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Example sentences for "weathercock"

Lexicographically close words:
weasel; weasels; weather; weatherbeaten; weatherboard; weathercocks; weathered; weathering; weatherly; weathermost
  1. And they were so glad to see the little rabbit they forgot to wonder how the Weathercock could grow.

  2. And as soon as the Weathercock saw him you should have heard him crow.

  3. The summer night was as dark as if it had been October, the weathercock creaked, and the storm was raging in every direction.

  4. I think the twirling of the weathercock on the roof bodes ill,' said he; 'we shall have a storm.

  5. The weathercock is squeaking now,' said he.

  6. The cottage on the rock was even smaller than the other; it had a wooden bolt instead of an iron lock to the door, a stone hearth, a flagstaff, and a weathercock on the roof.

  7. They are as careful of the age as the weathercock is of the wind.

  8. Footnote 55: That there are some plain crosses, cannot be denied--more especially that on which the weathercock is placed.

  9. The five-year-old swung about like a weathercock in a gust of wind, assuming an upright position, like the unicorn in the British coat of arms.

  10. The light of fame, as the sunset gilds a weathercock on a steeple, sometimes touches such men for an instant and makes them immortal.

  11. On the morrow the weathercock told no better news; and a note was on the breakfast-table which informed us that there was no chance of our sailing that day.

  12. We sauntered all the afternoon in the Zoological Gardens, and, as we returned, caught each other looking up at every weathercock we passed.

  13. Kutuzov no one spoke of, except some who abused him in whispers, calling him a court weathercock and an old satyr.

  14. I looked at every weathercock as I came along the road to-day, and was happy to see every one point northeast.

  15. I was peevish before with the weather; but, now it prevents your riding, I forget hay and roses, and all the comforts that are washed away, and shall only watch the weathercock for an east wind in Yorkshire.

  16. The Weathercock of the Giralda Tower 186 ARMS XXXIX.

  17. During the reign, in the eleventh century, of the Zirite kingling of Granada, Badis ben Habbus, a weathercock of strange design surmounted his alcazar.

  18. Round came Sir John like the Blossholme weathercock on a gusty day.

  19. These stand, it will be remembered, under a quaint old roof supported on rough, oaken pillars, and surmounted by a weathercock which the monkish fancy has fashioned to the shape of the archangel blowing the last trump.

  20. Ever since he crept up to be but the weathercock of a steeple, he trembles and cracks at every puff of wind that blows about him, as if the Church of England were falling.

  21. In effect it was not long after this meddling with the portentous weathercock that the following event occurred.

  22. This weathercock was considered by the Moslems of Granada a portentous talisman.

  23. Weathercock can without the wind," suggested Jo, as he paused for a simile.

  24. I'm afraid Laurie is hardly grown-up enough for Meg, and altogether too much of a weathercock just now for anyone to depend on.

  25. He had turned coat in politics, and would now try his weathercock capabilities at religion.

  26. I wouldn't believe as it was the weathercock at first, but quite took to old Mother Bonnett's notion as it was signs of the times, and a kind of warning to High Beechy of something terrible to come to pass.

  27. It was nothing like getting up to oil the weathercock after all.

  28. There was on the gable of one of the houses in the market-place a weathercock of a peculiar form, lately gilt, which just then caught the sun's rays and blazed with light.

  29. This weathercock caused the error of the women.

  30. This edifice, originally erected at the close of the twelfth century, is hemmed in on all sides by venerable-looking buildings, while above them rises its tapering steeple, surmounted by a mediaeval weathercock in the form of an angel.

  31. The wind is in the north," said Colline, gravely, pointing to a weathercock on a neighboring roof.

  32. It became proverbial in the University to speak of a cloak or a coat which had been turned as "perned," and finally the letters on the weathercock of S.

  33. On each face of the hexagon there was a sun-dial, and "at its apex a weathercock in the form of a serpent and dove.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weathercock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anemometer; barometer; chameleon; cock; feeler; formalist; mercury; moon; probe; quicksilver; sample; sound; sounder; water; weathercock; whirligig