In order to gain his confidence, I went as one witnessing a slate seance for the first time, that is, I accepted his slates, and had no prepared questions.
The writing on the slate in the above seance was evidently produced in the same way as that described in my sitting with Keeler, after he had ascertained the name on the slip.
A attends a seance of a psychic, C, and the latter relates the circumstances of B's death.
During the seance several of the ladies experienced the clasp of a ghostly hand about their wrists, and considerable excitement was occasioned thereby.
He made no further attempt to manipulate the trumpet in my direction, and very shortly brought the seance to a close.
In a little while, the room was filled with people, and the seance began; the gas being lowered to a dim religious light.
Before exhibiting in Paris the Davenports visited the Chateau de Gennevilliers, whose owner was an enthusiastic believer in Spiritism, and gave a seancebefore a select party of journalists and scientific men.
After the seance the prestidigitateur fully explained the modus operandi of the mystic tie, which is herein for the first time correctly given to the public.
When the seance is over, insert your fingers and thumbs in the soldered rings, remove the clasps and conceal them quickly.
The reader will see from the above-described seance that unless the medium (or a confederate) is enabled to read the names and questions, prepared by the sitter, his hands are practically tied in all experiments in psychology.
After a seance his exhaustion appeared to be complete.
For years afterwards I would not go to a seance or turn a table and would often ask myself what was that violent impulse that had run through my nerves?
Then turning to me, he repeated his invitation to become an acolyte of the Temple; said we should meet again; and shortly thereafter the seance broke up, and I left the palace, greatly wiser than when I entered it five hours before.
For that matter, I shall never again conduct a seancewith this young person present.
This seance was particularly exhausting due to the presence of someone antagonistic.
It will be impossible to resume theseance for the spirits are offended.
Today I tried to pay Mr. Gepper for the seance and he would not accept one penny.
Everyone waited in tense expectancy, sensing that the climax of the seance was at hand.
In the seance chamber a light went on, then the hallway became brilliantly illuminated.
Two women in their early forties were ushered into the seance chamber, to be followed almost immediately by an elderly man.
After a seance I should refresh myself with sleep.
However, before theseance is undertaken I must ask that each of you pay the required fee, five dollars.
This girl broke up myseance tonight, and I trailed her here.
I must warn you that this seancecannot be successful unless each person present concentrates, entering into the occasion with the deepest of sincerity.
Because I've seen trappings such as these before at other seance chambers," replied Penny.
Throughout the seance Penny had remained firm in her conviction that the medium had resorted to trickery to produce his startling effects.
The seance began in much the same manner as the one Penny had attended.
On the 24th nothing remarkable passed, except an attack by the mob of Versailles on the Archbishop of Paris, who had been one of the instigators of the court to the proceedings of the seance royale.
It was intimated to them, however, that day, privately, that the proceedings of the seance royale would be favorable to them.
It was there proposed that the King should interpose by a declaration of his sentiments in a seance royale.
It was agreed to in Council, as also that the seance royale should be held on the 22d, and the meetings till then be suspended.
He determined that the two plans should be deliberated on the next day, and the seance royale put off a day longer.
I have before mentioned to you the ferment into which the proceedings at the seance royale of the 23d had thrown the people.
I shall only relate here phenomena controlled by myself personally in the seance of last Saturday.
We were speaking, a few pages back, of the seance drawings and descriptions of Jupiter made by Victorien Sardou.
He was very willing to give me one seance a week, for six weeks (on Monday at 11 o'clock A.
Armelin (Seance of November 21) (For this sitting I had asked three members of the Astronomical Society of France to exercise the severest control possible; namely, M.
The whole seance is thus seen to have been a web of intermingled truth and falsehood.
Seance of October 8 Two circumstances occurred to confirm the results we had obtained in preceding seances.
He gladly consented, and got invited to a seance at the Clement Marot house.
After luncheon we sit down again at the seance table.
Accordingly on Saturday morning the 20th of June, shrill-sounding heralds proclaim through the streets of Versailles, that there is to be a Seance Royale next Monday; and no meeting of the States-General till then.
As for the Seance itself, the Carpenters seem to have accomplished their platform; but all else remains unaccomplished.
This, then, is the Session of the Tennis-Court, famed Seance du Jeu de Paume; the fame of which has gone forth to all lands.
It was the first seance I had ever attended, and I must confess that I had not the slightest respect for such manifestations other than a natural admiration for the quickness of the operator.
In this case, however, the seance took place in broad daylight, and no attempt was made, so far as I could see, to use any mechanical means.
