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Example sentences for "century"

Lexicographically close words:
centurial; centuriata; centuries; centurion; centurions; ceo; ceorl; ceorle; ceorls; cependant
  1. Probably its fourth century of fame will bring it more visitors than ever before, including our friends, the little delegates from Portugal and Italy, who hope to swim near by.

  2. A little Ark on a little Ararat, it was built nearly a century ago by Jonah Atkins for Noah Smith; Noah and Jonah--surely names of men equipped to go a voyage.

  3. Damaged by sieges, and imperfectly repaired from time to time, the important stronghold was often neglected; but at the end of the eighteenth century the present works were finished by the English.

  4. Here is slate enough to supply schoolboys the world over for many a century to come.

  5. It may also be mentioned that Nicholas Denys published a book in Paris in the latter half of the seventeenth century in which he refers to the Bras d'Or Lake as "Le Lac de Labrador.

  6. It was blown down over a half-century ago.

  7. Illustration] Towards the close of the seventeenth century Frontenac passed away.

  8. Towards the middle of the century the population of Louisbourg had increased to 4000, and it was rapidly becoming a place of great importance.

  9. France at the opening of the seventeenth century to colonize Acadia, in which old-time domain New Brunswick was included.

  10. This sixteenth century invasion of Canada seems very remote to us; but long before Columbus, Cabot or Cartier set foot on the Western Continent, other Europeans had visited it.

  11. The Musquodoboit River country to the east of Halifax had French settlements fully half a century before the first British settler arrived at what is now the great stronghold and capital city of Nova Scotia.

  12. During the earlier half of the sixteenth century the majority of the gentry were continually growing poorer, and a minority were growing richer.

  13. Mr. Oman, of All Souls, considers that the hand, the same throughout, of the copyist is of ordinary seventeenth century character.

  14. A century later the name of the Duke of Monmouth, who had resided for a few months only, was kept on the Corpus books for many years.

  15. Taken in connexion with the general argument, it resolves itself into a courtly seventeenth century solace to the monarch for an obligatory return to Parliamentary government.

  16. In a narrative printed a century after his death a general assertion of his fondness for books of voyages occurs.

  17. For half a century from the time of the original issue it was an accepted classic.

  18. A list in two manuscript volumes of all members of the Middle Temple from the commencement of the sixteenth century has lately been completed by order of the Benchers.

  19. For a century past it has been denominated Hayes Barton, or simply Hayes.

  20. It is only in the time of Shalmaneser II--the ninth century B.

  21. The Greeks spoke of him as belonging to a remote age, but modern scholars assign the period of his life to the latter half of the seventh and early sixth century B.

  22. Babylonian Archaeology Until about the middle of the nineteenth century our knowledge of the history and antiquities of Babylonia and Assyria was extremely scanty.

  23. But during the new Babylonian period it was once more sacked by order of southern rulers, and at the end of the seventh century B.

  24. The Sabbatic meetings during the fifteenth century in the wood of Mofflaines, near Arras, had as their centre a goat-demon with a human countenance, and a like fiend was adored in Germany and in Scotland.

  25. About the beginning of the third century B.

  26. It must always be extremely difficult to trace such resemblances at an epoch so distant as that of the ninth century B.

  27. Its site, however, did not lose its sanctity, for it was used as a cemetery and partially inhabited till the twelfth century A.

  28. In the half century the hut of the first Governor sent from Tranquebar had grown into the "beautiful little town" which delighted the first Baptist missionaries.

  29. Writing in 1828, he declared that the Serampore missionaries "have laboured with the most earnest assiduity for a quarter of a century (Dr.

  30. That century was passed in the necessary collection of facts, of data.

  31. And every ebullition of anger and every uncontrollable display of indignation will be fuel to their disposition twenty, or thirty, or forty years from now--fuel for a bad fire a quarter of a century from this.

  32. To get a living in this next to the last decade of the nineteenth century is a struggle.

  33. The eighteenth century did not practise on its own account that respect for conscience which it, nevertheless, powerfully and to its glory promoted.

  34. The declaration of American Independence was solemn and grave; it began with an appeal to those natural rights which the eighteenth century had everywhere learned to claim.

  35. At the same time splendid works in the most diverse directions maintained at the topmost place in the world that scientific genius of France which the great minds of the seventeenth century had revealed to Europe.

  36. But if the eighteenth century had done only that, if such had been merely its chief characteristic, can any one suppose that it would have carried in its wake so many and such important matters, that it would have so moved the world?

  37. The eighteenth century espied certain evils, certain sores in the social and political condition, believed in a cure, and blindly relied on the power of its own theories.

  38. Grandeur is the distinctive characteristic of Montesquieu's ideas, as it is of the seventeenth century altogether.

  39. Montesquieu and Fontenelle were the last links which united the seventeenth century to the new era.

  40. Being men of the world as well as of letters, the philosophers of the eighteenth century had passed their lives in the pleasantest and most brilliant regions of that society which was so much attacked by them.

