All right, but make sure you get those filters down in time.
But I forgot to yank down those dark filters over the ends of the Zeiss.
If you fire it, just before, you slide the filters over the ends of your binoculars like so.
A slow seepage of water filters through the open pores of the vessel which immediately evaporates in the dry air and lowers the temperature.
The surface water which filters through from above reappears in numerous springs of clear cold water in the bottom of the canon.
In front of the beautiful arcade, which is terribly bruised and obliterated, is one of those walks of interlaced tilleuls which are so frequent in Touraine, and into which the green light filters so softly through a lattice of clipped twigs.
Innumerable forms of filters made with these and other materials were put on the market, and were extolled as removing impurities of every kind from water, and as affording complete protection against the communication of disease.
But even filters of this type, if they are to be fully relied upon, must be frequently cleaned and sterilized, and great care must be taken that the joints and connexions are watertight, and that the candles are without cracks or flaws.
The contents of the charcoal filters are conveyed straight to the smelting-works.
When this operation is over the contents of the barrels are discharged into draining-vats, from whence the water and the gold, put into a state of solution, are drained into charcoal filters below.
It was noticed that while the raw sewage filters very slowly, so that 500 c.
The wide campagna of the gulf country sways in the Potomac breeze that filters in at the window, and the Mississippi climbs up the wall, with blotches of blue and red to show where blood gushed at the bursting of deadly bombs.
There are women within the court proper, edging upon the reporters, introduced there by a fussy usher, and through four windows filters the imperfect daylight, making all things distinguishable, yet shadowy.
The filters can be rapidly and automatically cleaned by reversing the flow of water through them.
For this purpose the water is led to a group of fourfilters (see L, Fig.
The percentage of water used in washing the filters was also reduced, from 4.
The effect of hypochlorite on the reduction of algae growths on slow sand filters was first noticed by Houston during the treatment of the Lincoln supply in 1905.
Water from the pre-filters (polarite and sand) was treated with bleach to give a concentration of 1 p.
This increase is not so great with rapid as with slow sand filters but in some instances it has led to appreciable economies.
Copper sulphate had been previously used in conjunction with the filters but stock shippers complained that the water had a deleterious effect upon the animals consuming it.
As a war measure, the storage was eliminated and the water treated with hypochlorite at Staines and allowed to flow by gravitation to the various works where the slow sand filters are situated.
The filters are washed with hot water, and if the filtrates are wanted flasks are placed beneath, if not, the solution is drained off down the sink.
If one filters slowly or is in any way less forward than the rest, it may lessen the accuracy of the other assays, owing to oxidation, &c.
Precipitation or reduction (or whatever it may be) is now made; the assistant filters the prepared samples, one at a time, whilst the assayer is engaged with the others.
In drying sulphides the heat must not be raised to the melting point of sulphur, since, if there is any free sulphur present, it fuses and filters through.
The assayer sees to this and (whilst the funnels and filters are being prepared) makes any separation that is necessary.
Communication's effect on adversity is that of purification, for conversation purges minds of fear and lonliness and gradually filters irrationality from one's thoughts into non-existence.
The filters, by which the water is purified, are simply layers of sand, much the same as have been in use for many years, although in some cases chemistry is brought in and the work of the filters aided by the action of precipitants.
It is estimated that about four times as much water filters out from the thousands of tiny filters at the tips of the kidney tubes as comes out at their ends to be carried down to the bladder.
Colour filters were also used for obtaining red, yellow and blue lights.
In practice, the usual colour filters were found very convenient, as they allowed the application of more intense light.
Linen filters are for this reason preferable for large quantities, and those of smooth bibulous paper for small ones.
Among the many new kinds of portable filters now offered for sale, which claim special notice, are the following, viz.
Filters of unsized paper are well suited for all liquids that are not of a corrosive or viscid nature, and are universally employed for filtering small quantities of liquids in the laboratory.
The most efficient filter is produced when the first two or the first three are so graduated to the others that liquid filters rapidly, and is at the same time rendered perfectly transparent.
The filters already noticed are those that act by the fluid descending through the media; but in some cases the reverse method is employed, and the liquid filters upwards, instead of downwards.
