellowest; yellowhammer; yellowing; yellowness; yellows; yellowy; yells; yelp
  1. The yellowish or purplish flowers of the Comfrey occur on stems 2-3 ft.

  2. The flowers of the Monkshood are usually deep purple-blue, but yellowish white ones are often found.

  3. The flowers of this Lousewort are yellowish and occur in crowded heads on low spreading stems, 4-6 in.

  4. The Dark Pentstemon usually bears wine-colored to nearly black flowers, though sometimes pale yellowish or whitish ones occur.

  5. The yellow or yellowish flowers of the Golden Borage are clustered at the ends of stems 4-10 in.

  6. The small yellowish to blue-purple and rose-purple flowers of the Clustered Pentstemon grow, as the name indicates, in crowded groups and bloom in early summer.

  7. Species does not remain all winter they have just returned and are of a Yellowish brown Colour.

  8. Shorter and of the Same form, being of a yellowish white colour except the edges of the Chaps, which are frequently of a dark brown.

  9. Colour is a uniform mixture of dark brown reather bordering on a dove colour, redish and yellowish brown with Some Small black Specks.

  10. Sea Green and Occupies one third of the diamiter of the eye, the iris is of a bright yellowish silver colour.

  11. Size, the puple of a deep Sea green encircled with a ring of yellowish brown.

  12. Small admixture of yellow and the iris of a Silvery white with a Small admixture of yellow and a little tirbed near its border with a yellowish brown.

  13. A number of drops were caught and preserved, and when the moisture was evaporated, there was seen the same kind of dust (as fell in showers in Genoa in 1846) of a yellowish brown or red color.

  14. Besides giving it a yellowish color, eggs convert it into mere frozen custard, particularly if instead of using real cream, it is made of milk thickened with arrow-root or flour.

  15. If the lean is of a very dark red, and coarse and hard, and the fat yellowish and spongy, the mutton is old, tough, and strong.

  16. The pain may be violent or dull, the head may throb terribly; the whites of the eyes have a yellowish look, and the face may be of a dark brown hue, the patient may vomit bile.

  17. There is a pasty yellowish pallor, afterwards dropsy of the abdominal and chest cavities.

  18. They assume a yellowish brown, then a yellow color, as they fade away and finally disappear.

  19. The tonsils are enlarged and studded with whitish or yellowish white points.

  20. The surface is pale, rough and granular; the capsule is thickened and partially adherent; the surface is thin with white and yellowish areas of fatty degenerations.

  21. There will be about an ounce of yellowish or brownish fluid for each three-quarters of a pound of meat used.

  22. It is usually stalagmitic or stalactitic in origin and is often of a yellowish colour.

  23. First the drop of yellowish serum; then a partial liquefaction, leaving a lump of solid matter; this gradually decreasing for three hours and a half, until it entirely disappears, and the whole mass is fluid.

  24. At the end of half an hour, there was seen to run about on the hard mass a particle of serous matter, inclining to a yellowish color.

  25. The dandy clerk of steamboat or store, in white grass frock, snowy ducks, and beaver hat, long furred and of light yellowish hue.

  26. It is embowered in groves of orange and lemon-trees, whose frondage of yellowish green glistens gaily in the distance.

  27. Its waters run at the rate of three or four miles to the hour, and are of a yellowish cast, with a slight tincture of "red.

  28. The celt was roughly blocked out of yellowish flint.

  29. Fragments of a rough bowl of yellowish pottery, which must have been of considerable size.

  30. A yellowish fruit sometimes used as a purgative.

  31. Small and upright herbs, with yellowish or purplish panicled-cymose flowers.

  32. A variety, growing in dry ground but retaining its leaves and blooming somewhat later, has greenish cream-colored or yellowish stronger-scented flowers.

  33. A variety with very short dense racemes and sweeter yellowish fruit has been found at Dedham, Mass.

  34. Invaluable for its soft, light, white or yellowish wood, in large trees nearly free from resin.

  35. Maybe Uncle Toby or the lady who owned him first taught Snuff to roll on top of a football," Ted answered, while the yellowish brown cat kept on stepping lightly this way and that, making the ball turn over and over.

  36. It is just the color of snuff, you see, a sort of yellowish brown.

  37. The strata in the base of these bluffs were yellowish white and had been cut by water into a series of little knolls and spurs like sand-dunes and equally bare of vegetation.

  38. The trachyte is of itself yellowish white; when it is stained with the black oxide of manganese and the red oxide of iron that variegates the ores, it is sure to carry silver, though this (in the form of a chloride) can rarely be seen.

