But he quoted no facts, nor did he give any data to substantiate his statements.
The witnesses necessary to substantiate the foregoing facts are all at hand and can be produced at any time.
On the 31st of August I sent you my letter, and on the 27th of September you say in your paper: "As not one of the affirmations in the form stated in this letter was contained in the offer we made, we have no occasion to substantiate them.
Have we any testimony, except human testimony, to substantiate any miracle?
Is it not simply amazing that a doctor of divinity, a Presbyterian clergyman, in this day and age, should seriously rely upon the number of copies of the Bible to substantiate the inspiration of that book?
Mr. Thorburn, unless the record can be produced to substantiate him, stands convicted of at least two mistakes.
The most recent of these, and that which appears to have most to substantiate it, is known as immunity due to antitoxins.
Evidence has been forthcoming to substantiate in some measure the distrust which many of the public have from time to time felt in the vaccine commonly used in vaccination, hence the new form as above designated.
That any man, in reaching this region, could do more than I did to ascertain definitely the mathematical Pole, and that any more voluminous display of figures could substantiate a claim of greater accuracy, I do deny.
To substantiate his charge of fraud, Peary declared that my Eskimo companions had said I had been only two sleeps from land.
Cook, but the seals and polar bears and little foxes will bear testimony of unimpeachable character to substantiate his claims as the discoverer of the North Pole.
Liprand, being unable tosubstantiate his charge of simony, was obliged to change the nature of his accusation, and charged the Archbishop with having forced him to submit to the ordeal of fire.
I will try the ordeal by fire to substantiate my charge.
The following points are more than sufficient to substantiate what I have said:--1st.
Flores is built indeed on the ruins of the aboriginal city, which, however, has left no relics of sculpture or architecture to substantiate the Spanish accounts of its magnificent structures, which included twenty-one adoratorios.
Parkhurst was summoned before the Grand Jury, and solemnly reproved for making statements which he could not for the moment substantiate with chapter and verse.
In January, 1564 he sent a letter to the Duchess of Parma expressing his displeasure at the lords' letter, and saying that they must substantiate their complaints.
So soon as the room was reduced to order, Mr. Mainwaring arose, and, addressing Judge Anstice, begged to be permitted to substantiate his statements of the morning through one witness only.
One knows that every statement he reads concerning the education of the Negro prior to 1861 is true, for the author has taken pains to substantiate every fact that he presents.
I had the advantage of hearing from a gentleman related to Mr. McRae that he could substantiate his statement, having himself about the same time, and in that locality, observed the same appearance, though at a greater distance off.
The newly-discovered relationship was discussed for a time, and facts and dates were brought forward to substantiate it.
As though to substantiate Budd's declaration, a singular thing happened within the house.
Modern scepticism makes with respect to supernatural occurrences (under which more general term I include the miracles of the New Testament), the three following assertions, and endeavours to substantiate them by every available argument: 1st.
Diplomatic records fail to substantiate the accusations of lack of initiative and instability of political criterion currently brought against him by contemporaries.
For some time after the occupation of Rome the pope, in order to substantiate the pretence that his spiritual freedom had been diminished, avoided the creation of cardinals and the nomination of bishops.
It will, therefore, be our purpose to inquire into the nature and degree of testimony which has been given to the world to substantiate the claims of this extraordinary book.
But I [illegible] to the truth to substantiate my narrative, and prefer that everything should be fairly laid before the world.
I well know, however, that entire changes cannot be made; and that enough must remain as it was to substantiate my description, whenever the truth shall be known.
We are deafened with clamour for proof to substantiate Maria Monk's history: but that demand is tantamount to the declaration--"I will not believe.
They tend tosubstantiate our conviction that Democritus must rank below Anaxagoras as a devotee of pure science.
If I have said anything that I cannot substantiate I will willingly surrender myself into their hands.
Reference is also made to the prophecies of Ezekiel, Balaam and Micaiah to substantiate his theory which Mr. Sheen admits he is unable to "satisfactorily explain.
She asked about Susan in the village, in order that if any enquiries were made she could substantiate her statement of ignorance.
You can, in the meantime, substantiate anything I say by your own personal enquiry.
Then he would do so for me and bring proofs tosubstantiate his statements.
Useless now to promulgate my carefully formed theory, with any hope of proof to substantiate it.
But it took an immediate hold upon the miserable woman he addressed, though she gave little evidence of it, for he proceeded to add in a hard tone: "That or immediate confession to your husband, with me by to substantiate your story.
How do you suppose you would be received there if you should burst in upon them claiming to be Sir William's wife and the mistress of Heathdale if you could not substantiate your statements?
He half believed that, armed with the strong proofs she had secured to substantiate the legality of her marriage, she would go directly to England to assert her position there as his wife.
This material comfort and security of life would, of itself, hardly suffice to substantiate Gibbon's opinion as to the superior happiness of this particular period of the world's history; but there was something more.