  41. The great ardor and the rare aptitude for distant enterprises which had so often manifested themselves in France from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century seemed to be henceforth extinguished.

  42. It will take them half a century to repair the damage," wrote an American officer in his journal of the expedition on the St. Lawrence.

  43. And if I were asked to explain this originality, I should say that he was a covenanter coming in the wake of the eighteenth century and the transcendental philosophy.

  44. The feud between Freeman and Froude was, of course, a standing dish in the educated world of half a century ago.

  45. In other words, did the man of the third century understand, or report, or interpret facts in the same way as the man of the sixteenth or the nineteenth?

  46. What nation had within a single century more than doubled its population without having built or endowed a score of new churches?

  47. St. Paul was shocked at hearing of divisions in the Church of Corinth, but enlightened statesmen of the nineteenth century appear to be shocked at the idea of allowing Christianity to be offered to the heathens without its unhappy divisions!

  48. The capital of Tasmania is built upon gently rising ground, and though within the present century its site was mere bush-land, it has now some good streets, with large and handsome shops and houses.

  49. Remains that tale which carries itself over a span of a century and a half, linking lives of the present to lives of men and women whose very graves long since have passed from sight of folk.

  50. Doc Stooder knew that beneath him lay the mission site; how deeply the blown sands of more than a century had buried it he could not guess.

  51. For a half-century the lucent rope of moonbeam green had lain in the treasure vaults of the Franciscan College in the City of Mexico awaiting this hour of restoration.

  52. It is interesting to note that there was one association of women in the century of the Reformation that bears close resemblance to the Béguines and the Sisters of the Common Life.

  53. During the first century and the first half of the second century continued persecution compelled the religious communities of the new faith to live in almost complete seclusion.

  54. In the twelfth century there were still deaconesses at Constantinople.

  55. Toward the close of the twelfth century great corruption of morals and open abuses prevailed in society, and also in the Church.

  56. Shortly after the close of the first century the Emperor Trajan sent the younger Pliny as prefect to Bithynia in Asia Minor.

  57. From the last half of the fifth century the diaconate of women declined in importance.

  58. This spirit of compassion and of sympathy has grown with every century in the Christian era, and at no time has it been stronger in the history of the world than it is to-day.

  59. In other words, we shall not expect to take the female diaconate of the days of the apostles and transport it unchanged, into nineteenth century environments.

  60. The first years of the present century were sad years for Germany.

  61. The fourth century was the blossoming period of woman's diaconate, when it attained its highest importance.

  62. In the latter half of the fourth century the distinguished Christian teacher, Ephrem the Syrian, in Edessa, placed rows of beds for the sick and starving.

  63. In the early part of the present century Southey voiced the complaint, long reiterated, that Protestantism had no missionaries.

  64. In the first half of the sixteenth century there were at least eighty-seven sister-houses, mostly in the Netherlands.

  65. In commenting on our remark that in the eighth century "Pope Hadrian called upon the Christian world to think of Jesus as a man," Dr.

  66. On the tombstones of Christians of the fourth century are pictures representing, not Jesus, but a lamb, working the miracles mentioned in the gospels, such as multiplying the loaves and fishes, and raising Lazarus from the dead.

  67. Illustration: The Lamb Multiplying the Loaves and Fishes, IV Century Sarcophagus.

  68. The vacant space which early in this century lay in front of the house of Don Isidro Lorea is now a public Plaza, planted with trees, laid out with walks, one of the breathing-places of the great straggling city.

  69. In the first year of the century was published the Telegrafo Mercantil, which was succeeded in the following year by the Semanario.

  70. One of the foremost Dutch poets of the century is Petrus Augustus de Génestet.

  71. There can be no doubt that during the nineteenth century the doors and windows were kept open rather too long.

  72. About a century ago a game called 'Malien' was universally played in South Holland and Utrecht.

  73. Granting that wages are much higher than half a century ago, when bread cost fivepence-halfpenny the loaf as against three halfpence to-day, and when clothes and furniture cost fifty per cent.

  74. At the end of the eighteenth century they were often political and even revolutionary bodies.

  75. Even in the ninth century Holland produced a composer famous in the annals of music in the person of the monk Huchbald of St. Amand, in Flanders.

  76. In the eighteenth century driving a hoop was as popular an amusement with children as it is now, only then it was also a sport, and prizes were given to the most skilful.

  77. In the eighteenth century it was very popular as a vehicle for the zeal of fiery reformers who thus vented their opinions on burning political questions of the day.

  78. Are we of the nineteenth century to be told that any man--I don't care how he calls himself--has a vested right in the sight or inspection of objects devised and designed and completed centuries before he was born?

  79. But, arter all, I'd have you to remember we are far more like your people of a century back than you yourselves are.

  80. Propaganda through most of the twentieth century was pretty clearly limited by the U.

  81. The vocabulary of seventeenth-century propaganda had a strident tone which is, perhaps unfortunately, getting to be characteristic of the twentieth century.