  39. The quarries are in the side hill, and the stone is a yellowish sand-rock, very good for building.

  40. The body seemed full of air, and the skin soft and puffy, and of a light yellowish colour, with the exception of the extremities of the feet, which were hard and dark.

  41. Just where the four leaves are thus joined to the stem is a cluster of some six, eight, ten or even more, large, yellowish white, or greenish white blossoms.

  42. He saw what seemed to be a ring of yellowish smoke, and a dark-blue spot in the middle of the silvery mass beneath them.

  43. The tube was full of water with a faintly yellowish tinge.

  44. A sort of greasy yellowish stuff, always getting worn through; I believe it was made worn through.

  45. It is situated upon a vertical bluff of yellowish sandstone rock about twenty feet high and about four miles below Mr. Mitchell's ranch in the direction of the Ute Mountain and near its northeastern base.

  46. It is here only about fifty feet in depth, with vertical walls of yellowish gray sandstone.

  47. In the browner parts of this coal, sharp eyes will readily detect multitudes of curious little coin-shaped bodies, of a yellowish brown colour, embedded in the dark brown ground substance.

  48. The shell is of a yellowish or whitish color, does not exceed an inch in length, and is very common in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

  49. They are of a "yellowish buff or greenish yellow" color.

  50. Then we have the greenish yellow of the Welsbach mantle, the bluish green of the mercury arc, the yellowish white of the carbon arc, as well as the clear white of the titanium arc.

  51. Thus we may advance from red to yellow by graduations almost imperceptible, by the addition of yellow, to a reddish orange, and so on gradually to orange, continuing on to yellowish orange, finally revealing pure yellow.

  52. YO means yellowish orange, being an orange having more yellow than red in its composition.

  53. In other words, crimson, RV, would contrast with yellowish green, YG.

  54. Leaves of medium size, rather numerous, erect, very pale, or yellowish green; the stems and ribs light green.

  55. The seeds are flat, and very thin, membranous on the borders, of a yellowish color, and retain their vitality three years.

  56. The seeds are large, long, wrinkled, and of a yellowish color.

  57. The branches of the plant terminate in large umbels, or spherical bunches of yellowish flowers; which are succeeded by roundish fruits, each of which contains two crescent-shaped seeds.

  58. The seeds are large, oblong, flattened at the ends, and of a yellowish color.

  59. These are oblong, four-sided, of a yellowish color, and retain their vitality two years.

  60. Similar to the Green Purslain, but differing in the paler or yellowish color of the stalks and leaves.

  61. Ordinarily a yellowish or greenish tinge underlies the ornamental color, and if this latter disappears, the yellowish ground will become manifest.

  62. Among fruits there are also some positive red varieties of greenish or yellowish species, as for instance the red gooseberry (Ribes Grossularia) and the red oranges.

  63. Even the rare pale yellowish species of some of these genera have no tendency in this direction.

  64. Bark of trunk yellowish and splitting into filmy layers 5.

  65. A mere shrub to a large tree, with yellowish wood of excellent grain and durability.

  66. Japan; with ashy-gray bark, and white flowers turning yellowish or purplish with age; blooming in May, fruit ripe in August.

  67. Between childhood and middle age the skin varies in colour from dark yellowish in the younger individuals to blackish-brown, or black, in the adults (the latter colour largely predominating).

  68. Wagner, for the two agree in every respect except that the latter is lighter coloured, and has black hairs intermixed among the yellowish hairs on its head, tail, and limbs.

  69. The following three species form the fifth group of the Guenons, distinguished by their yellowish or rufous ear-tufts, and the three black lines over the forehead.

  70. The oaks just beginning to break out in yellowish tufts, [Sketch.

  71. And the grey, drifting cumuli with gaps of blue, and the cinnamon and purple woods, broken with yellowish poplars and pale willows, with red farms, and yellow gorse lighted up by the sun!

  72. The room gave upon a broad sunlit terrace with a balustrading of yellowish stone, on which there stood great oleanders.

  73. The great headland, with patches of yellowish old snow still lingering here and there upon its upper masses, had crept insensibly between us and the remote hotel and now hid it altogether.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yellowish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beige; buff; canary; cream; creamy; ecru; fallow; gilded; gilt; gold; golden; lemon; primrose; sallow; sandy; straw; yellow

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    yellowish brown; yellowish color; yellowish colour; yellowish green; yellowish white