The article "was agreed to without opposition;" but almost contemporaneously, in thesessions of that convention which framed the Constitution, debate waxed hot upon the topic which was then seen to present grave obstacles to union.
It had many sessions from December 11 to January 14, but never made an approach to evolving anything distantly approaching agreement.
Collaterally with these congressional debates there were also proceeding in Washington the sessions of the Peace Congress, another futile effort to concoct a cure for an incurable condition.
On the same day on which the Peace Congress opened its sessions in Washington, there came together at Montgomery, in Alabama, delegates from six States for the purpose of forming a Southern Confederacy.
And where late by the Kyngs comaundment in the tyme of his Parliament, holden now last at Westminster, I was in persone at Norwich, holdyng Sessions of oir determyner[203.
The date of this letter is determined by the reference made in it to the Sessionsheld at Lynn, in the January following, before the Earl of Oxford and Justice Yelverton.
It was evidently written about the same time as the last, while the Sessions was sitting at Walsingham, and Paston's suit against Lord Molyns was still pending.
Item, the day of oier and termyner shall holde at Norwich on Moneday next comyng, and by that cause my Lord of Oxenford shall be disported of his comyng to the Parlement for to attende to the Sessions of oier, &c.
They had finished dinner and were gathering in the lounge, sparring around, setting up groups for the bull sessions that would go until long after midnight.
In the evenings, in the study lounge of the dormitory, they held interminable bull sessions exchanging and digesting what they had been shown during the day.
Jake Wheeler, Jethro's lieutenant in Coniston, gave William a glowing account of that Throne Room in the Pelican Hotel at the capital, from whence Jethro ruled the state during the sessions of the General Court.
In all those twelve weeks of that most trying of all sessions he had not once gone into the street, and he had been less than ever common in the eyes of men.
Goes down sessions to see that they don't get too gumptious and kick off the swaddlin' clothes.
Such had also been the case in several sessions prior to the one of 1856: bills had been threatened to be introduced for altering the laws of marriage in Scotland entirely; but always, after Easter, the matter had been dropped.
Within the last seven days of September the justices are to hold a petty sessions to hear objections.
At Rastadt, where he attends the sessions of the congress as the military plenipotentiary of France.
The horizon of Germany became more and more clouded; the Diet continued itssessions quietly, calmly, and inaudibly in the old city-hall at Ratisbon.
These morning sessions were likely to be of great interest.
The President of the Government cannot, in any manner, impede the meeting of Congress, nor interfere with the sessions of the same.
Besides the lower courts established in many provincial centres, sessions are held in circuit, each usually comprising two or three provinces.
The sessions of Congress shall be public, and only in cases where reserve is necessary shall secret sessions be held.
Otis was willing to confer with Aguinaldo, and six sessions were held, the last taking place on January 29, six days before the outbreak.
During his earlier sessions in the House of Commons Redmond did not speak very often, but when he did speak he made it clear that he had at his command a gift of genuine eloquence.
Through successive Sessions he has sedulously endeavoured to embarrass an unappreciative Premier by cunningly devised questions addressed to the Colonial Secretary or to the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs.
The solemn search underneath the Houses of Parliament, preceding the opening of the revolving Sessions ever since Gunpowder Plot, is still observed with all the pomp and circumstance attached to it three hundred years ago.
When it sits as a law court, at least five of its justices must be present, and it holds three such sessions annually: one at Augusta, one at Bangor, and one at Portland.
Sessions are long in primary schools, and attendance was made compulsory in 1874 (and must not be less than two-thirds of all school days).
She saw all parts of the country, the homes of the rich and the log cabins of the frontier; she traveled in stagecoaches, canal boats, and on horseback; and visitedsessions of Congress and auctions at slave markets.
The signal for a radical departure from the Articles on this point was given early in the sessions when Randolph presented "the Virginia plan.
Inland county seats often consisted of nothing more than a log courthouse, a prison, and one wretched inn to house judges, lawyers, and litigants during the sessions of the court.
At their sessions and conferences local, state, and national issues were discussed until finally, it seems, everything led to the quest of the franchise.
It has a resident police magistrate, and courts of request and quarter sessions are held in the town.
Few sessions passed but some prisoner, formerly transported, appeared under a second charge.
It has a resident police magistrate, (who is also deputy chairman of quarter sessions and the court of requests,) a postmaster, and other officers.
During the visit of the congressional delegation which accompanied Mr. Taft on his return to the Philippines in 1907, public sessions were held at which the Filipinos were given opportunity to make complaints.
Such was the state of feeling amongst the crowds which surrounded the Sessions House, opposite to where our present Exchange is erected.
These sessions a priest was condemned at Newgate whom the king reprieved, whereupon the city absolutely refused to send in their moneys.
An uncompromising black tie was a determining note in his attire, testifying to sincere regret at parting from a Minister whom for three Sessions he has, so to speak, riddled with conundrums.
There is, in addition, a Clerk of the Laws, elected by lot, who attends at the sessions of the Council; and he too checks the transcript of all the laws.
He has the charge of all public documents, and keeps the resolutions which are passed by the Assembly, and checks the transcripts of all other official papers and attends at the sessions of the Council.
He halted his team to see what was the matter, and found that a police magistrate, sitting inside a room, was holding a Court of Petty Sessions at the window.
He adjudicated in petty sessions as a magistrate, and dealt in a summary manner with capital offences, which were very numerous.
For several sessions at this period, few days passed without his presenting more or less petitions having some relation to the subject of slavery.
This helps me to represent my constituents in the sessions of the Third House, and to get Congressional attention to the ax I want ground.
Street-railway companies pushed their charters to passage at midnight sessions of boards of aldermen, seized streets in the night-time, and extended their metallic tentacles out into the fields of dazed farmers.
It has one court of quarter sessions and is divided into 11 petty sessional divisions.
Herefordshire was governed by a sheriff as early as the reign of Edward the Confessor, the shire-court meeting at Hereford where later the assizes and quarter sessions were also held.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sessions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: assizes; country; inquest; panel; venire