The last session really did nothing which can be considered final as to these questions.
Questions of vast moment, left undecided by the last session of Congress, must be manfully grappled with by this.
The South must be opened to the light of law and liberty, and this session of Congress is relied upon to accomplish this important work.
The advantage of the present session over the last is immense.
The Extra Session of the New-York legislature adjourned on the 11th of July, after passing several important bills.
The convention called to frame the new constitution was insession during a part of the year, and after its labors were completed, Mr. Webster undertook to recommend the result to the then doubtful favor of the people.
During the long session of the Fifty-seventh Congress, a Cuban reciprocity bill being before the House, the sugar-beet interest demonstrated its power.
In 1894 a ten months' session of the famous Lexow legislative committee in New York City uncovered voluminous evidence of corrupt municipal government there.
In its first regular session the same Congress enacted the Wilson Tariff.
The excitement created caused the measure to be dropped for the session, but it was brought in again in the session following, and it passed through all its stages in the Lords without trouble and with much rapidity.
At the end of the session he was released, and now, in the closing days of Anne's reign, all eyes turned to him as a rising man and a certain bulwark of the new dynasty.
I mean that monster the excise; that plan of arbitrary power which is expected to be laid before this House in the present session of Parliament.
I am told that you would have no difficulty in carrying on the business of the session if Lord Reginald and his party supported you.
In two months you can join us in London, where the next session of Parliament will be held.
The time given to religious instruction is, to make a general statement, the only part of the session in which the children are being prepared for a formal external examination.
The first forty minutes of the morning session are given, in almost every elementary school, to what is called Religious Instruction.
Lord Loudon and the President of the Session of Scotland made their escape.
If the present convention had any regard to self-preservation or that of their constituents they would this session have made new laws for the further security of privilege.
That Session was made memorable to Crooks in another sense.
The second reading not having been reached when the Session closed, the Bill fell through.
Although the Unemployed Bill passed second reading with a majority of 217, the Session dragged wearily on with little prospect of its getting through the Committee stage and becoming law.
You are, I gather, of opinion that this by itself is not sufficient, and you suggest that a special Session of Parliament is required to meet the emergency.
His agitation for the unemployed in the House of Commons, which formed the main part of his parliamentary life for a couple of years, began with the opening of the Session of 1904.
As the distress deepened with the approach of winter, the Poplar Guardians pressed for an Autumn Session of Parliament.
It is not understood that the condition of the insurrection in Cuba has materially changed since the close of the last session of Congress.
Therefore, with these facts in view, it seems to me that wise statesmanship, at this sessionof Congress, would dictate legislation ignoring the past; directing in proper channels these great elements of prosperity to any people.
The following messages were sent to the specialsession of the Senate convened by proclamation (see pp.
Lastly, (7) this is the only place in the Gospel where The Session at the right Hand of GOD is recorded.
See the description of a session of Parliament in Richard the Redeless, passus iii.
A bailiff of Chichester was fined in 1395 for not attending at a session of the peace, and as he had no lands and chattels to seize for the debt, two citizens were charged with the payment of the fine.
But the session on throne or in nest is not the divine period.
He had reason to expect that the persecution, from which in the preceding session he had narrowly escaped, would be renewed.
Some weeks after the close of that session during which he had exercised a boundless authority over the Scottish Parliament, he went to London with his two principal confederates, the Earl of Annandale and the Lord Ross.
The summer glided away: the autumn was approaching: the session could not last much longer; and of the twelve distinct inquisitions, which the Commons had resolved to institute, only three had been brought to a close.
The last three months of the session had been almost entirely wasted in disputes, which have left no trace in the Statute Book.
The King had entertained a hope that, during the recess, the animosities which had in the preceding session prevented an Act of Indemnity from passing would have been mitigated.
They had scarcely recovered from the joyful surprise with which they had heard it announced from the throne that the session was at an end.
The murderer was seized, and proved to be a wretch who, having treated his wife barbarously and turned her out of doors, had been compelled by a decree of the Court of Session to provide for her.
But the Claim of Right had not defined the form of Church government which was to be substituted for episcopacy; and, during the stormy Session held in the summer of 1689, the violence of the Club had made legislation impossible.
