A questionnaire was sent out containing the following questions: (1) How would your syndicat act in order to transform itself from a group for combat into a group for production?
The Commission sent out a questionnaire to all syndical organizations, asking all those who were in favor of the movement to lend their help.
In due course, a long four-page questionnaire came to Bill from the main office in Cincinnati: "Full name of injured employee?
Coincident with the intense controversy which rose in the nineteenth century over the higher education of women, a number of statistical studies were carried on by the questionnaire method.
The report and questionnaireis printed in connection with the minutes of the Executive Board.
The work of the committee has only begun; it should be planned to go much more into details than the present questionnaire indicates.
In any case a statement should accompany the questionnaire that the information asked cannot be obtained by any other means at the asker's disposal.
She stated that a questionnaire was sent to 200 normal schools, and the results show that most of the normal school libraries need reorganization.
This is a question our questionnairedoes not answer.
Upon reflection, it seems likely that if our questionnaire had asked specifically about the use of lime, many more reports would have been received of its use.
Accompanying this letter is a questionnaire from the survey committee which is designed to extract as much information as possible from the members.
Was that application and questionnaire considered in the State Department before the passport was issued, or was the passport issued on general instructions before they received this application?
We only filled out a proper questionnaire containing a statement that this will be a permanent residence in the United States, or leaving the Soviet Union for permanent residence in the United States.
Yes; the general counsel sent us a questionnaire with two attachments, attachment A and attachment B.
No; the questionnaire is filled out routinely in Moscow in any kind of problem case.
If there were a supplemental questionnaire or something like that, then he would probably go to the file.
At any rate, my attention would have been directed to the expanded questionnaire in which he had to fill out individual paragraphs concerning each one of these things, and to a determination of the facts in the case.
In any event, having received the questionnaire and the application, you determined that Mr. Oswald was entitled to an American passport, is that correct?
Don't you pretty much negate that possibility by the fact that you did require him to fill out the questionnaire which only has to be filled out if he admits that he has done one of the various acts?
Oswald indicated that he had done one of these acts, and then supplied a supplementary questionnaire explaining in fuller detail what he meant.
He had signed the necessary papers and he answered the required questionnaire under oath, and to the satisfaction of the Passport Office.
What does it mean in this questionnaire [Commission Exhibit No.
The response by our vice-presidents to thequestionnaire sent out has been rather disappointing, replies having been received from slightly less than half their number.
A questionnaire recently sent out by the author of this book discloses the fact that over half the college graduates of this country have given time and money to one or more of the campaigns which are being waged for social betterment.
And tomorrow evening we will get together in our apartment and make out the questionnaire complete.
One could get up a sort of questionnaire card and drop it in the letter boxes for each family to fill out, if they cared to do so, and then you could call meetings of the various groups.
These photos, along with a completed technical questionnaire that would be made up at ATIC by Captain Roy James, would be forwarded to Project Grudge.
The questionnaire we were using in June 1952 was the one that had recently been developed by Project Bear.
Many test models had been tried before it reached its final form--the standard questionnaire that Blue Book is using today.
From this standard questionnaire the project worked up two more specialized types.
A printed questionnaire containing thirty-eight questions has been distributed through the agency of M.
Inquiries by questionnaire have one defect which has often been noted.
We have included in our questionnaire all that is likely to interest not only the inspector, but the doctor and the psychologist.
In the same questionnaire another question, placed on the following page, is almost identical in form with the first: Is there anything in which the child is particularly interested?
In our questionnaire we asked the teachers to give marks showing the relative ability of these children in the different subjects.
This was secured in response to a questionnaire sent to the employers who were patrons of the employment office at Flanner House.
The questionnaire was as follows: Do you remember what books you have read and which you liked best?
The following document is not a letter, but a series of answers to a questionnaire upon the subject of religious belief, which was sent out in 1904 by Professor James B.
She believed the granting of this form of the franchise helped the cause of full suffrage and through a questionnaire to the different States she had collected much information as to the best method of handling such bills.
The case worker should be familiar with the Questionnaire on the Deserted Family in Mary E.
Two weeks after the war ended in Europe, a letter with an attached questionnaire was sent to senior commanders.
Not everyone agreed that the questionnaire was the best way to review the performance of Negroes in World War II.
The flexibility Gibson detected among many Army officers was not apparent in the answers to the McCloy questionnaire that flowed into the War Department during the summer and fall of 1945.
The questionnaire asked for such information as: "To what extent have you maintained segregation beyond the actual unit level, and what is your recommendation on this subject?
Please fill out the enclosed questionnaire and return to the undersigned at your earliest convenience.
The information I received in answer to my questionnaire was very interesting and instructive and confirmed some of my impressions regarding the occurrence of nut trees in our province.
This bulletin on “The Harmful Effects of Acetanilid, Antipyrin and Phenacetin” summarizes the replies received from 400 physicians to whom a questionnaire had been sent.
The result of the Propaganda department’s questionnairewas what might have been expected.
During the spring of 1781 he had received from the secretary of the French legation, Barbe-Marbois, a long questionnaireon the present conditions of Virginia.
The questionnaire has been answered mainly by men of the British army, but the writer could observe no radical difference between the British and American forces as regards their religious life.
During the summer of 1917 a questionnaire was sent out to representative religious workers throughout the armies in France and Great Britain by a committee under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Winchester and Professor D.
Helen was busy with a questionnaireon Reaction Time in Children Under Six, from the Psychological Department at Harvard.
It contained a very long questionnaire which I was requested to fill out and forward by return mail.
I recalled the tabulated results of a particularly elaborate questionnaire printed in the morning's news.
A questionnaire was sent by Hotchkiss and Franken to 1761 men and women college students in New York City, and answers came from all but a few.
And yet we cannot send out a questionnaire to 816 random samples every time we wish to estimate a probability.
Scott used a questionnaire on four thousand prominent business and professional men in Chicago and received replies from twenty-three hundred.