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Example sentences for "geographical"

Lexicographically close words:
geognosy; geographer; geographers; geographic; geographica; geographically; geographies; geographique; geography; geoid
  1. Laying aside geographical demonstration, let us now examine how historical records agree with the opinion here supported, that the island of San Salvador was the first point where Columbus came in contact with the New World.

  2. Geographical proof, of a conclusive kind it is thought, has been advanced, to enable the world to remain in its old hereditary belief that the present island of San Salvador is the spot where Columbus first set foot upon the New World.

  3. Having made himself well acquainted with geographical and nautical science, he prepared to launch into the career of discovery.

  4. The learned father Feyjoo [363] has given a philosophical solution to this geographical problem.

  5. As geographical knowledge increased, the situation of the Hesperian gardens was continually removed to a greater distance.

  6. The geographical works of Waldseemüller, under the assumed name of Hylacomylas, had a wide circulation, went through repeated editions, and propagated the use of the name America throughout the world.

  7. One of the most singular geographical illusions on record is that which for a long while haunted the imaginations of the inhabitants of the Canaries.

  8. Such is the geographical position of Great Britain that its countries should be, not one, but united, each with its own parliament, but still one parliament for all.

  9. Here this formula ends; the return voyage and the later adventures of the pair were fantastically told as geographical knowledge increased, after the home of Medea had been located at Aia in Colchis, at the east of the Euxine.

  10. He collects from them many incidents, beliefs, usages, and proofs of geographical knowledge "of a post-Homeric type.

  11. But Lemnos is well within Homer's geographical knowledge, while the homes of Aietes and Circe are far beyond its limits.

  12. Some, such as the genealogy of Thersites, due to the manie cyclique, with the extended geographical outlook, are post-Homeric.

  13. The region of legend expands with the expansion of geographical knowledge.

  14. From year to year the Jesuit and the trader added something to the geographical knowledge of the western lakes, where the secret was soon to be {170} unlocked by means of the rivers which fed those remarkable reservoirs of the continent.

  15. At the time of the departure of Cartier in 1534 for the "new-found isle" of Cabot, the world had made considerable advances in geographical knowledge.

  16. Scotia was then a territorial or geographical term, while Scotus was a race name or generic term, implying people as well as country.

  17. On his return to England, M'Clure was awarded gold medals by the English and French geographical societies, was knighted and promoted to post-rank, his commission being dated back four years in recognition of his special services.

  18. Nicomedes the geographical poem of the Pseudo-Scymnus is dedicated.

  19. It was headed by a god, and included geographical personages like Lydus, Asies and Meies, or such heroes of folk-lore as Cambletes, who devoured his wife.

  20. The surface of the country is generally mountainous; the various mountain-groups present little uniformity in their geographical contour.

  21. At the same time Alexander himself made it a principal concern to win fresh geographical knowledge, to open new ways.

  22. Another fashionable way of expressing this idea is by saying that "China is a geographical expression.

  23. The spirit of enterprise and the disturbed political and religious conditions impelled many groups in western Europe to emigrate to new lands after the geographical discoveries that ushered in the sixteenth century.

  24. This wonderful geographical advantage had, indeed, been rendered futile in the past by the jealous spirit and the exclusive enactments of her oppressor.

  25. It needs in every sense a free translation, just as, from geographical position, the Persians attribute to the east wind what we say of the west.

  26. It is a marvel of accurate geographical knowledge, and is far better filled in than the maps of yesterday.

  27. It was found impossible to photograph it on account of the dark shade which age has laid over the original yellow varnish, but a careful tracing has been made and, I believe, sent home to the Geographical Society.

  28. All poor Livingstone's great geographical discoveries are marked on it as being--perhaps only from description--known or guessed at all that long time ago.

  29. Afghanistan is a hornet's nest; and yet, as we shall see presently, owing to geographical and strategical reasons, it cannot be left severely alone.

  30. Speech to the Geographical Congress of 1876 at Brussels.

  31. Touching first the geographical facts, we may point out that India and Afghanistan stand in somewhat the same relation to the Asiatic continent that Italy and Switzerland hold to that of Europe.

