In these Cottian Alps, which begin at the town of Susa, one vast ridge rises up, scarcely passable by any one without danger.
Affording at first only a single exit through narrow defiles, but at a later period they were opened out with roads of such size and beauty as to be passable even for waggons.
After two or three attempts, Manuel succeeded in pronouncing a passable imitation of the sound.
It is indeed a very passable landscape," he said, indifferently.
By the time he had lumbered up some passable fancy, Igraine had turned from the window with a quick intelligence kindling in her eyes.
Drawing up some three paces away, he scanned the strange knight over from head to foot, voted him a passable man, and admired his armour.
I have heard some very passable gags at the Marionette, but the real commedia a braccio no longer exists, and its familiar and invariable characters perform written plays.
The Venetians of every class amused themselves in visiting this free mart, and the gentler and more delicate sex pressed eagerly forward to traverse with their feet a space hitherto passable only in gondolas.
But, nothing daunted, all set to work with stakes and knives, and at length broke down a barely passablepath to the ford.
The more northern road to Tayf, of which I shall speak hereafter, is passable for camels all the way; but it is by one day longer than this.
In truth, I felt no small alarm for my friend, for I knew him to have no more than that passable facility with the sword which is essential to gentility.
So I learned that Dante, who had been, as I told you before, no more than a passable master of the weapon, now set himself to gain supremacy over it.
No tributaries passed, the river fordable at rapids, but the road is notpassable for guns.
The road, by this is said to be only six miles, but is only passable by pedestrians and horsemen.
This is a large stream, not fordable at any time, nor passable in the rains; both banks are high, rocks of course break the stream, which is gentle at the points crossed.
The road extending along the right bank of the Turnuk, over undulating ground for one and a half or two miles, is bad, very narrow, and overhanging the steep bank of the river, scarcely passable for wheel carriages without preparation.
With some degree of preparation the worst places might be made passable for lightly loaded elephants, and this would be facilitated by the soft nature of most of the rocks.
The valley is very narrow at camp, the river running between precipices, in some parts passable without wetting the feet.
The nearer we advanced to them the better and more passable the path became, and our horses scaled these high hills at a good pace, and at times had an opportunity of drawing breath on small plateaus.
It is barelypassable for a team and a wagon, but it serves its purpose, and over it come more men and horses.
It covers the foot of those hills, and leaves only a craggy, narrow path cut out beside the stream, not easily passable at any time for an army, but not at all when guarded by an enemy.
For though their numbers were great, yet they made but a slender defense, and the marshes and deep rivers were made passable to the Roman foot by the vast quantity of dead bodies.
The glacier is divided into two terraces by a wall of rock, which towards the base of the Kastelhorn is covered over by an icefall, passable no doubt with ease near that peak.
No room was provided for a path, and the ingenuity of a road-making population had evidently been taxed to the utmost to render the ravine passable for cows as well as water.
The lower Val Centovalli is Italian, the upper basin of the Melezza and the short eastern Val Vigezzo Swiss, and no road passable for wheeled vehicles crosses the frontier.
Our course lay up the eastern stream by a country road rougher than that we had left, but stillpassable for spring-carriages.
The track now became passable for carts, and fearfully stony.
We shortly joined a broader track, which makes a long circuit from the lower valley, and is said to be passable for horses, which the staircase we had climbed could scarcely be called, though cows were evidently in the habit of using it.
Horn, the composer of ‘Cherry Ripe,’ Russell Grover, and various passableprima donnas.
On the other hand, Clerkenwell has still its Vine Yard Walk, and twenty years ago in one or two of the gardens in a square near Sadler’s Wells, there might be found a vine which produced a passable grape.
On the opposite side was a highway, passable by horses and men, though not by carriages, and which led into the midst of Solesbury.
You are improving," he remarked, with a condescension he knew would annoy her; "that is a really passable retort for you.
He knew the mountain better than most of them, and how there was but one passable path from above the spot where they had picnicked, so he kept carefully along this, picking his way step by step with difficulty in the enshrouding fog.
There is a passable hotel in Blantyre, and many fine buildings in brick.
My fever was now so bad that I had to depute my baking to Sharp, who was becoming quite a passable cook under my tuition, and retire to bed as soon as I could get my tent pitched.
We have some very passable champagne down in our cold chamber.