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Example sentences for "purgatory"

Lexicographically close words:
purgation; purgations; purgative; purgatives; purgatorial; purge; purged; purger; purges; purgeth
  1. The idea of Purgatory was very early broached by individuals.

  2. But whether purgatory is a fire, or a mist, or a whirlwind, or anything else, we do not dispute.

  3. Those, however, who are in Purgatory do not pray for us, but rather we for them.

  4. But we do not address prayers to people who, while still living in this world, are closely knit to God, nor to those who are in Purgatory and are united to Him.

  5. But though those who are in Purgatory are superior to us in that they cannot sin, yet are they our inferiors as regards the penalties they suffer; hence they are not in a state to pray for us, but rather we for them.

  6. He could not follow her through Hell and Purgatory into the meadows of Paradise as Dante had followed Beatrice: he was of the modern world.

  7. There is no purgatory in which the souls of men are pained or purged after this life.

  8. These stipulated that we should permit the Mass to remain in reverence and estimation, grant purgatory after this life, confess prayer to saints and for the dead, and suffer them to enjoy their accustomed rents, possession, and honour.

  9. For purgatory he had no better proof than the authority of Virgil in his sixth Æneid; and the pains thereof to him were an evil wife.

  10. The Popes have declared, by granting indulgences, that their jurisdiction extends over Purgatory also, and that it depends on them to deliver the dead who are there and transfer them into heaven.

  11. Saturday after their death by the Virgin Mary from Purgatory and conveyed straight to heaven.

  12. The Purgatory of Saint Patrick will be found in Horstmann's Southern Legendary.

  13. Mazarin, alluding once to this Sybarite delicacy of temperament, declared to the regent that her purgatory in the next world would be to sleep in Holland sheets.

  14. This purgatory we are looking for every hour, in which Topcliffe and Young, the two executioners of the Catholics, exercise all kinds of torments.

  15. It may, of course, appear to some that their spirit was in great measure dictated by what they now hold to be the erroneous opinions then in vogue as to Purgatory and the efficacy of prayer for the dead.

  16. Mr. Toulmin Smith, “was still more ingenious, for it held up the dogma of purgatory to abhorrence, and began to hint at grammar schools.

  17. Purgatory he denied, “and said further, that neither prayer nor fasting for the souls departed can do them any good.

  18. Then we have the Supplication of Beggars, a piteous beggarly book, in which he would have all the souls in Purgatory beg all about for nothing.

  19. The months that followed were purgatory to Jim.

  20. Two weeks of utter purgatory were lived through, but Cholmondeley was staunch.

  21. Have you not yet been delivered from purgatory by our prayers, and by all the Masses for your soul, which we have said for you?

  22. For Augustine says in a sermon on Purgatory (De Sanctis, serm.

  23. On the contrary, Augustine, in a sermon on Purgatory (De Sanctis, serm.

  24. He surely had been in Purgatory long enough.

  25. She wondered, rather idly, if she would spend her time in purgatory serving millions of Jane Ellens with iced tea.

  26. A horrid thought is growthless dull Negation: Yet that is but a Purgatory Curse, SHE knows a fear far worse Flee, lest thou hear its Name!

  27. How did the belief in Purgatory strengthen the hold of the Church upon men's minds?

  28. The belief in Purgatory is not held by Protestants or by members of the Greek Church.

  29. Vergil guides him through the realms of Hell and Purgatory until he meets his lady Beatrice, the personification of love and purity, who conducts him through Paradise.

  30. In the middle ages, although these were very common, the most conspicuous superstitions took the form of visions of purgatory or hell, conflicts with visible demons, or Satanic miracles.

  31. The soul entering Purgatory goes seeking liberty from sin,[718] and as a first lesson learns to detach itself from memories of the damned.

  32. Perhaps Dante's Mount of Purgatory begins to give us pause, and its corniced mise en scene tends to enflesh the idea of spirit and materialize its purgation.

  33. The ante-purgatory appears as a creation of the poet, influenced by certain passages of the Aeneid and by ancient disciplinary practices which kept the penitents waiting outside the church.

  34. The symbolism of the gate of Purgatory teaches the need of contrition and confession.

  35. After that in hell I have ruffled so, Straight to old Purgatory will I go.

  36. And if the fire of purgatory bren in such wise, I had liever my spirit in brute beasts should be, Than to go thither, and then to the deity.

  37. What may happen to him in the hereafter does not concern me; for he will certainly be in the purgatory of the rich and I in the purgatory of the poor.

  38. Valerie's life had been a purgatory before, it was a hell now.

  39. Have I not said that, until this day, when I have seen him in the flesh standing in this room, I had believed him to have been in purgatory for twenty-five years or more?

  40. On arriving in Paris, the baron established his household in the magnificent Hotel de la Motte, in the most aristocratic quarter of the city; and here began for Valerie a life that was a very purgatory on earth.

  41. You'd be seven kinds of an idiot to walk in this gully of purgatory when you could ride safely on the mesa above, so I guessed you had a hunch it was the friendly and acquisitive patriots.

  42. The barbarous treatment he received in prison gave him rheumatism, neuralgia, and other diseases; but it gave to the world "The Purgatory of Suicides.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purgatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    asceticism; cage; coop; crucifixion; enclosure; fasting; flagellation; hell; holocaust; horror; inferno; laceration; limbo; martyrdom; mortification; nightmare; passion; pen; penance; penitence; perdition; persecution; pound; purgation; purgatory; rack; repentance; swamp; torment; torture; underworld