He had just dismissed a tiresome parishioner, and, vexed with himself for having kept Audrey waiting, had left his dinner in the next room untouched, and came all unnerved to this interview which he dreaded yet desired.
She had wasted half an hour in fruitless discussion with Ted, and it left her ill-prepared for the stormy interview to follow.
Don Manuel had a daughter by this union, and his domestic content was untroubled for some years, till a stranger presented himself at Almada, and obtained an interview with the Lady Magdalen.
A few years afterwards he becomes acquainted with an old man, whose principal occupation consisted in catching snakes, and who, upon one occasion, had enjoyed the inestimable privilege of an interview with "the king of the vipers.
I ordered a fire and a good dinner, and the idea struck me that the curate himself might pledge the ring for me, and thus give me the opportunity of a short interview with his niece.
But it was necessary to bring our delightful interview to a close, for the hours were flying with fearful rapidity.
The longer the interview accorded by the Home Secretary to the chairman of the Defence Committee, the greater the hope his obduracy was melting.
The dramatic possibilities of the interview with Colonel Doherty were too agitating and too numerous.
In an interview which he accorded to the representative of a Liverpool paper the same afternoon, he stated that he put his arrest down entirely to the enmity and rancour entertained towards him by the police throughout the country.
He was accorded an interview with Miss Brent in the presence of a gaoler, and solemnly asseverated his respect for her dead lover's memory.
I would have shunned this interview if it had been in my power, but as it has been brought about, I will not shrink from it.
The message was conveyed by Mr. Watson, whose account of the melancholy interviewis graphic and interesting.
The lady modestly hesitated to reply, lest there should be any impropriety in holding an interviewwith Mr. Bumble, with closed doors.
Leaving her and Oliver to compare notes at leisure, Mr. Brownlow led the way into another room; and there, heard from Rose a full narration of her interview with Nancy, which occasioned him no little surprise and perplexity.
Evidently the speech had been rehearsed, for with it their English ended abruptly, and the interview proceeded rather lamely, on my part, in Japanese.
Usually when the magistrate sips his tea it is a sign that the interview is ended.
As soon as the tents were up I announced our coming to the mandarin and requested an interview at five o'clock.
The interview closed with assurances from the Chinaman that he would make inquiries concerning hunting grounds and communicate with us in the morning.
She had not been present at the interview with her father--was in ignorance that it had ever taken place until the next day.
And now that the interviewhad actually started he was still undecided.
Just watch those thatinterview you and see how they lack poise.
In his first interview with the Baronet, Godwin showed to little advantage.
To be sure, the interview before him would have its disagreeableness, but Buckland was not one of those over-civilised men who shrink from every scene of painful explanation.
It was better to let the interview end thus, without comment or further question; so he turned abruptly, and offered his hand.
For the present his task was to obtain one more private interview with Sidwell ere she went to London, or, if that could not be, somehow to address her in unmistakable language.
A genial reply summoned him to an interview as soon as he should have found an abode in Kingsmill.
When she came down next morning it was Sidwell's intention to seek a private interview with her father, and make known her resolve to go abroad with Sylvia; but Mr. Warricombe anticipated her.
The packed committee went through the form of an interview with the ministers, and in due course reported to the general assembly of Dissenters that the time was inopportune for petitioning parliament.
Foyel then arrived and had an interview with Casimiro, presenting him with cattle which were lazoed by some of the Valdivian Indians, and a light-haired man dressed in Christian clothes, but with rather a wild appearance.
At an early hour in the morning I started on my now jaded horse in the hopes of seeing Linares, but on arriving at his house was informed that he had already left for Carmen to have an interview with the Commandante, Senor Murga.
During the course of our interview he asked me to show him my compass, the fame of which had gone before it.
By referring to the 28th chapter of 1 Samuel, where the interview between her and Saul is related, you will find no ground for the opinion that the being from whom she pretended to receive her mysterious power was Satan.
At last, in despair, he, with his associate agents, sought an interview with the minister.
Franklin next sought an interview with the brothers Penn to lay before them the grievances of the assembly.
A curious termination to an interview which I had begun to persuade myself had something of a romantic character!
The correspondence becoming protracted, a personal interview was demanded by Arnold to bring the matter to a final settlement, at which he was to furnish plans of West Point, and returns of its armament and garrison.
Villefranche, Engineer, is said to have been used at the interviewbetween Arnold and Andre.
The state of inactivity of the patriot forces had impelled Count Rochambeau, the Commander of the Allied French army, to request an interview with Washington at Hartford, Conn.
Thank you very much for the interview you have given us.
In this interview with Mr. Lincoln, I also explained to him my extreme desire to serve in a subordinate capacity, and in no event to be left in a superior command.
There aninterview took place, during which the expedition to Arkansas Post took shape.
Wood, then in command of the district of Vicksburg, prepared a statement addressed to the public, describing the interview with the Secretary of War, which he calls a "Council of War.
He consented that Sherman should go in command of the troops, and the interview ended pleasantly enough.
Soon after the letter had been sent, announcing the ill success of our commission, the writer of it was in a bookshop in London, when a lady entered and desired an interview with the master.
My wife had just come down from an interviewwith a pale, faded-looking young woman in rusty black attire, who had called upon me on the very common supposition that I was an editor of the "Atlantic Monthly.
If it would seem at first sight that Everard had less excuse for such frivolity than his friend, perhaps the seriousness he showed in this interview may throw a different light upon the complex character of the man.
At the interviewthat followed, while apologizing to the admiral for his discourtesy, Parker wore his hat as quasi-admiral of the fleet.
The interview was about to terminate, when the door suddenly opened, and an elderly nun entered the room.
That you consent to be blindfolded while being conducted into her presence--that you maintain the most profound silence while with those who will guide you to her abode--and that you return from the interview under the same circumstances.
The private staircase leading into the garden then afforded them the means of an unobserved departure; and Nisida felt rejoiced at the success of her midnight interview with the chiefs of the Florentine banditti.
But pray let the interview be a brief one--for it is as much as my situation and my own liberty are worth to have admitted him without an order from the chief judge.
I consented to meet him again: interview followed interview, until I no longer required any persuasion to induce me to keep the appointments thus given.
A faithful friend contrived the interview for me," she replied, with her wonted rapidity of play upon the fingers.
After this interview Louis thought of nothing but his God, and remained alone with his confessor.
In the same year, the kings of France and England had aninterview at Gisors, where they received the cross from the hands of the archbishop of Tyre.
His interview with the patriarch of Jerusalem, and his enthusiasm, ib.
Our business was on the point of completion, and in a sense mutually agreeable to us, when what I may style our fatal interview took place.
Be that as it may, instead of taking advantage of my offer to tell him in confidence all I knew, he sent a most unpleasant person down to interview me.
But when there, the interviewwith the pleasant-spoken, genial gentleman who wielded such immense powers had been disappointing.
He had not even sought a farewell interview to say good-bye to her alone, and their final good-bye had taken place in the presence of his mother.
It would take the horrible taste of his interview with that--that brute--out of his mouth.