  82. He knew well that the tactics of his time called for every century of men to have one light-carrier and one torch-bearer for the group.

  83. It is often forgotten that some of the deadliest and most effective revolutionary enterprises in the nineteenth century were undertaken without the consent or assistance of the existing governments.

  84. The Communists had shown that a modern man-god could be set up and worshipped in a twentieth-century state, and called leader (Vozhd in Russian).

  85. At the end of the 7th century the dynasty of S'rutavarman ceased to rule over the whole of Cambodia, which during the next century was divided into two portions ruled over by two sovereigns.

  86. Carus and his sons (latter half of the 3rd century A.

  87. The bulk of the other collegiate buildings are of the 18th century or modern.

  88. From the beginning until near the end of the 19th century they were very largely under British influence.

  89. On the expulsion of the Danes by Edward in the 10th century it was included in East Anglia, but in the 11th century was again overrun by the Danes, who in the course of their devastations burnt Cambridge.

  90. In the 10th century Calne (Canna, Kalne) was the site of a palace of the West-Saxon kings.

  91. About the beginning of the 19th century Dr Wollaston invented a simple form of the camera lucida which gives bright and erect images.

  92. From the last decade of the 13th century there dates a valuable description of Tchin-la[2] written by a member of a Chinese embassy thereto.

  93. Calicut is of considerable antiquity; and about the 7th century it had its population largely increased by the immigration of the Moplahs, a fanatical race of Mahommedans from Arabia, who entered enthusiastically into commercial life.

  94. The English usage until nearly the end of the 19th century was to confine the term "the Cameroons" to the mountain range, and to speak of the estuary as the Cameroons river.

  95. Great ditches, growths of young forests upon what had evidently been well-ploughed fields within a century past, and various remains of settlements constantly revealed themselves.

  96. Where else could the two ends of the century be so fitly brought together?

  97. From the time of its foundation down to the present century the name of Jena stood for all that was wild, absurd, and outrageous.

  98. Harvard, Yale and Princeton before completing the first half century of existence were committed to the dormitory system.

  99. Strings for fastening his bands or collar which were in the seventeenth century frequently ornamented with tassels, cf.

  100. It is interesting to note that less than a century after this prologue was first spoken, The Emperor of the Moon was itself being played at the puppet show in Exeter Change.

  101. For a time "Churriguerismo" found general acceptance, and the century closed under its influence.

  102. The architecture of the fourteenth century is called "Decorated," from the great increase of ornament, especially in window tracery and carved enrichments.

  103. About the middle of the sixteenth century Charles V.

  104. In the fourteenth century an innovation, of which French architects immediately north of the Pyrenees were also availing themselves, found favour in Barcelona.

  105. The twelfth century Lombard churches again are specimens of round-arched Gothic, just as truly as those on the banks of the Rhine.

  106. Herrera and his school were probably too severe in taste to suit the fancy of their countrymen, for Spanish architecture in the eighteenth century fell a victim to debased forms and a fantastic and exaggerated style of ornament.

  107. The chief building of the latter part of the eighteenth century is the Pantheon (Ste.

  108. The term "Early English" (short for Early English Gothic) applied to English thirteenth-century architecture explains itself.

  109. In the seventeenth century a decline set in.

  110. In the decorated style of the fourteenth century tracery was developed till it reached a great pitch of perfection and intricacy.

  111. Down to the eleventh century the buildings erected (almost exclusively churches and monastic buildings) were not large or rich, and were heavy in appearance and simple in construction.

  112. And I am inclined to think that one century then would involve facts in as much obscurity as five centuries would now.

  113. Suppose for a century to come it should continue its advances according to what it has gained for the twenty-five years above mentioned, is it not evident that the knowledge of God would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea?

  114. This certainly gives room for my conjecture for aught which appears to the contrary, it might have been written a whole century after the days of the apostles.

  115. Strange to tell, there is a sect of people now among us, who sprang up less than half a century ago, whose religion is professedly founded on miracles and revelation.

  116. Over these breeches of uncertain cut fell the graceless tails of an eighteenth-century dress-coat, opening over a shirt-front crossed by the broad ribbon of the Legion of Honour.

  117. The old standard of the Bodyguards of the Savoy Company shelters him beneath its folds, which have ceased to flutter many a long century ago.

  118. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "century" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aeon; age; annum; cent; centenarian; centipede; centurion; century; copper; day; decade; dime; dollar; eternity; fin; fish; fortnight; grand; gross; hour; hundred; long; luster; mill; millennium; minute; moment; month; moon; nickel; penny; quarter; sawbuck; second; semester; session; skin; sun; tercentenary; term; week; yard; year

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    century after; century afterwards; century ago; century and; century before; century church; century date; century earlier; century glass; century later; century literature; century manuscript; century onwards; century since; century were; century work