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Example sentences for "committee"

Lexicographically close words:
committ; committal; committals; committe; committed; committeeman; committeemen; committees; committest; committeth
  1. One finds it in The Outcasts of Poker Flat: A few of the committee had urged hanging him [Oakhurst] as a possible example, and a sure method of reimbursing themselves from his pockets of the sums he had won from them.

  2. This committee are of opinion, that, under the show or pretence of punishing murder, our legal tribunals are constantly committing it.

  3. The public resolves itself into a committee of anxious inquirers, to ascertain precisely how he eats, and drinks, and sleeps.

  4. The committee refer to the statement of Sir Matthew Hale, as cited by Blackstone, iv.

  5. Upon this, the committee reason, with irresistible force and acumen.

  6. It is not easy to answer this argument, upon the spur of the moment; and it has been referred to a committee of our society, with instructions to prepare a reply, in season for the next execution.

  7. A committee was appointed to visit the spot.

  8. Twice, he was permitted to address the committee of the House of Commons, upon this subject.

  9. A committee was formed out of the leading medical men in London to carry out this suggestion.

  10. To any clairvoyant who read these lines according to the professed method, and to the satisfaction of a committee of eminent medical men, he promised the sum of five hundred pounds.

  11. The two opposing bodies worked hard to gain their own ends when a Parliamentary Committee was appointed in 1852 to inquire into medical reform.

  12. While in Brussels, Marx received an invitation from the London Central Committee of the Communist League to join that society.

  13. They consist of a central committee in London, and detached local groups in the provinces, and their membership is not accurately known, but it is not extensive.

  14. Subjection to an executive committee is as offensive to their feelings and as contrary to their principles as subjection to a monarch.

  15. Lest the death of the leader should prove fatal to the cause, the Committee of the General Working Men's Association determined to turn it, if possible, into a source of strength, as B.

  16. In 1868 he was chosen one of the committee to make preparations for the Vatican Council; but at the Council he belonged to the opponents of the dogma of infallibility, and left Rome before the dogma was promulgated.

  17. Then the Peace Committee went wrong over the estates of the Religious Orders, as before explained.

  18. The Local Committee of Namagpacan, in the province of La Union, sent to Madrid for the above-mentioned exhibition, no less than 145 different textiles, whilst other towns sent looms and other implements.

  19. In the same year a joint committee drew up a standard of perfection for the breed, Messrs.

  20. The idea was very warmly welcomed, a committee formed, and a scale of points drawn up which, with but one alteration, is in vogue to-day.

  21. For these reasons he was placed at the head of the Committee for drafting the Declaration of Independence.

  22. In 1819 he was made president of the committee of the interior, and chancellor of the University of Paris.

  23. Thus stood the statute law against gaming down to the year 1845, when, in consequence of the report of the select committee which sat on the subject, a new enactment was promulgated, which is in force at the present time.

  24. Of late, on suggestion of Committee of Imperial Defence, there has been established at War Office an Intelligence Department in correspondence with the Admiralty and assured of assistance of the Home Office wherever necessary.

  25. His Parliamentary services, supplemented by the Chairmanship of Committee controlling disposition of National Relief Fund, might seem sufficient to keep him at home.

  26. On February 7, in a committee room of the House, I was met by my supporters and those whose duties made them a portion of the ceremony, and realized the ambition that came to me only in my later life.

  27. Lord Palmerston defended it manfully before the committee appointed really for its destruction.

  28. I prepared a memorandum on the subject for the Tay Bridge Commission, and gave evidence in a Committee Room of the House of Lords on Apr.

  29. He gave evidence before the Select Committee on Weights and Measures, and also before the Public Schools Commission.

  30. In the latter part of 1862 a difference arose between Airy and Major-General Sabine, in consequence of remarks made by the latter at a meeting of the Committee of Recommendations of the British Association.

  31. I made three journeys to London to attend committees, one a committee on the Nautical Almanac, and one a Royal Society Committee about two southern observatories.

  32. Herschel's pendulum observations in India; and Airy was asked to assist the Committee with his advice.

  33. On May 11th I received a letter from Mr Spring Rice, requesting me to act (as chairman) with a committee consisting of F.

  34. On June 18th Mr Lubbock reported from the Committee of Physics of the Royal Society to the Council in favour of a Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory near London.

  35. Evidence given before the Government Committee on the Meteorological Committee.

  36. On May 10th I attended the Committee of the House of Commons on decimal coinage: and in May and September I wrote letters to the Athenaeum on decimal coinage.

  37. June 24 Evidence given before the Select Committee on Weights and Measures.

  38. I gave evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons on Dover Harbour Pier.

  39. Of miscellaneous matters: In May a Committee of the Royal Society had been appointed to advise the India Office as to the publication of Col.

