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Example sentences for "experiment"

Lexicographically close words:
experienced; experiences; experiencing; experientia; experiential; experimenta; experimental; experimentalist; experimentalists; experimentally
  1. By way of experiment a squad of sergeants was sent out to-night to try their hand at recruiting.

  2. So on a back street they tried the experiment this afternoon.

  3. By an experiment faith acquires an experience.

  4. Make a hallowed experiment with the powers of grace.

  5. I have forgotten how it was that this design broke down; but I found by experiment that the great romance was to go on that brave shelf of the unwritten books, the shelf where all the splendid books are to be found in their golden bindings.

  6. I think I should like nothing better; and in case you decide to try the experiment I promise to do my very best to make it a success.

  7. And the experiment must not be tried; I tell you it would fail.

  8. I tried the experiment first on a slip of telegraph paper and found that the point made an alphabet.

  9. Imprison a Galileo for his discoveries in science, and he will experiment with the straw in his cell.

  10. The physical and moral degeneracy continued until 1880, when a few private individuals made the experiment of redemption.

  11. This experiment in love-making did not continue.

  12. In the family referred to the experiment of paying board to the mother was watched carefully.

  13. Failures would not discourage the worker, for every effort would be considered an experiment until success was attained.

  14. As a first experiment it will be necessary to play the chord to the class with each note doubled in turn, so that they may feel the necessity for doubling the best note.

  15. This experiment is most valuable, as it gets the child away from the cramping feeling of keeping a rule merely because it is mentioned in a text-book.

  16. As the children are accustomed to the sound of the chord of the third on all degrees of the scale, it will be a natural experiment to play a particular combination of thirds, thus arriving at the triad.

  17. The experiment was a repetition of the one that the inventor, Mr. G.

  18. We were recently witness of an experiment made at Eragny Conflans on the steam yacht Flamboyante.

  19. Upon the system with which the writer was connected we had some branches where we could experiment upon the moving of the rail.

  20. Here was a chance to experiment upon one hundred miles and cause little trouble to traffic.

  21. The result of experiment shows that the presence of certain compounds is essential to the vigor and development of all plants and particular compounds to the development of certain plants.

  22. It was in this way that Mr. Dietrich arranged his apparatus in an experiment made upon a stationary boiler belonging to a Mr. Corpet.

  23. The experiment was satisfactory and led to the adoption of the arrangement shown in Fig.

  24. The acquirement through experiment of such knowledge as that is, however, so much gained.

  25. The goal of complete disarmament is one that we never fail to strive for," he accordingly replied, "but our impulsive comrade must admit that the present is hardly the moment for us to make the experiment entirely on our own.

  26. Excess and experiment are the two evils that shatter so many golfing holidays, and yet the contradictions of golf are such that we find there is something good to be said both for excess and for experiment.

  27. The experiment of Nice, which was a fateful one, proved successful, and since then it has been copied by other clubs out that way, and greens are kept on and are much the better for it.

  28. When employed in watching the habits of these birds, it is interesting to make the experiment of concealing a dead animal beneath a dense bush.

  29. To make his first experiment in maneuvering against such an expert in the science of war as Lee, would have been to foredoom himself to defeat.

  30. He, accordingly, again summoned Stuart and ordered him to repeat the experiment of riding around the opposing army.

  31. Sight must not be lost of the fact that suffragism is not a new thing in the world, that it is far from being an experiment and is already an established fact in some countries.

  32. Bimmie said, At last my experiment shall be carried to completion.

  33. He said, I am conducting an important scientific experiment with the cat and dog.

  34. Bimmie said last night, It won't be long until my experiment bears fruit.

  35. Bimmie kept talking about how his experiment is going to revolutionize agriculture.

  36. He said, You don't think I'd experiment with my own child?

  37. Hopkins, Chief in Agronomy and Chemistry, University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Urbana.

  38. We have an experiment station in each State.

  39. The management of this experiment should not be subject to the vicissitudes of politics.

  40. The world has oftentimes tried the experiment of building a State upon other foundations than that of a conservative agriculture and an intelligent and prosperous agricultural class, and always with the same fatal outcome.

  41. To those who suggest that a sufficient patrol will prevent fires, I respond that they ought to try the experiment of filling a building with powder, putting an ample guard around it, and touching a match to it.

  42. Two Delegates appointed by each State or other University or College, and by each Agricultural College or Experiment Station.

  43. Freely we have received, and generously must we respond; and deeply must we realize what a charge to keep we have--nothing less than the Conservation of the greatest experiment in enlightened self-government the world ever saw.

  44. In order not to interrupt the description and interfere with the succession of the acts, I have passed without remark the experiment in which Fabre substituted a living animal for the Sphex's already paralysed captive.

  45. And even in the course of this little experiment the insect gives proof of judgment.

  46. Who will be the first manager to experiment with this new adjunct to the art of the stage?

  47. The adult who tries the experiment will be inclined to conclude that whatever the illumination, the proper place for the man who uses diamond type for any purpose is the penitentiary.

  48. An experiment in such selection is now in progress in the St. Louis Public Library.

  49. In this way, since the close meshing of the wheels is released, you can extend the experiment for many years, even for many centuries.

  50. And with that night--the sixth or seventh--the experiment ended.

  51. Last year I tried an experiment with a robin's nest.

  52. Observation and experiment supply a strange answer to this question.

  53. Sir Richard saw with delight that the right chord had been touched in his son's mind, and he no longer doubted the success of the experiment he had urged Mr. Merivale to try.

  54. Animals are not only the frequent victims of lightning, but, as this experiment shows, they are still oftener the martyrs of science.

  55. This experiment explains the absence, or the shortness in duration, of corpselike stiffness in subjects which have been subjected to the terrible discharge of lightning.

  56. Brown Sequard made the following very curious experiment on this subject:-- He took the hearts away from five rabbits of the same kind, the same age, and about the same strength.

  57. A curious experiment was tried: eight people formed a chain, and one of them, with a piece of metallic wire, touched the back of a torpille which had been imported.

  58. Also, if you stop the experiment before the arrival of the globule at the positive point, the photograph will only give the route to that point.

  59. This experiment took place in June, 1752, and made an immense sensation throughout the world, and was repeated in other countries, always with the same success.

  60. Whitney had never seen cotton nor cotton seed when he began to plan his invention; nor did he, even in Savannah, find cotton to experiment with until after considerable search.

  61. Hence it seemed to the colonists a great trial and even a very dangerous experiment to drink water in the New World.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "experiment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    experiment stations; experimental inquiry; experimental philosophy; experimental psychology; experimental science; experimental work; experiments made; experiments were