On the return of the elector, Miss Sarah was made a countess, and one-half of her father's pension was secured to her, thus providing her with an income of about L200 per annum for life.
L200 per annum more than he gave any other of his medical officers.
An eminent phlebotomist, not very many years since, made a thousand per annum by the lancet.
In acknowledgment of this frank declaration of the truth, the Emperor created Quarin a Baron, and gave him a pension of more than L2000 perannum to support the rank with.
Capabilities of turning half a million per annum existed in the house, and were unfortunately dormant simply because the moving principle was wanting.
The traffic, when fully developed according to their hopes and expectations, will eventually afford at usual tariffs a handsome profit, say, from 8 to 12% perannum on the capital invested.
Rome, where he came under the influence of the Stoic Annaeus Cornutus: 'Studuit Flaccus usque ad annum xii.
Fairly embarked in their several professions, a sum of fifty pounds per annum was placed in the hands of their respective agents, and no more was thought about a pair of "detrimentals.
Daguerre delayed the publication of his process until a pension of six thousand francs per annum had been secured to himself, and four thousand francs per annum to M.
He treated Fosdyke's legacy with the same sangfroid he had displayed in detailing a bequest of fifty-two pounds per annum to an aged gardener attached to the Surrey mansion.
Then came a personal reference: "To my nephew, Rupert Fosdyke, I give and bequeath the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum during his life.
A chaplain was appointed to the Fleet, his salary of thirty pounds per annum being paid by the warden, supplemented by a fee of twopence to fourpence per head from each prisoner.
A scheme had been drawn up by a Sub-Committee, whereby the charge for Boarders was fixed at £80 per annum and £5 of each boarder's charges was to be appropriated to Free Scholarships and Exhibitions.
By this plan, for a few petty indulgences, all of which were professedly granted in the time of slavery itself, the master could get the entire labor of the negro, and seven or eight pounds per annum besides!
Sums varying from £2 to £10 per annum are allowed to the inferior grades of staff who have to reside in Paris and other large towns where living is dear.
The game protection work of that bureau is alone worth to the people of this country at least twenty times more per annum than the entire annual cost of the Bureau.
A bag limit of three bull caribou per annum has been fixed, which is enforced as to non-residents and sportsmen, but in a way that is much too "American" it is often ignored by residents in touch with the game.