He uses the dream elements to a marked degree, as in The Song of Love Triumphant, a story of Oriental magic employed through dreams and music, and The Dream, an account of a son's revelatory visions of his unknown father.
Dreams and visions, revelatoryof the past and prophetic of the future, played an important part in the drama (as they are now widely used in motion-picture scenarios) and the Gothic novel continues the tradition.
Only if the people are of the simplest and most self-revelatory kind.
The one is as revelatory of his ethical outlook as the other of his esthetic intuitions.
Euclydes da Cunha’s revelatorybook opened the doors of the Brazilian Academy of Letters to him in 1903.
Delsarte did not escape this debt of revelatory genius.
His work was to have borne the title, "My Revelatory Episodes.
The title of this book is to be: "My Revelatory Episodes, or the History of an Idea Pursued for Forty Years.
A young girl's canines are self-revelatory in this respect.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revelatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.