Two ladies frequently ride together, unaccompanied by a gentleman and unattended by a groom.
Love and hatred might have been unattended with any such desires, or their particular connexion might have been entirely reversed.
For pride and humility are pure emotions in the soul, unattended with any desire, and not immediately exciting us to action.
About the 20th of the month an English general officer arrived, and was received with all honours, including a salute of heavy ordnance, which was happily unattended with loss of life or limb.
She even remembered, vaguely, having heard that no unattended woman was admitted to one, and then she had no baggage except her little satchel.
It all comforted Maria in the midst of her langour and her illness, which was negative and unattended by any pain.
Leuckart remarks that the passage of the young Echinorhynchi into their ultimate host is probably unattended by any striking changes, whilst the metamorphosis of the embryo, as thus far detailed, occupies a period of about six weeks.
My own efforts in 1857, and subsequently, were not unattended with success.
The eschar was at length removed by the healing process and was separated together with the nail, and the case was unattended by any further inconvenience or trouble either to the patient or myself.
My lord, I humbly ask the pardon of your lordship, but His Majesty hath gone out unattended in this foul weather, and I was bold enough to follow His Majesty, thinking of all the late plots.
He wondered that the King should be coming down the state staircase unattended and on such an inclement day.
Besides," added the man very sensibly, "you would not know the road, and no American unattended could easily pass the bands of rovers now infesting this district.
Mr. Day had been treacherously attacked and shot, and had lain unattended for twenty-four hours at the mouth of the main shaft of the mine.
Unattended he would rush on danger; and when unaccompanied, or with only a few followers, dart into the thickest ranks of the enemy.
That the princess should be abroad with Castleman and his daughter unattended by even a lady-in-waiting seemed improbable--almost impossible.
None but those condemned for the less heinous crimes of forgery, or other capital felony unattended with the spilling of human blood, were favoured with the melancholy distinction.
It is plain Juliet,--unattended by any romantic epithet of love.
Of course I do all my work by myself and unattended by any one.
The number of junior officers on board the frigates was not always unattended with troubles, in all which cases the first remedy tried by Captain Rogers was that of shuffling, or exchanging them from ship to ship.
Even in that nobly simple story of disaster at sea, told of St. Paul, the approach of the catastrophe is unattended by noise; there is none of the confusion and shrieking of cordage that mark the stagey shipwreck of modern fiction.
That our journey would be a mere pleasure flight, unattended with danger.
If you 'adn't let your dawg run about the lines unattendedthis wouldn't 'ave 'appened.
The full revelation came one morning when they met in the lines unattended by their respective masters.
Births unattended by symptoms that are the usual precursors of labor often lead to speedy deliveries in awkward places.
He carried no papers and no portfolio, and was unattended by any personal secretary, though several French ministers and officials appropriate to the particular matter in hand would be present round him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unattended" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.