His account of theseance explains just what occurred.
Therefore, I merely state that I have seen, or seemingly seen, and heard the following remarkable things, during the sitting or seance with Dr.
Owing to the fact that Mayor Ellert afterwards regretted that he had allowed a seance to be held in his office, the Examiner was induced to suppress the story, which now appears in detail for the first time.
Bonnet, who was a reporter for the Daily Report at the time of the seance at the Mayor's office, was a guest of the author during the seance.
Eunice, by dint of stern disapproval, and Sanford, by his good-natured chaffing and ridicule had so far prevented this calamity, but both feared that Aunt Abby might yet outwit them and have her coveted seance after all.
Miss Ames, eagerly anxious for the seance to begin.
Notwithstanding the critical situation, the seance was held, and the handsome Nadjezda was admitted to the "sisterhood.
I shall be at the seance tomorrow, when I hope to have an opportunity of speaking with you alone.
Sure enough at the London seance held on the same day 'Honolulu' came into the spirit talk.
The seancebeing ended, my first task was to persuade the believers that the revelations vouchsafed to me bore little relation to the truth; 'But you said they were true.
After a poor seance at which, perhaps, much fraud has occurred .
At the seance two plates were first exposed and developed; on one appeared a cross with the portrait of the sitter, on the other appeared only the portrait.
The really notable part of the whole experience was the marvellous demonstration of occult power which attended the final seance of the society, the true nature of which is still wrapped in mystery.
So the seance ended and the guests vanished, and the Yahi-Bahi Society terminated itself without even a vote of dissolution.
Each of the ladies was requested to bring to the seance some ornament of gold; but it must be plain gold, without any setting of stones.
The seancewas to take place at Mrs. Rasselyer-Brown's residence, and was to be at midnight.
We were all skeptics of the most pronounced type, having seen much of the contemptible trickery and fraud of so-called mediums; but we yielded to the temptation to enter the seance room through mere curiosity.
We'll go into a seance and find out whether to initiate you.
When the men trailed into the presence of the ladies for that brief seance on which etiquette insisted before permitting the stampede to the billiard-room, Elsa was not to be seen.
Confreres," he said, "our number as fixed for this seance still needs two to be complete, and doubtless they will arrive in a few minutes.
One night at a seance I saw my little step-daughter who had been dead many years.
The quarter's worth of seance at an end, I plodded on toward the Hoosier country with my mute comrades, wondering how much of the fortune would come true.
The same feeling of apprehension which had lain heavily upon me at the beginning of the seancewas back at my heart once more.
The soothing atmosphere of the seance with the darkened lights was delightful to me.
After they had disappeared the light was turned up, an investigation made of the cabinet, and the seance was over.
Consequently, the person taking it upon himself to explain what took place at the seance is called upon to explain a number of things which, in reality, never took place at all.
Recently, when in Los Angeles, he visited a seance conducted by a medium who claimed to be a Buddhist priest.
If you have never had the pleasure of attending a seance of this "phase" you have missed a rare treat.
By this means the "spirits" could regulate the light to suit themselves, without any movement on the part of any of those in the seance room being necessary.
The trap and ladder were practically noiseless in their operations, but the music box made assurance doubly sure that the least sound from the cabinet should not he heard in the seance room.
There were eight persons connected with the seance described by Mr. Smith, seven upstairs and the medium in the cabinet.
Many of my readers may feel somewhat insulted at this accusation that they cannot detect such obvious trickery when it exists, and that they are liable to make such mistakes in recording a seance as those here mentioned.
The seance described actually occurred and was described in writing by Mr. Smith in the language used, although it was not printed, and the writer was one of those who assisted in its production.
He or she is never searched, or never has been up to date, which has been the cause of many a failure to find the "properties" of the medium when the seance was given in a room and cabinet furnished by a stranger and skeptic.
I was admitted to the seanceroom and found about twenty persons already assembled.
Accordingly, one evening, a prominent physician invited me, with certain relatives and friends, to attend a seance given in his parlors.
Neither should a seance be begun when food is due, for the automatism of the body will naturally demand satisfaction at times when food is usually taken and the preliminary processes of digestion will be active.
The following note is from a seance which took place in India in the spring of 1893: "A leaf of shamrock is seen.
Several other things happened, and I consented to sit at another seance on Monday.
The table began to move again, and we might have had a wonderfulseance but for Gowing's stupid interruptions.
The seance was very similar to the one last night, almost the same in fact.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.