  40. I did not enter much into the scientific business of the meeting, except that I brought before the Committee the expediency of reducing the Greenwich Planetary Observations from 1750.

  41. It was generally believed that a vigilance committee had been organized to deal with the leaders of the strike.

  42. The temporary bewilderment having subsided, an investigating committee was organized to explore the tunnel.

  43. As soon as the "Committee of 115" found that Gen.

  44. It was frequently considered necessary by this committee to pronounce sentence of death upon offenders in the community, and Griswold was for a long time employed to execute the decrees of the court of Judge Lynch.

  45. This was not wrong, but the committee made a mistake in the employment of Griswold as the executioner.

  46. There was a vigilance committee which did some good work.

  47. My bride had one hundred wedding-dresses, elegant as a select committee of dress-makers and milliners, French and English, could devise.

  48. A call of the House was ordered for the 14th of February, and the message was to be referred to a committee of the whole on that day.

  49. A committee of inquiry was appointed, and reported that the libellers were the printer of the Gazette, Edward Edwards, and the president of the dinner party, Isaac Todd.

  50. The House went into committee and talked the matter over, then rose, and reported progress.

  51. A committee was appointed, but no report was made.

  52. A committee of five members was appointed to obtain further information.

  53. The sudden prorogation was resorted to because the Assembly had, on the 3rd of April, resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take into consideration the state of the province.

  54. Get up a committee from the Federative to go and ask Mr. Loring if there's any use in our tryin' to hold on.

  55. But after it went to the House committee on judiciary you left it to more skilful, or perhaps we'd better say, to less scrupulous hands?

  56. For example, I don't know exactly how much it cost our good friends of the 'vested interests' to have that bill mislaid in the committee room.

  57. If you take me to any more meetings of your committee of safety, I shall be like the man without music in his soul--'fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils.

  58. Yon's a man," said Angus Duncan, the member from the Amalgamated Machinists, when the committee was filing out through the hotel corridor.

  59. While you have been trying to find Mr. Ormsby, the committee on judiciary has been reporting the long-lost House Bill Twenty-nine.

  60. I'll get that committee together this afternoon and go and buzz Mr. Loring.

  61. The incident was now a month in the past, and the committee had not yet reported; would never report, Kent imagined.

  62. Loring spoke more hopefully to the committee than he had to Durgan and M'Tosh.

  63. The committee is ours, and the bill will not be heard of again at this session.

  64. House Bill Twenty-nine was reported by the committee on judiciary and rushed through after you left.

  65. That evening a number of persons came to see us, Mrs. Alston and Miss Brownlow, two others of the committee of ladies.

  66. I saw most of the ladies of the committee who undertook the preparation of the monument and the inclosure of the cemetery, and was very kindly received by all the citizens of Warrenton, and, indeed, at all the towns through which we passed.

  67. The latter part of January my father was sent by the board of trustees to Richmond to converse with the Committee on Education of the Virginia Legislature, then in session, as to some funds of the State held by Washington College.

  68. The total result of the experiment was so wholly satisfactory that the chairman of the town Military Committee urges its universal adoption.

  69. They were unwontedly grave, suggesting the gloom of a committee appointed to perfect funeral arrangements for a poor relation.

  70. The chairman of the committee on railways (of the national diet) is present, and when it appears that Hans Kampe makes a favorable impression upon him, the friends of Riis concoct a scheme to injure him.

  71. He accounts for romanticism as the chairman of a committee de lunatico inquirendo might account for a case of religious mania.

  72. When the House was about to go into Committee on the Corn Production Bill a strange thing happened.

  73. He means," I said, "those delightful and lingering committee meetings, when you have nearly separated and suddenly remember all the subjects you have forgotten.

  74. Papers accompanying a Congressional Committee Report which was given as No.

  75. The Committee meet to-morrow morning will Gen^l.

  76. This is what Don Sinibaldo de Mas says upon the subject:-- The most extraordinary of the advocates of the opium trade is the Earl of Shaftesbury, President of the Committee organized in London for the suppression of the traffic.

  77. Your Committee will be able to judge from the following facts how far the injurious imputation, thus plausibly insinuated, if not directly stated, is to be justified by the actual position of affairs.

  78. In the Constitutional Convention of this State in 1864 he served with ability as committee clerk, having accepted the position at the solicitation of the late David Scott (of John), who was a member of that body.

  79. Mr. McCauley has always been deeply interested in the cause of education and was chairman of the committee on that subject in the House of Delegates.

  80. While acting as committee clerk, Mr. Johnston had the honor of engrossing that section of the Constitution which abolished slavery in the State of Maryland.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "committee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    committee appointed; committee should