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Example sentences for "suche"

Lexicographically close words:
succumb; succumbed; succumbing; succumbs; such; suchen; suchlike; suchness; sucht; suchwise
  1. The first Poynt of Reproche ys, That if any Knyght (as God defende) be convaynqued or attaynted of Errour against the Cristen Faith Catholique, or had for any suche Offence suffred any Payne or Punicion publique.

  2. Let me se, I wyll yet waste a peny Upon suche thynges and if thou have eny.

  3. Hast thou a boke of the wydowe Edith, That hath begyled so many with her wordes, Or els suche a geest that is ful of bourdes?

  4. Blessed thoo men that cane in suche offence Meekly souffre, take al in pacyence Tendure suche wyfly purgatorye.

  5. With suche a metyerde she hathe shape him an hoode.

  6. For this is no doute, euery prudent wyff Hathe redy aunswere in al suche maner stryff, Thoughe theos dotardes, with theyre dokked berdes Which strowtethe out as they were made of herdes, Haue ageyn hus a gret quarell nowe sette.

  7. She was no cowarde founde at suche a neode, Hir fist ful offt made his cheekis bleed.

  8. Iames, with suche deuotion and humilitie, as there was no man but pitied to see her so mortified for her soules healthe.

  9. And sithe thou couldest not conteyne from suche dishonest loue, I woulde it had pleased God, that thou haddest taken a manne, equall to thyne estate.

  10. Is it possible that suche wickednes can lye hidden in the breast of our Madame?

  11. The mariage done and ended, Sir Didaco and his newe wife continued at the house of his father in lawe, where he liued a certaine time in suche pleasure and delectation as they do that be newly maried.

  12. Then in particuler, hee wrote his letters to the Earle, whereby he did greatly allow his fidelitie, for the which he hoped to make him suche recompence, as both he and his should taste therof during their liues.

  13. And whatsoever minister shall marry or contracte any suche persons w^thout some of the foresaid consentes shalbe subjecte to the severe censure of the Governr and Counsell of Estate.

  14. And farther be it ordained that the Chicohomini are not to be excepted out of this lawe; untill either that suche order come out of Englande, or that they doe provoke us by some newe injury.

  15. All persons whatsoever upon the Sabaoth daye shall frequente divine service and sermons both forenoon and afternoon, and all suche as beare arms shall bring their pieces, swordes, poulder and shotte.

  16. These noble men dyd theyr seruyce in suche humble sorte and fassyon that it was wonder to se the payne and dylygence of them beynge suche noble personages.

  17. Than ye shulde haue sene euery noble man doyng their seruyce to them apoynted in y{e} best maner y{t} hath ben sene in any suche serimony.

  18. Orenges also and Lemones, or suche muske balles as I before described, be thinges mete for this purpose.

  19. For euery thynge is suche as that whereof it commeth.

  20. Suche I aduise to appointe theim selues to sweat againe to ridde their bodies of that remaineth, & abide it out vntill they fele their bodies lanke & light, and to moue the sweat as before I said, if thesame come not kyndly by the selfe.

  21. For suche surrendre and geue ouer to the disease without resistence.

  22. Whiche miste in the countrie wher it began, was sene flie from toune to toune, with suche a stincke in morninges & eueninges, that men could scarcely abide it.

  23. No wine in all the tyme of sweatyng, excepte to suche whose sickenes require it for medicin, for fere of inflamynge & openynge, nor except y^e halfe be wel soden water.

  24. In the whiche I allow rather quietnesse then exercise, for opening the body, in suche persons specially as be liberally & freely brought vp.

  25. They had they beginning wyth tragedies, but their matter was more plessaunt, for they were suche as did reprehend, yet quodam lepore.

  26. What audacitie then was this to fyll the earth with pieces of wod in suche quantitie, that thre hundred men can not cary them," &c.

  27. And if thei chaunce to be met and asked by the owners of the grounde what they make there, they fayne straighte that they have loste theyr waye, and desyre to be enstructed the beste way to suche a place.

  28. In this jorney, also many peryshe for thirst, and many for drynkyng to muche, when they finde suche good waters.

  29. FN#31] It is scorched with drynesse for lacke of water, and therefore the water is there growen to suche pryce, that you cannot for twelve pence buye as much water as wyll satysfie your thyrst for one day.

  30. I would not I warrant you, fall in such a rage, E iv As so to refuse suche a goodly personage.

  31. And yf I had not handled yt merely, A iv Perchaunce she myght have taken yt hevely; But in suche facyon I conjured and bounde her, That I left her meryer then I founde her!

  32. Wherfore we wyll the hole worlde to attende 1205 Eche sorte on suche wether as for them doth fall, Now one, now other, as lyketh us to sende.

  33. In rage of these stormys the perell is suche That better were no wynde then so farre to muche.

  34. Betwene water and wynde there is no suche let, But eche myll may have tyme to use his fet.

  35. One songe have I for you, suche as yt is, And yf yt were better ye should have yt, by gys.

  36. Is there any man but I Sym Suresby alone, That would have taken such an enterprise him upon, In suche an outragious tempest as this was.

  37. But by suche shyfte as I wyll make Thou shalte se soone what waye he wyll take.

  38. Me thynke thou shuldest abhorre suche ydylnes And passe thy tyme in some honest besynes; Better to lese some parte of thy beaute, 925 Then so ofte to jeoberd all thyne honeste.

  39. Wherefore concerning mariage, ye are thought Suche a fine Paragon, as nere honest man bought.

  40. And certaynly it was wreton in suche wyse that it was more lyke to dutche than englysshe; I coude not reduce ne brynge it to be vnderstonden.

  41. For in these dayes, euery man that is in ony reputacyon in his countre wyll vtter his comynycacyon and maters in suche maners & termes that fewe men shall vnderstonde theym.

