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Example sentences for "poured"

Lexicographically close words:
pounding; pounds; pour; pource; poure; pourest; poureth; pouring; pourings; pourparlers
  1. With both hands he seized the can, and swinging it round him, poured its contents on the piled-up sheaves.

  2. He tossed the cube into his mixer, took up a bottle of light rum and poured in about two ounces.

  3. He poured it into a king-size highball glass and took it over to his chair.

  4. Pure water, poured from a skin bottle, was their only beverage.

  5. The Indian chief, taking upon himself the office of doctor, poured some water down their throats, and then gave them a small quantity of food.

  6. The Indian chief, applying a leathern bottle to Wenlock's mouth, poured some water down his throat.

  7. Tossed and buffeted by the seas, the water poured in through many a leak.

  8. One kind of eating acid is poured in one end, and sealed with wax.

  9. Another kind of acid is poured in the other, and sealed up.

  10. For two hours, volley after volley was poured in upon the human mass--the stream being literally red with blood, and covered with the bodies of the slain.

  11. There is a Power which considers its Justice, and will demand of us the blood we have wickedly poured out; blood of Americans, blood of the Mexicans!

  12. Had he favored the Sadducees, he had been a great man in their camp, and Herod would gladly have poured wine for the eloquent Galilean, and have satisfied the carpenter's son with purple and fine linen.

  13. George poured half a tumblerful down Lycidas's throat that time.

  14. The next morning there was a fresh wind, the "McLellan" was caught again, and the water poured into her, a steady stream.

  15. Nor do I dare say how much he poured down afterwards.

  16. But I seized the goblet, poured into it what was left in the bottom, and carried it in to Morton as quietly as I could.

  17. One of the men at work got the news on board; and up through the hatches poured everybody, sick and well, to see the black stranger, and to hear his news from England.

  18. The sun poured down through the dangling eucalyptus leaves.

  19. You have poured out your money like water!

  20. The people poured along the winding walls, entered the pretty cottages, were much impressed by a little flock of well-floored tents in another corner, but came back with Ohs!

  21. The nation, therefore, embarked in the crusades to the Holy Land with fierceness, unchecked by chivalric gallantry, and recklessly poured out its best blood in the chace of a phantom.

  22. In reading the Arcadia, it is impossible to separate the author from the work, or to think that he has not poured forth all those imaginings of his fancy which his heart had marked for its own.

  23. England, and a few years after the circumstances in his time already alluded to, the Scots commanded by James Earl Douglas, taking advantage of the troubles between the King and his parliament, poured upon the south.

  24. Lastly, it is poured into wooden colanders, to filter it thoroughly of the molasses it still contains.

  25. The consequence was, that the teapot had no sooner been placed upon it than it began to slide; and nothing but the captain's adroitness prevented the entire "bill of fare" from being poured into the laps of the guests.

  26. A small quantity was dropped into a delicate porcelain cup, boiling water was poured upon it, and a tightly- fitting cover then adjusted to the cup.

  27. During the last hour of the ascent the sun had been veiled in mists, and from the neighbouring glaciers dense clouds now poured down upon them, obscuring or concealing the entire prospect.

  28. The water is poured on, and allowed to boil.

  29. Then she took a dirty rag, strained through it the delicate mixture, and poured it over the meat in the larger vessel.

  30. You have done a very rash and unwise thing, monsieur," he had commented regretfully, and it was in answer to this that I poured out the whole story.

  31. He poured forth a thousand ordures of speech in his frenzy; he heaped insults upon me and imprecations upon the King, whose lapdog he pronounced me.

  32. I had kissed his hands; I had poured forth my thanks; I had reached the door already, and he was in the act of turning to La Fosse, when it came into my head to glance at the warrant he had given me.

  33. I saw one old blind man of ninety who had been wrapped by the soldiers in cloths on which they poured oil, and then, setting them on fire, left him to his fate.

  34. I was quite capable of emptying the rest of the jug myself, and poured out a second glass, with the remark that I had not meant to offend Mr. Blother, and I would now try to make it up to him.

  35. Whenever they congregated somewhere to make an entrance, he appeared at a window above them, and poured down water on their heads.

  36. We did not address another word to each other until he had carefully poured out from its basket-cradle a glass of the wonderful port.

  37. Attracted by the fame of this chieftain, other tribes poured down into these valleys, until by 1720 several hundred thousand persons were living where thirty years before not a soul was to be seen.

  38. But when she had poured the hot water into a bowl she sat down in the Windsor chair by the fire and gazed into the hot coals.

