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Example sentences for "satisfactorily"

Lexicographically close words:
satirizes; satirizing; satis; satisfaction; satisfactions; satisfactoriness; satisfactory; satisfie; satisfied; satisfies
  1. The question of what is really right and what is really wrong will never be satisfactorily decided, on this earth at any rate, for we cannot all wear the same spectacles for long.

  2. As a whole the Easter term began far more satisfactorily than the Christmas term had ended.

  3. It is not satisfactorily ascertained at what period Galileo embraced the new astronomical theory.

  4. It has been supposed that Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden attended Galileo's lectures on this subject, whilst in Italy; but the fact is not satisfactorily ascertained.

  5. In the same manner we may satisfactorily account for the existence of strabismus in several members of the same family, of which a remarkable instance has recently come under my own observation.

  6. The reason of this, as already stated, has not been satisfactorily explained.

  7. The formation of congenital club-foot has never been satisfactorily explained.

  8. The cause of the disease has not been satisfactorily explained.

  9. Four times, to our great joy, the excellent partner actually climbed into a bath, the more satisfactorily to emphasize its advantages.

  10. These are grave questions, which have often presented themselves to the minds of our public men, and to answer which satisfactorily is neither an easy nor a short task.

  11. It marks the beginning of that contest between capital and labor which had such an important influence on the next reign, and which, after a lapse of more than five hundred years, is not yet satisfactorily adjusted.

  12. All these opening bridges have worked satisfactorily since they were constructed.

  13. No one could account satisfactorily for it.

  14. I have devoted a great deal of time to it already, and yet even the preliminary details either of engines or ship are far from being satisfactorily settled.

  15. The testing having been satisfactorily completed, the truss was taken to pieces, and preparations were made for erecting it.

  16. The receiver being satisfactorily completed, the next object of attention was the design and construction of a working cylinder capable of resisting at least 1,400 lbs.

  17. After a good deal of discussion, negotiations were satisfactorily concluded, and the requisite alterations were made: the ship passed through into Cumberland Basin, and the upper lock was restored to its original state in a few days.

  18. These experiments resulted in Mr. Brunel deciding to use chains for lifting the bridge, and this mainly from the circumstance that chains work more satisfactorily over a sheave than either hemp or wire ropes.

  19. But even if it could be satisfactorily proved that a people, like the invisible essence of the Deity, could be represented, it is open to very grave doubt whether this is really possible in the method usually adopted.

  20. If Torrence could explain the mystery of his sudden wealth as satisfactorily I should be more than gratified; and this I suggested to him.

  21. My dear boy," he answered, "every penny I have spent will be as satisfactorily accounted for as being my own legitimate money as what I have just told you.

  22. Now it is satisfactorily proved that a lion will pass a man who has a gun in his hand without attacking him, provided that he does not attempt to level the gun; but the moment that he does he will spring upon him.

  23. This matter having been satisfactorily arranged, the former question was resumed.

  24. If a lady or gentleman be introduced to her in the old state, or vice versa (and so of all other matters), to know them satisfactorily she must learn them in both states.

  25. There was no doubt that they were enemies; and this fact having been satisfactorily established, I was permitted to descend and snatch a hasty breakfast.

  26. Having brought these negotiations satisfactorily to an end--for which purpose he had spent two years in Normandy--Henry returned to England.

  27. The absence of Balliol on the first day of the meeting has not been satisfactorily accounted for, but it is probable that he hung back from being the first to assent to demands which implied the surrender of the national independence.

  28. He knew now that his absence, for as long as he had to be away, would be covered up and satisfactorily accounted for.

  29. Illustration] When the room was satisfactorily arranged, and candles had been lit, Chris returned to stand by the fireplace beside his master, who was turning the rope lightly in his fingers.

  30. The origin of the book in its present state is well-known; it is satisfactorily traced to two notorious forgers and scoundrels about thirty years ago, and all copies have been made from the one they produced.

  31. If the Perithanakkaran cannot satisfactorily dispose of a case with the assistance of the usual panchayat (council), it is referred to the higher authority of the Kavarai or Desai Setti, or even to British Courts as a last resource.

  32. This satisfactorily accomplished, he repairs to his village and seats himself on the logs of sacrificial staging.

  33. When the blame has thus been satisfactorily laid at the door of the ghost who is responsible for the sickness, the physician, who, as in other countries, is often an old woman, remonstrates with him on his ill behaviour.

  34. All these facts are valuable, inasmuch as they lay bare circumstances which have never been satisfactorily accounted for, and enable the mind of lowest capacity to understand the cause and effect.

  35. Until it has been satisfactorily proved to this extent, we feel sure that the authorities are justified in not considering Mr. Horsfall's a successful achievement.

  36. This was most satisfactorily established, the mean deviation on the target from the centre of the group of 10 hits being only .

  37. There are still some essential points which I must leave for the present; and, furthermore, I am not yet in a position to explain satisfactorily all the details which arise at every step of the argument.

  38. Bernard Robinson, who has been at St. Mary's about twelve months, and is evidently working satisfactorily in the district.

  39. We could like to see both the church and the schools of Mr. Brown full; he has our best wishes in this respect; and we hope he may find some talisman by which the difficulty will be satisfactorily solved.

  40. Traces of a road have been found between Manchester and Wigan, and the latter place was certainly a Roman station, though it has not been satisfactorily proved to be identical with the Coccium named in the tenth Iter of Antoninus.

  41. The use to which these oak shingles were put has not yet been satisfactorily settled, but the most probable theory is that they were intended to make sure the foundation of the path behind the rampart.

  42. There are circumstances in the knowledge of all mankind which prove the originality of this invention more satisfactorily to the mind than the direct testimony of a host of witnesses.

  43. Then, in January, 1876, he showed a few of the pupils at Monroe's School of Oratory in Boston an apparatus by which singing could be carried more or less satisfactorily from the cellar of the building to a room on the fourth floor.

  44. No one can tell satisfactorily what made these precious followers of Simon Magus spend their days in patching up second-hand systems out of the rags of cast-off Oriental mysticism.

  45. Cattle dealer, a borrower of money from Mr. Flam, and, strange to tell, not yet satisfactorily settled in his opinions.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "satisfactorily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amply; competently; decently; enough; fairly; minimally; moderately; pretty; properly; rather; right; substantially; tolerably; well