In the small way, filters of linen or paper are sometimes employed; but as all media sufficiently fine to render vegetable solutions transparent soon choke up, this filtration is objectionable, from the length of time it occupies.
Another plan is, after long agitation and subsequent repose, to decant the clearer portion from the grosser sediment, and to employ separate filters for the two.
But the great expense of such filters precludes the possibility of frequently cleaning or renewing them, by which means they can alone be kept in an efficient state.
Both strainers and filters act on the same principles as the common sieve on powders; they all, in like manner, retain or hold back the coarser matter, and permit the liquid or smaller and more attenuated particles to pass through.
While plaintiffs argue that a public library's use of such filters is subject to strict scrutiny, the government maintains that the applicable standard is rational basis review.
He filters through a few minds, until gradually his ideas become commonplace enough to be powerful.
On the contrary, in plains, as the water which filters through the earth can find no vent, it must collect in subterraneous caverns, or be dispersed and divided among sand and gravel.
This method consists in driving deeply down into the soil several hundred stakes to the acre; the waterfilters down along the stakes, and in some cases as favorable results have been obtained by this means as by horizontal drains.
In some instances pits have been sunk along the banks of large rivers and the water whichfilters into them pumped up to supply aqueducts.
Figures 20 and 21 represent the two end boxes, R, R, as red lightfilters and the middle one, G, as a green light filter.
The influence of the light filters themselves upon the brightness must be taken into account.
It is to be understood, of course, that each of the three filters transmitted, so far as the eye is concerned, only the color named.
The filters were removed, the illumination of one electric-box was made 74 candle meters, that of the other 3, and the changes of the lighter box from left to right were made at irregular intervals.
Of all the filters used the green finally proved the least satisfactory.
These three sets of filters were examined spectroscopically both before the experiments had been made and after their completion.
The nearest approach that it is possible for me to make to such an objective measurement is a statement of the composition and thickness of the filters and of the candle-meter value of the light when it entered the filter.
It is important to note, however, that the red and the blue-violet filters were mutually exclusive in the portions of the spectrum which they transmitted.
I therefore removed the light filters so that the colors which had been present as conditions of discrimination were lacking, and arranged the apparatus so that first one box, then the other, was illuminated the more brightly.
Three filterswere used thus side by side in order that the position of a given color with reference to the electric-boxes might be changed readily.
Small faucetfilters are made of porous stone, asbestos, charcoal, etc.
Unless this is done, thefilters may become incubators for bacteria.
When first used, filters are satisfactory, but unless carefully looked after they soon lose their ability to remove germs from the water and may increase the impurity by accumulation.
Among the most efficient forms of water filters are the Berkefeld and Pasteur.
They washed the filters carefully at intervals and distilled the solvent to recover the precious residue of dust.
If we could run the air through large filters of metal wool, the dust would be removed!
I'll bet we could get permission at either place to revamp the intake and outlet ducts so we could put in ourfilters and precipitators.
We can wash down these filters with a solvent of some kind periodically and distill whatever has collected on them.
Maybe they could have saved some of the cars if they had rigged more efficient filters on the air intakes.
There are a number of such filters of different degrees of porosity manufactured, and they are often used to procure pure water for drinking, for which use they are more or less, generally however, less efficacious.
There is a greater pressure in the vessels than in the fluid outside of them, and the fluid filters through the wall as fluid filters through a thin membrane outside of the body.
These filters have been studied microscopically by grinding very thin sections and measuring the diameter of the spaces in the material.
Its size is such that it passes the coarse, but is held back by the finer, filters and it is possible that this does not belong to the same class with the others.
When the coarser of such filters have been long in domestic service in filtering drinking water, bacteria may grow in and through them giving greater bacterial content to the supposed bacteria-free filtrate than in the filtering water.
In laboratory uses, denser filters of smaller diameters are used, and the filter is surrounded by the fluid to be tested.
The fluid was then filtered through porcelain filterswhich were known to hold back all objects of the size of the smallest bacteria and the disease produced by inoculating with the clear filtrate.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.