  39. Dick read it and crushed it in his hand while Tom poured out his full heart.

  40. Had it not been for this, the troops who poured into Rome that morning and were marching straight upon the castle might possibly have entered it with ease, because the artillery was doing them no damage.

  41. From Geneva books poured into France; and the French church was ever appealing for ministers, yet never appealed in vain.

  42. Secret denunciations poured into the open ear of the minister.

  43. He poured out a tumultuous cry vibrant with every passion raging in him.

  44. He arose to his full height, leaned toward her with outspread quivering wings, and crest flared to the utmost, and rocking from side to side in the intensity of his fervour, he poured out a perfect torrent of palpitant song.

  45. He almost strained his voice trying to rival the love-song of a skylark that hung among the clouds above a meadow across the river, and poured down to his mate a story of adoring love and sympathy.

  46. They had confessed themselves to be as water poured upon the ground--perfectly helpless, perfectly worthless.

  47. The Philistines knew nothing of what had taken place--the water poured out, the penitential cry, the offering up of the lamb, the priestly intercession.

  48. He poured out from a decanter half a glass of whiskey.

  49. Cameron watched her go, then poured for himself a glass of milk from a pitcher that always stood upon the table for any who might be returning home late at night, and drank it slowly, pondering the situation the while.

  50. In hurried eager speech she poured forth her heart as if anxious to finish her tale--her voice, her eyes, her face all eloquent of the intense emotion that filled her soul.

  51. She was a trifle dazed, also, at the flood of words which had poured from Mrs. Erickson's lips.

  52. Rebecca Mary poured two cups of coffee for him in a demure little way which Peter found quite enchanting, and his eyes told her so as they followed her to the other side of the table.

  53. But there was nothing sentimental to Joan in the fact that Rebecca Mary had poured Peter two cups of coffee.

  54. Powerful philosophic schools, the Cynic and the Epicurean, poured contempt on all the arts of divination.

  55. Juvenal and Martial poured their scorn on those unequal dinners, where the guests were graduated, and where poorer wine and coarser viands were served out to those of humble degree.

  56. Often of oriental extraction, these women were the most prominent votaries of the cults or superstitions which poured into Rome from the prolific East.

  57. Seneca, indeed, poured contempt on the grossness of myth in a lost treatise on superstition;(2070) and he had no liking for the external rites of worship.

  58. The Cynics, from the days of Antisthenes, had poured contempt on the popular religion and the worship of material images of the Divine.

  59. Apollonius poured contempt on the animal worship of Egypt, even when defended by the dialectic subtlety of Greece.

  60. Costly jewels and the rarest luxuries of the toilet poured in upon her from regions which were only visited by the captains of Red Sea merchantmen, or by some Pythagorean ascetic seeking the fountains of the wisdom of the East.

  61. But some of their class also displayed that coarse and brutal self-assertion, and that ignorant contempt for the refinement of culture, on which Persius and Juvenal poured their scorn.

  62. Money poured in; all his ventures prospered.

  63. This didn't look a bit good to me, and when, an instant later, off came the hatch and out poured thick volumes of smoke, I failed to observe that it looked any better.

  64. To the surprise of every one, a hot fire poured into the thicket failed to bring a single answering shot.

  65. It is absorbed by the vessels called "lacteals," and poured into the veins on the left side of the neck.

  66. If different coloured sands be shaken together in a bottle, the various grains will mix together, but not combine: but if water be poured on quick lime, the water will combine with the lime, and not mix with it.

  67. Why does COLD WATER, poured on LIME, make it intensely HOT?

  68. Why is a CHINA CUP broken, if HOT WATER be poured over it, or into it?

  69. As wood is a bad conductor, the heat of the boiling water is not so quickly conveyed to the wooden handle, nor so quickly poured into the hand by it, as when the handle is made of metal.

  70. Making his way through all, Sir Osborne proceeded directly towards the spot where a small window in the roof poured its light upon a large barrel, the contents of which were undergoing inspection by the worthy Fleming whom he sought.

  71. The monk saw that the good man's end was approaching fast, and placing the crucifix in his dying hand, he poured the words of consolation in his ear; but Dr.

  72. The rain poured upon his head, the lightning flashed upon his path; but still the knight followed on without a moment's pause, till he had seen the traveller take refuge in the cottage of the charcoal-burner.

  73. The sun poured into the room from the western windows and a thousand motes danced in its beams.

  74. He turned back to the table and poured himself a cup of steaming coffee.

  75. An unbroken stream of profanity and obscenity poured from his rarely silent mouth, and he heaped withering scorn on any attempt at decent speech.

  76. At that moment a third man appeared carrying a big tank full of water which he poured over the man in the gutter.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    poured forth; poured over; poured upon