The Master of Maxwell[929] gave unto the said Johne, as it had bene, a discharge of the familiaritie which before wes great betwix thame, onles that he wald satisfie the Quene at hir awin syght.
With many fair words the Queen let the Ambassadour depart, promising to do all she could to satisfie the Queen of England; and for the same purpose she would send an Ambassador to her.
If anie thing wer in me abill to satisfie thair desyir, I acknowledge myself bound to obey God calling by thame.
Ile satisfie her expectation, as far as an unkle may.
Sir, "I have so long beene in your debt that I am almost desperate in my selfe of making you paiment, till this fancy by ravishing from you a new curtesie in its patronage, promised me it would satisfiepart of my former engagements to you.
How chanceth it that the violent streames of sinnes which thou swallowest vp like pleasant wine, or rather art deuoured of them, (the end of thy life by little and little now drawing néere) can not yet satisfie the?
We therefore (to satisfie the desirous to vnderstand and sée the diuersitie of writers) haue for the more part in their chronicles left the same as we found it.
King Oswie desirous to satisfie his request, sent vnto the prouince of the Middleangles, calling from thence that vertuous man [Sidenote: Cedda.
As for egrets, pawpers, and such like, they are dailie brought vnto vs from beyond the sea, as if all the foule of our countrie could not suffice to satisfie our delicate appetites.
And thus Robert both encouraged and enabled by the King of France, inuaded Normandie, and permitted his souldiers licentiously to wast; to satisfie those by spoile, which by pay he was not able to maintaine.
When many Bishops and Abbots complained, that they were not able to satisfie such summes of money as the King demanded of them, vnles they should sel the Chalices & siluer vessels which pertained to their Churches.
X] This we hope is sufficente to satisfie any in this case, espetialy freinds, since we are asured y^t if the whole charge was devided into 4.
Yet to satisfie our passengers I must of force doe it; and for some other reasons not necessary to be writen, &c.
Sorie I am to hear it, yet contente to beare it, as not doubting but y^t partly by writing, and more principally by word when we shall come togeather, I shall satisfie any reasonable man.
It is rather to please their lusts, to satisfie their wild and extravagant fancies; and I wish none doth it to stir up lust in others, to the end they may commit uncleanness with them.
For I shall satisfie my selfe with the conscience of well doing, in making so much good common.
Also, if it shall then be lawful for me, to shew you the way of Transmutation, I will truely satisfie your Curiosity therein.
The King answer'd, I have contriv'd a Way, which willsatisfie you, and the King of Tydore will have no Cause to complain.
Right so no kinde of argument in all the Oratorie craft, doth better perswade and more vniuersally satisfie then example, which is but the representation of old memories, and like successes happened in times past.
But herein the noble Poet Horace hath said inough to satisfie vs all in these few verses.
There is not punishment enough in nature To quit my horrid act, I have not in My stock of blood, to satisfie with weeping, Nor could my soul, though melted to a flood Within me, gush out tears to wash my stain off.
Great Duke, and Husband, there is but one way To satisfie the world of our true right, And it is dangerous.
The Duke of Burgundy who here doth come, Who, either by his wisdom will confute you, Or else inform and satisfie the King.
I must expect, till you are pleas'd to satisfie My poor request, conduct me at your pleasure.
And when he was hungry, he took what he had occasion for to satisfie his Hunger, of such Fruits as the Island afforded, or what he could hunt.
And this was enough to satisfie him of the Nobility of his Nature; namely, that his viler Part, i.
Where the Britains haue their countrie, their wiues and parents, as iust causes of war to fight for: the Romans haue none at all, but a couetous desire to gaine by rapine, and to satisfie their excessiue lusts.
For to prove this, you must satisfie me in all those things questioned concerning General Councils * by M.
Come neerer: No farther halting: satisfie me home, What is become of her?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "satisfie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.