It should be urged, however, that too free catharsis in cardiac weakness is to be avoided, and the prolonged use of salines, and sometimes even one administration is contraindicated.
Aristotelian catharsis to arouse betimes the higher faculties which develop later, and whose function it is to deplete the bad centers and suppress or inhibit their activity.
Something dramatic or mystical will cling to the performance, and, even when the effect of it is to purify, it will bring about an emotional catharsis rather than a moral improvement.
Catharsis is rather the consciousness of how evil evils are, and how besetting; and how possible goods lie between and involve serious renunciations.
Doses of from two to ten grains may be repeated at suitable intervals until catharsis has been produced.
Ordered five grains each of calomel and bicarbonate of sodium, to be followed after catharsis with ten grains of quinia in solution every two hours.
Since the novel or lyric poem depicts human sorrow, and the reader is purged by reading these literary forms, just like the spectator of tragedy, all literature has the effect of an aesthetic catharsis upon the reader.
He however refers only to the catharsisupon the spectator, but not to that of the author's work upon himself.
He held the universal to be a sort of mean of what appears in the individual, the catharsis was in his view a transformation of the passions into virtuous dispositions, and he held the duty of poetry to be inspiration of the love of virtue.
His artistic faculty enabled him to give unsurpassable descriptions of the catharsis and of other effects of art, but he fails to give a precise definition of the aesthetic function.
The true catharsis can only be effected by separating the form from the content.