We were a trifle anxious as to what kind of surface we should find farther on; that these few hummocks and old crevasses were all the glacier had to offer us this time, was more than we dared to hope.
Jesus said this to signify by what kind of death Peter would glorify God.
All who heard were filled with wonder at what kind of child this would be!
Then those nearby said one to another, What kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey?
The disciples marvelled and said, What kind of man is this who even the winds and the sea obey!
What kind of saying is it that He said, You will look for me and will not find me?
I followed him to his habitat, being very willing to see in what kind of warren he burrowed, and thinking I might pick up something about the boarders who had excited my curiosity.
What kind of a constituency is this which is to look to you as its authorized champions in the struggle of life against its numerous enemies?
What kind of audience or reading parish is a man who secured his constituency in middle life, or before that period, to expect when he has reached the age of threescore and twenty?
Q "What kind of kitchen, or seasoning, is most profitable?
For look you, what kindof a life can a man lead situated as I am?
Therefore, after a short silence, he asked: "What kind of relics are you carrying?
Tell me, what kind of a man he is, so that I may know how to talk with him!
What kind of people are they; is it possible to fight with them?
What kind of hussars do you know, you brazen-faced creature?
What kind of a suggestion could come from me, Samsón Sílych?
What kind of a teacher should I be, when you yourself, perhaps, are ten times wiser than I am?
What kind of sciences would you talk about with them?
What kind of a blockhead am I, that I should do anything so rude?
Say, here, what kind of a row was this last night you got a man killed in?
She no longer felt defiant towards the spoken and unspoken criticism she met everywhere: "What kind of women can these be whose men allow them to drive alone with us for hours, and sometimes days?
What does your heart do in absence, what kind of man are you when there is no one but Alfred, who will say: 'Forget her'?
But, we ask, the events taking place exactly as we have described them (and sometimes even less seriously), what kind of an example can it afford?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "what kind" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.