I shook my head in reply; I was in such a rage that I could not pardon him, although I felt that his repentance was sincere.
God, who confess our faults, that we perish not; but, according to thy gracious promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord, restore us upon our true repentance into thy grace and favour.
But the authorities had too lightly lent faith to the pretended repentance of the rebels, who were silently brooding over their hatred, and only awaiting a favourable opportunity to reopen the struggle.
I began saying a prayer in a low voice, offering up to God a sincere repentance for all my sins, imploring Him to save all those who were dear to my heart.
No," said he, "the day of repentance is past and gone; they will not give me grace.
If they elect to fight, the door of repentance is open, even when the armies are face to face.
Fear of the judgment of God was a motive of action; this is followed by repentance and turning to God.
For if we called it the Sacrament of repentance, and by that word would understand what we now do by the word penance, Tyndale would then be as angry with repentance as he is now with penance.
Once you said," he murmured timidly, "that repentance washes out all crimes.
Innocence does not come back: and repentanceis a poor thing beside it.
For the repentance of the righteous has its end; the days of repentance are fulfilled to all the saints; but to the heathen, there is repentance even unto the last day.
For neither they who have newly believed, or shall hereafter believe, have any repentance of sins, but forgiveness of them.
Keep therefore this command according as I have delivered it into thee: that thy repentance nay be found to be sincere, and that good may come to thy house; and have a pure heart.
These are condemned to death; there is no repentance for them: and therefore they are black, because their kind is wicked.
But I being still urgent, asked her, Is there repentance allowed to all those stones which are thus cast away, and were not suitable to the building of the tower; and shall they find place in this tower?
Howbeit, to those also repentance is offered; for thou seest that some of these have repented.
AFTER I had Written the Commands and similitudes of the Shepherd, the Angel of Repentance came unto me, and said to me, I will show thee all those things which the Spirit spake with thee under the figure of the church.
I the angel of repentance esteem you happy, whosoever are innocent as little children, because your portion is good and honourable with the Lord.
Thou seest therefore, said he, that in the repentance of sinners there is life; but for those who repent not, death is prepared.
In 1807 Marshall and Thompson, declaring their repentance were taken back into the presbytery.
He was no sooner established by the finding of shelter for his goods and chattels than unloading the pack he exhibited the old hump, declaring that God should only hear prayers of repentance and praise in his particular church.
The Order of Excommunication and Public Repentanceused in the Church of Scotland, Anno 1571, Tit.
Upon hisrepentance the apostle speaketh to the brethren, as well as to their elders, to forgive him, 2 Cor.
And if God convince him of his sin, and give him repentance unto life, he must readily forgive him.
On which follow the Conditions of the Future: happiness is sternly made dependent on repentance and righteousness (vv.
Even the most superficial reader must notice how much this prophet's doctrine of conscience and repentance harmonizes with the metanoia of New Testament preaching.
Repentance wields not now her spell And gallicisms I love as well As the sins of my youthful days Or Bogdanovitch's sweet lays.
No fond illusions live to soothe, But memory like a serpent's tooth With late repentance gnaws and stings.
You ought to pray to God to vouchsafe repentance to this wretched woman.
Repentance had risen on her darkened soul as the devouring malady had consumed her beauty.
He hears the prayer of the foreign sailors, He delights in the repentance of Nineveh, He cares for the cattle, iv.
It allowed no repentance to those who lived and died under it.
But I see that he that hath lived in sin and profaneness all his days, as Badman did, and yet shall die quietly, that is, without repentance steps in between his life and his death, is assuredly gone to hell.
A moment before he had supposed that he was out of reach of pardon, that he had no right to pray, no right to repent, or, at least, that neither prayer nor repentance could profit him.
He submits him from the first to the best influences; he creates opportunities for repentance at every stage of a long career--opportunities which the reprobate nature cannot profit by, yet increases its guilt by neglecting.
Prepositions: Repentance of or in heart, or from the heart; repentance for sins; before or toward God; unto life.
He tells how many of the men were praying, how their cries of repentance seemed to him too often cries of cowardice; though who would not fear to enter the presence of God all unprepared and unforgiven?
And so, what with the workers living in camp and others paying flying visits to it, the call to repentancewas loud and long, and no soldier at Sterkstroom was left without spiritual ministration.
If there was repentancefor her, was there not repentance for him?
There is repentance for me, Shuttleworth--tell me that there is!
Master, the Lord will forgive you if you, make your repentance durable.
He who judgeth all things right, receives the innocent soul into his bosom; and He will offer repentance to him who takes the innocent life.
He sees that mercy which overlooks the sins of man when repentance is pure; but his life is full of moral blemishes; he has sinned against the innocent, against the God of forgiveness.
On weighing these facts I foresaw that I should find it a difficult task to gain those favours which she had granted to Coudert; her repentance had been too bitter for her to expose herself to the same danger over again.
I said that in spite of my repentance I was glad to know that she had never made another man happy.
Repentance might come and torment us when love had been replaced by calmer friendship.
If marriage should not meet your views, we might try a lasting friendship, in which he could shew his repentance and prove himself deserving of pardon.
When I ask for the habit," I said, "I will also ask that my novitiate be extended for ten years, and if repentance do not come in ten years it will not come at all.
Your repentance would be too hard for you to bear.
Repentance only befits crimes, and pleasures are realities, though all too fleeting.
The single individual might, therefore, have been disposed to imagine that hisrepentance was in vain.
This connection comes out so much the more clearly, when we consider that, according to Scripture, repentance is not the work of man but of God, and is nothing else but the beginning of the bestowal of salvation; comp.
This is seen from the day of fasting and repentance which was appointed in remembrance of the first capture by the Chaldeans (compare "Dissertations on the Genuineness of Daniel," p.
He comforts them by opening up a view into a better Future, and exhorts them to remove by repentance the obstacles to the coming salvation.
But with repentance the recovery of salvation is indissolubly connected.
It is not the child which suffers, but David, whose repentance was to be deepened by this visitation.
There was a short period of doting fondness, a hysterica passio of loyal repentanceand love.
Thiers will be president of the Commission concerning the fortifications, and will report their proceedings to the Chamber; thus he will have the Cabinet on the stool of repentance and be able to keep the Chamber in check.
Their repentance may yet be speedy, for the incident may change the appearance of the world and bring once more into opposition the two forces which were inclined to amalgamate.