  32. Four years later, on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society, he undertook to examine the country behind Mombasa which was little better known than when Vasco da Gama first touched there.

  33. He then proceeded up stream to the Sobat tributary, on the banks of which at Nassar he left half of a Sudanese battalion to bar the road on that side to geographical explorers provided with flags.

  34. The plea of necessity was again put forward, and it might have been urged as forcibly on geographical and strategic grounds as on the causes that were alleged for the rupture.

  35. Until the year 1876, the very name Bulgarian was scarcely known except as a geographical term.

  36. This old geographical term deserves preservation, as it represents a region which has its own peculiar characteristics.

  37. Guiana, as a geographical term, is that district lying between the water-parting of the Orinoco and the Amazon and the coast; and is almost a topographical entity, embodying part of Venezuela.

  38. From this humble beginning a city sprang to being, the geographical and trade centre of the Amazon, with every comfort and every vice of modern civilization.

  39. The historical evidence for the antiquity of the Vaudois Church is greatly strengthened by a consideration of the geographical position of "the Valleys.

  40. My new command was one of the four military departments that composed the geographical division then commanded by Lieutenant-General Sherman.

  41. Johnson's Hand] Side by side with this volume on my shelves stands the "Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa," a work of sheer imagination if ever there was one.

  42. There is only matter-of-fact geographical and mythological information in William of Tours' History of the Crusades; for instance, in his description of the Bosphorus he does not waste a word over its beauty.

  43. Geographical knowledge of the Alps advanced very slowly; there was as yet no æsthetic enjoyment of their beauty.

  44. Shall they take the Lake of the Woods on one side, and the Missouri on the other, and find a geographical centre?

  45. As there is a great diversity of sentiment respecting the policy of the duty, I am very happy to find it is not prescribed by the geographical situation of our country.

  46. The gentlemen from the eastward, as he said before, were in favor of the Susquehanna; that in contemplating the geographical centre of territory, they found the banks of that river to be near the place.

  47. If gentlemen examine this subject with candor, they will find that the banks of the Susquehanna are as near the geographical centre as can be fixed upon.

  48. He observed, that upon the present occasion, the opinions respecting the constitution seem to be divided by a geographical line, dividing the continent.

  49. From this view of the subject, which is not easy to describe by words, but which will strike every eye that looks on a map, I am sure that if the Potomac is not the geographical centre, it is because the Susquehanna is less so.

  50. Its geographical position makes it the boundary between the arctic plants from the North and the plants of Oregon and California from the South.

  51. They relate, indeed, to the history of intellectual culture in one of its largest geographical and ethnological divisions.

  52. The latter, the cradle of the present population of Malo-Russia, belongs, according to the present geographical division of the Russian empire, to Southern Russia.

  53. Before we pass on to consider the geographical distribution of salt, we will just cursorily glance at the position it occupies in the vegetable world.

  54. He returned in about four months, during which time the instrument enabled the longitude to be ascertained within ten miles, or one-third of the required geographical distance.

  55. In the latitude of Portsmouth this only amounted to eighteen geographical miles, whereas the Act had awarded that the prize should be given where the longitude was determined within the distance of thirty geographical miles.

  56. Indeed, it is almost inconceivable that a reward so great could be held out for a method which would merely afford security within eighty geographical miles!

  57. The prize of the Geographical Society of Paris, the grand medal of the London Geographical Society, and brilliant receptions greeted the illustrious traveler.

  58. Having so happily accomplished his object for the sake of humanity, Stanley determined to pursue his journey in the interest of geographical science.

  59. But it was evident, the geographical character of the country being given, that the high mountain chain of the Andes formed their background.

  60. But that is too improbable, and we shall not have advanced twenty miles into the interior of the country before we shall evidently be satisfied about its geographical situation.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geographical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    geographical discovery; geographical distribution; geographical knowledge; geographical miles; geographical position; geographical races; geographical science