Hitherto the lounging grounds of the unaffiliated (alas!
Excluded by the force of circumstances from the life of the colleges, they have no more real life of their own than the socially unaffiliated in American universities.
As soon as men are grasped by some moving faith about what ought to be done for God's service and man's welfare here and now, a hermit's solitude or any sort of unaffiliated life becomes impossible.
The hermits, whether of old time in their cells, or of modern time with their unaffiliated lives, are wrong.
As wisely would a single patriot shoulder a rifle and set out for France as would an unaffiliated Christian set his solitary strength against the massed evil of the world.
In the presence of the Church's service and the Church's need an unaffiliated believer in Jesus Christ is an anomaly.
An unaffiliated Mason is still bound by all his masonic duties and obligations, excepting those connected with the organization of the lodge.
And if unaffiliated Masons were exempted from this control, the institution might be seriously affected in the eyes of the community, by their bad conduct.
An unaffiliated Mason is still bound by certain obligations, of which he cannot, under any circumstances, divest himself, and by similar obligations are the fraternity bound to him.
I may, then, after this somewhat protracted discussion, briefly recapitulate the position, the rights and the responsibilities of an unaffiliated Mason as follows: 1.
An unaffiliated Mason cannot release himself from his responsibilities to the Order.
A lodge exercises penal jurisdiction over all unaffiliated Masons, living within its geographical jurisdiction.
An unaffiliated Mason is one who is not connected by membership with any lodge.