In either case, but especially in the former, it frequently becomes puremysticism (q.
A stern, defiant Presence seems everywhere confronting us, and the weird mysticism of Nature bids us beware.
Scepticism and such mysticism are but two sides of the same shield.
But with the scoffing scepticism and its complementary counterpart, the dogmaticmysticism of religion, there was associated also a most visionary gnosticism.
What is theosophy, but the stupefying philosophy and the benumbing metaphysics of the East, clothed in its own garb of Oriental mysticism and senseless, spurious occultism.
And yet in this very effort to conserve the spiritual and transcendental character of Brâhm the Aryan sage has covered Him with the dark robe of mysticism and pushed Him into a far off realm beyond human ken.
At least, whatever of philosophy they may possess, and all of the occultism and mysticism which they court and magnify, are thoroughly Eastern and Indian.
Under these conditions I shall have no fear ofmysticism in the Christian Church in India.
Lastly, the Platonic mysticism of Florence, and the Peripatetic materialism of Bologna ended in the new philosophy of the Calabrian school.
At the same time, this Neo-platonic mysticism was only too sympathetic to the feebler pietism of the middle ages for men who had discovered it, to doubt its inspiration.
True mysticism is indeed rare; but it must be confessed that it is a most skilful and profitable invention of the worldly-wise, to throw a cloak of titular mysticism over absurdity itself.
His exalted mysticism is seen at its purest in "A Fallen Yew" and "The Hound of Heaven.
It marked a point of departure, a reaction against both the too-polished and over-rhetorical verse of his immediate predecessors and the dehumanized mysticism of many of his associates.
This special clericalism, this depraved and artistically perverse mysticism towards which he wended could not even be discussed with a priest who would not have understood them or who would have banished them with horror.
In these all but healthy volumes, Barbey d'Aurevilly constantly hesitated between those two pits which the Catholic religion succeeds in reconciling: mysticism and sadism.
And the auger against my ancestors' mysticism grew with the growing consciousness that I was rapidly yielding to the very same mysticism myself.
Thus the idea of substitution in Paul receives its complement and realisation in the mysticism of his conception of faith.
With all his mysticismand emotional susceptibility, Paul's mind was essentially sane and critical.
That is, I will admire, but I will not be magnetised, either by mysticism or militarism.
The wonder turns to mere mysticism; and mere mysticism always turns to mere immoralism.
The worst of it is that I have an odd mixture of practicality and mysticism within me, and I have sometimes thought that one has damaged the other.
The classical Landor's impatience ofmysticism explains his dislike of Plato, the mystic among Greeks.
Mr. Yeats is not insincere, but his mysticism is a part of his art rather than a part of his mind.
The mysticism of Mr. Russell is fully as intellectual as it is emotional; it is more than his creed; it is his life.
I do not really know what mysticism is; but I know that Mr. Yeats and Mr. Russell are both mystics and of a quite different stamp.
Mysticism contends that reason only darkens the mind, and consequently, discarding all reasoning processes, relies upon immediate revelation.
Mysticism and Pantheism link hands over the gulf which seemed to divide them.
Ellis and Yeats that a consistent basis of mysticism underlies Blake's writings.
Mysticism had engulfed the poet in its dim cloud, though poetic phrases and passages like crystal dew glitter amid the gloom.
The first represents Blake in a rare mood, his mysticism in abeyance, and his temper one of aesthetic abandon.
Mainländer had a grandfather who, after the death of a son, carried religious mysticism to the extent of insanity, and died of inflammation of the brain at the age of thirty-three.
Royce rejected all the current arguments for God and immortality and argues for the mysticism of internal experience.
Hegel's philosophy may be described as an attempt to reach the standpoint of religious mysticism by means of purely rational processes.
This strong movement of feeling, created on the one hand by Kant's Critique, and by the mysticism of Rousseau, took different forms in the two countries to which these two philosophers belonged.
His attitude was a blend of that rationalism and mysticismwhich were characteristic of so much seventeenth century thought.
Is not the distinction between mysticism, the mysticism which is of truth, and mere dreamery, or the institution of imaginations for realities, exactly this, that mysticism may be translated into logic?
At first sight it seems to be anarchy modified by mysticism and friendship for persons.
The critic who would avoid the heights and depths of mysticism would do well to imitate his reserve, and exceed him in metaphysical diffidence.
Mysticism of this sort is the very height of spiritual power.
He had mysticism enough to imagine a new Atlantis, and the practical turn for experimenting which made him eager to attempt to realize it.
Fénélon and Madame Guyon had their English disciples, and the gross immorality of the times of the earlier Georges had its opposite in the refined mysticism which appears in many of the religious and philosophical writers of the period.
English mysticism is a fact, though unrecorded in the pages of the history of her philosophers; and English mysticism was never stronger than in the generation preceding Berkeley.
Mr. Stanford has just that tinge of mysticism which spiritualises events, and uses emblems with unction; but he never becomes mawkish or obscure.
Even in Pindar, moral mysticism is, as it were, encysted, like an alien deposit, in the more vital substance of aesthetic conceptions.
Yet at one critical moment of history mysticism attained undue development and bid fair to force the Hellenic genius into uncongenial regions.