The matter's weighty, pray consider twice; Have you less pity for the needy cheat, The poor and friendless villain, than the great?
Who knew but that I some day might not die in great deal more lonely and in much more friendless way than he?
I thought of Thorkill who was dead and of his lonely grave, that dream for which I could not account, and I thought, too, of my own home from which I had heard nothing now for years, and I brooded over my own friendless condition.
She hoped that you might be willing to place this friendless and helpless creature under competent protection.
Her early life had been passed in the island of Martinique, and she was able to communicate with the friendlessforeigner in his own language.
For the rest, myfriendless position will perhaps plead with you not to misunderstand me.
Remember what I said when I left you in London, to go back to my friendless life.
I come into the worldfriendless and poor; I find a body of laws hostile to the friendless and the poor!
All the energies and enthusiasms of a rather friendless life had passed into the championship of beauty.
He looked puzzled, but allowed himself to be persuaded, went out, found that he was not as friendless as he supposed, and returned after several hours in altered spirits.
Hardly more than a boy," said Rachel, "and as friendless as ourselves.
To draw back was to find out neither; and to say the truth, even if she had not been friendless and forlorn, Rachel would have been very sorry to draw back now.
Just as if I were not a poor, friendless lad," thought I.
Thus you will see how friendless I am, Mr. Fenton.
The force of this on Maria's thoughts and feelings, surrounded as she was by the vile influences of a Charleston cell, came with strange effect as she contemplated her friendless condition.
Will you not save me from the Poor-house--from the shame that awaits me with greedy clutches, and receive in return the blessing of a friendless woman!
The noise and cries of murder brought the police rushing in, and most of them were dragged off to the Station; and the next day being Sunday, I wandered homeless and friendless into Sheriff street.
A manuscript Essay on Political Economy, written by a friendless young man and presented to Espinosa, was enough to obtain the author a valuable appointment.
Nowhere in our country can a true Odd-Fellow feel himself alone, friendless or forsaken.
General Jessup appears to have now felt a desire to do justice to that friendless and persecuted people.
The fortunes of war now bore hard upon those friendless and persecuted people; but not a warrior had fallen into the hands of our troops.
He then despised the friendless people who were seeking liberty.
Though he looked at me, however, I saw he did not remember me, and my spirits sank again as I thought how utterlyfriendless and alone I was.
My utter loneliness pressed deeper on me every day; for while each of my companions had friends and relatives, among whom their evenings were passed, I was friendless and alone.
I was no longer the friendless alien, without one to care for, one to feel interested in his fortunes.
I compared them with his houseless, friendless condition!
What a friendless child, Davy thought, to consider what he had done for him the favor of a rich man!
Then she reflected with a start that she could never tell any one, that in the midst of her world she was alone in relation to this; she was as helpless and friendless as the poorest and lowliest girl could be.
Men who are ready to show compassion and to succor friendless women!
I went to him and represented my case very plainly, and asked if he would trouble himself to be my adviser, who was a poor friendless widow, and knew not what to do.
Wilberforce wrote indignantly to Lord Muncaster: "It was truly humiliating to see four of the Royal Family come down to vote against the poor, helpless, friendless slaves.