It's a throwback to a weaker strain That's washed by the Tropic tide.
Throwback to the rock-climbing monsters of an age long forgotten, it moved among the lesser stones with terrifying grace.
A throwback to an era ten thousand years in the past, and therefore, as the textbooks say, prone to mental instability.
The girl was tall and longlegged with ideal body proportions, her features and skin coloring a perfect norm-blend with no throwback elements.
A remarkable throwback; a throwbackof a distinct type.
It is a throwback to earlier days of colonialism and mercantilism and it is laden with historical memories and sensitivities.
This is a throwbackto an earlier age when the modern state was not yet invented.
Let this explain what actually happened--the throwback of a great collie's instinct.
Tired of biting an unprotesting ear, Wolf dived for Lad's white forelegs, gnawing happily at them with a playfully unconscious throwback to his wolf ancestors who sought thus to disable an enemy by breaking the foreleg bone.
Knave, with an instinctive throwback to his wolf forebears of five hundred years earlier, dived for Lad's forelegs with the hope of breaking one of them between his foaming jaws.
His breeding was as pure as was any champion's, but he was one of those luckless types to be found in nearly every litter--a throwback to some forgotten ancestor whose points were all defective.