  42. McDonald has such and Bancroft suche after that.

  43. Hitherto suche lawes as were drawen out of the Instructions.

  44. The Turke nowe yn youre tyme shulde neuer be abill to get so moche grounde of cristendome if he had yn his empire suche a sort of locustes to deuoure his substance.

  45. The grekes had neuer ben abill to haue so long continued at the siege of Troie if they had had at home suche an idell sort of cormorauntes to finde.

  46. For to make a lawe for to punisshe eny offender except it were more fit to giue other men an ensample to beware to committe suche like offence, whate shuld yt auayle.

  47. O case most horrible that euer so nobill a king Realme, and succession shulde thus be made to stoupe to suche a sort of bloodsuppers.

  48. Suche lawes haue they that none of theim may nether gyue nor sell nothing.

  49. Howe many thousandes doth suche lubricite bring to beggery theft and idelnesse whiche shuld haue kept theire good name and haue set theim silues to worke had not ben this excesse treasure of the spiritualtie?

  50. If eny man yn your sessions dare be so hardy to endyte a prest of eny suche cryme he hath or the yere [ere he] go out suche a yoke of heresye leyd in his necke that it maketh him wisshe that he had not done it.

  51. The nobill king Arthur had neuer ben abill to haue caried his armie to the fote of the mountaines to resist the coming downe of lucius the Emperoure if suche yerely exaction had ben taken of his people.

  52. Here were an holy sort of prelates that thus cruelly coude punisshe suche a rightuous kinge, all his realme, and succession for doing right.

  53. And further shall abide suche order or ffyne as this Howse shall Awarde.

  54. To suche tutors do honest citizens committe their chyldren whome they moste loue, and suche do complayne that they be not wel rewarded for their paynes.

  55. But in case it were Hesiodus, without doute yet no mans authoritie oughte to be of suche force vnto vs, that we shulde not folowe the better if it be shewed vs.

  56. But it is a more merueylous monster that a beastes mynde shulde be in a mans bodye, and yet do very many please them selues in suche chyldren, and bothe the fathers seme, and the common people thynke suche to be verye wise.

  57. Take you suche thought to gette money and possessions, & take you no care for your children for whom you get these thynges?

  58. And in litleons there is a natural great desyre to haue the mastry inespecially of suche as be of lustye courage, and lyuely towardnes.

  59. It is a meruel that yong mẽ geuen to liberal studies be mad after this fashiõ, but it is more meruel y^t these things be alowed of suche as haue the rule of youth.

  60. Wherfore concerning mariage, ye are thought Suche a fine Paragon, as nere honest man bought.

  61. Else farewell hys good days, and farewell his life, Maister Raufe Royster Doister is but dead and gon Excepte she on hym take some compassion, Then chiefe of counsell, must be Mathew Merygreeke, What if I for mariage to suche an one seeke?

  62. For (as I heare say) suche your conditions are, That ye be worthie fauour of no liuing man, To be abhorred of euery honest man.

  63. Suche newes will please him well, this is as it should be.

  64. Is there any man but I Sym Suresby alone, That would haue taken such an enterprise him vpon, In suche an outragious tempest as as this was.

  65. No, but Mathew Merygreeke doth me most appall, That he woulde ioyne hym selfe with suche a wretched loute.

  66. Mary a great deale the worse it is for suche as thou.

  67. Not with you sir, but with a little wag-pastie, hyphen at line-break In suche an outragious tempest as as this was.

  68. I thanke thee: had euer man suche a frende?

  69. Pay the like hire, I will make you suche an other.

  70. Faith rather than to mary with suche a doltishe loute, I woulde matche my selfe with a begger out of doute.

  71. Whersore concerning mariage, ye are thought Suche a fine Paragon, as nere honest man bought.

  72. It is told me that Syr Thomas shal kom uppe in haste, and othyr, suche as he kan make for hys partye.

  73. Fastolff and suche othir as he was be holde to inperpetuite, and to inmortese and gyve to the seyd prystes, and to ther successours for the sustentacion of hem, and of the seyd pourmen C.

  74. And he dyssyryde me to sende to hym suche as be of yowr councell lernyd, that they myght comune with hym therin, for he seyd he woulde not ye choulde take non axcion therin withowt it myght provayle.

  75. And therfore at the reverence of God take som appoyntement with Master Yelverton, suche as ye thynke schuld most hurt.

  76. This is the copy of a bille drawin in Englyche that I sent home [of all] manner of suche stuff as was in myne coffre in the abb[ey] .

  77. Item, I understand be Jon Pampyng that ye wolle not that your sone be take in to your hows, nor holpe be you, tylle suche tyme of yere as he was put owt therof, the wiche shall be abowght Seynt Thomas messe.

  78. Wherfor of verray necessite I must depute suche a person in all goodly hast to ocupye as my deputee and to have my full power undere me at that season as is bothe of byrthe honorable and one all other wyse lykly.

  79. Palaces, pictures, and temples sumptuous, And other buildings both gay and curious, These may marchauntes more at their pleasour see, Men suche as in court be bounde alway to bee.

  80. To sing, to revell, and other daliaunce: Who that will truely upon his lord attende, Unto suche sportes he seldome may entende.

  81. At thy princes pleasour thou shalt them only see, Then suche shalt thou see which little set by thee, Whose shape and beautie may so inflame thine heart, That thought and languor may cause thee for to smart.

  82. For after a fysshe is taken in a mannys gynne yf the gynne be layed in the comyn waters: or elles in suche waters as he hireth, it is his owne propre goodes.

  83. Suche outwarde pleasoures may the people see, So may not courtiers for lacke of libertie.

  84. But not in suche sufficient repaire as is required by the Article[50] for that effect ministred vnto us.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.