He shall deliver the island of the innocent: and it is delivered by the pureness of thine hands.
He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.
Or, watching by the babbling rill Gushing in pureness from the hill, Think thence poison to distil?
The Church escaped from and soared out of their reach on ‘the two great wings of pureness and kindness,’ and so ‘by the unresistable might of weakness shook the world.
Still more brutalising, still more destructive of every element of pureness and kindness were the gladiatorial games.
He shall deliver the island of the innocent: and it is delivered by the pureness of thine [Job's] hands.
We have not yet considered one feature of all experiments in hybridisation, which indeed seems to be the most important of all for the theory of inheritance, if taken together with the fact of the pureness of the germs.
And again,(896) he placeth in it a mystical signification of the pureness of the minister of God.
For this reason perfect pureness of conduct ought to be striven after, as will be taught by the following.
His heart of innate pureness was alarmed by what appeared to him like a reproof.
For this reason entire pureness of conduct ought to be striven after.
May thy food, which is free from destruction and corruption, thy mind, which is lovely because of its practice of charity, and mendicants adorned by the pureness of their good conduct, be mine!
It is a passion, in pureness and height as far above your base ideas as the frame you bear, but disgrace by your deeds, is above the meaner brutes, whose passions you seem to emulate.
I have sometimes thought my heart was like that snowy height; in all perhaps except the imperishable purenessof its tint.
And great cloud-feathers flushed with crimson light Drifting above thepureness of her lune, Rent from the wings of night.
Unseal thine eyes, and all things speak of God: The snows on yonder thorn His pureness show; Yon golden iris bank His love.
I only wondered when I found in your son a being too high for it--a being to whom right is right and pureness is pureness, as it is to God.
Her dark hair was all gathered loosely back and coiled in a large knot low down against her fair throat, from which the white lace of her gown fell backward, leaving its beautiful pureness bare.
As he purges the wicked, so he encourages the righteous: "He that loveth pureness of heart hath grace on his lips, the king shall be his friend.
He is a joy to his sovereign; he that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.
When I came to eleven years of age I knew pureness and righteousness; for while a child I was taught how to walk to be kept pure.
Singleness of heart is come; pureness of heart is come; joy and gladness is come.
When I came to eleven years of age, I knew pureness and righteousness," is Fox's report of his own early deliverance from the sense of sin.
From henceforth thou shalt learn that there is love To long for, pureness to desire, a mount Of consecration it were good to scale.
Howe'er this be, She is the interpreter by whom most near Man's soul is drawn to beauty and pureness here.
With no tendency to bicker he discusses the problems of government in a manner that reveals his clearness of vision and pureness of soul.
Mr. Taft, however, since he was always fair and kind, since he possessed largeness of vision and pureness of soul, was big enough for the task.
Above, the sky was blue, and without a cloud to dim its brightness; and that pureness gave to the sea an intensity of colour which is unknown save where those cloudless skies exist.
She ascribed her immunity to the pureness of her blood, and as the days went by she ascribed it more often and more loudly to the pureness of her blood.
The pureness of her blood was more rampant than ever, and I poked my nose into my navigation books and kept quiet.
Her ego was flattered to such an extent that one day she shyly informed me that it was all a matter of pureness of blood.
The mighty mother nourished you: Her breath blew from her mystic bowers: Their elfin glimmer floated through The pureness of your shadowy hours.
Think not in your pureness there That our pain but follows sin; There are fires for those who dare Seek the Throne of Might to win.
Now, fie upon thee, is this the pureness of your religion?
Warn thou the world from sin and vile excess, And now and then speak against drunkenness: So by this means thou shalt be termed wise, And with thy pureness blind the people's eyes.
Pureness is by no means an occasional or intermittent exercise of his judgment or choice.
The union belongs to those who are perfect, and this also is effected in three ways; by pureness and singleness of heart, by love, and by the contemplation of God, the Creator of all things.
Happy his breast, with pureness bless'd, Soon as seen, thy love must be confess'd.
E'en the floods that through the channel rush Must not fail in fulness or in gush; And as Senderud, from mountain high, Rises pure, in pureness must it die.
Then I looked upon the beauteous quiet That on her sweet eyelids was reposing On her lips was silent truth depicted, On her cheeks had loveliness its dwelling, And the pureness of a heart unsullied In her bosom evermore was heaving.
Happy his breast, with pureness bless'd, And the dark eyes 'neath his eyebrows placed, With full many a beauteous line are graced.