The convention had been in session for more than three months.
The convention had been in session for 81 continuous days.
This memorial seems to be Argyll's account of the session written for the use of Godolphin.
Nor can it be doubted that Seafield and Cockburn of Ormiston were adroit and ready debaters; while Fletcher's speeches in the session of 1703 are, so far as polished language and close reasoning go, superior to any of Belhaven's.
I have taken my account of the ministerial crisis in Scotland, and of the events which took place there before the session of 1705, chiefly from the Godolphin Correspondence in the British Museum, Add.
He then took the advice of Glasgow and Annandale as to how the business of the session was to be managed, and their opinion was that Tweeddale, Roxburghe, and some of their friends must resign before Parliament met.
His nephew Andrew, afterwards a judge of the Court of Session under the title of Lord Milton, who was then studying at Leyden, hearing that his uncle wished to return home, hurried to Paris.
We should have been told, one member said, at the beginning of the session that we were called together merely to vote money, and then adjourn.
The session ended quietly on the 21st of September, when the Commissioner touched with the sceptre the Acts to which he had obtained leave to give the royal assent, of which the most important was the 'Act for a Treaty with England.
In the last session they had supported Hamilton's resolution postponing the settlement of the Crown until a commercial treaty with England had been adjusted.
That no judge should sit in Parliament, or hold any other office, and that the office of President of the Court of Session should be in three of the judges, named by the Estates.
During this short session an incident took place which was very characteristic of Fletcher.
During the rest of the session Fletcher spoke frequently.
In the summer session of the Church Assembly, in June 1938, Dr.
The morning session ended with words of greetings by the Rev.
Its first ordinary session took place at Saint-Germain (near Paris), in January, 1939.
In January 1939, at the First ordinary session of the Provisional Committee of the World Council of Churches, the Bishop of Chichester proposed that the Council create a special department to deal with refugee problems.
In the first days of the session he gave notice of his intention to bring in his bill; and quickly followed up his notice with its actual introduction.
At this last stage of the session I do not rise to renew the discussion of this question.
His statement is this: "During the session of 1822, Congress was informed that an act was pending in Parliament for the opening of the colonial ports to the commerce of the United States.
The maintenance of order among the persons present, as mentioned in Article 42, must be entrusted to the Field-Cornet appointed to that purpose by the Landrost of the district where the session is held.
He shall also give a report during that session of that Volksraad, of his actions during the past year, of the condition of the Republic and everything that concerns its general interest.
This ordinary meeting is opened in a united session on the first Monday in the month of May, under the Presidency of the Chairman of the First Volksraad.
The Volksraad does not separate before all matters of business which must be treated of are finished, and the session is closed by the President of the Volksraad.
The Chairman shall be able to summon an extraordinarysession of the Raad according to the state of affairs.
In the first ordinary session of the Second Volksraad it shall be decided by lot which members shall belong to that half which must resign already after the lapse of the first two years.
He reports to the first following sessionof the Volksraad with regard to these transactions.
The Executive Council shall hold session on the second Monday of each second month, and at such other times as the President may desire.
His Majesty's Speech on the Occasion of the Opening of the Session of the Hawaiian Legislature of 1856.
His Majesty's Speech at the Opening of the Session of the Hawaiian Legislature of 1858.
Nobles and Representatives, in conformity with the Constitution, I now and hereby do declare this session of the Legislature to be prorogued.
His Majesty's Speech upon Proroguing theSession of the Legislature of 1856.
I have heard with satisfaction that the amendments of the Constitution which I suggested and laid open to your consideration, have been acted upon, and I do not doubt that the next session will see them confirmed and made effective.
His Majesty's Speech at the Opening of the Extraordinary Session of the Legislature.
I now free you from further attendance, and prorogue you till the Session of next year.
By the time the court had concluded its session it was eight o'clock in the evening.
Congress sits in uninterrupted session and senators lend their voices night and day to the destruction of the Grass.
They met in extraordinary session in Budapest and declared themselves the executive body of a world government, which did not of course include the Socialist Union.
The president immediately called an extrasession of Congress.