There is, as I haveelsewhere stated, a school, at which from thirty to forty boys and girls attend.
There, consequently, the population has always been greater than elsewhere on the Murray, and the scenes of violence more frequent.
The charge made by innkeepers for drawing the cork and taking care of bottles of wine bought elsewhere by a guest.
Elsewhere he speaks of the oblation of bread and the symbol of resurrection in those rites, "and, if I still remember, Mithras there seals his soldiers on the brow.
Here as elsewherehe was in touch with his environment, for he loved Nature as Nature, and was true to it.
Elsewhere his citation of the oracles of Prisca suggests that a book belongs to the Montanist period; or we deduce it from such a passage as that in the work On the Soul where he describes a vision.
Elsewhere he says "there are no musts where faith is concerned.
Elsewhere he tells us definitely that he was educated at Athens.
Who would wish to see the Pillar of Pompey elsewhere than above the grave dug for his remains by his poor freedman, aided by the old legionary?
What if Mr Turner were to seek his inspirations elsewhere than in the aforesaid MS.
Though New Zealand is Radical and Democratic, even termed by some Socialistic, there is in the present emergency an amount of imperial patriotism in the country not to be surpassed elsewhere in Her Majesty's dominions.
Yet here as elsewhere the generals and the men anticipated swift and certain success.
He is said to have been responsible for the disposition of the Boers at Colenso and elsewhere on the Tugela, and to have been present and active in directing the repulse of Buller's attack.
My principal purpose was to procure the implements of writing, which wereelsewhere not to be found.
He gazed upon the countenance of Watson, but his looks denoted his attention to be elsewhere employed.
Their most excellent gift is that soul they have infused into him, which so far surpasses what is elsewhereto be found.
However, modern authorities are of opinion that the Fallow Deer is native only in the Mediterranean region of Europe and Asia Minor; elsewhere it has been introduced by man.
It occurs naturally all over Ireland, and is not found elsewhere except where distinct attempts have been made to introduce it.
He has had new thoughts, he has done things never seen elsewhere or before.
The importance of diminishing the import of articles which can be produced cheaply on the island as elsewhere cannot be overestimated.
The same persons very nearly will be concerned, those only excluded who were drawn away by proposals and grants elsewhere by the Board of Trade, in order if possible to defeat my scheme.
Mr. Frazer himself elsewhere assigns a motive, not necessarily agricultural, for these chartered explosions of unlaw.
This is essential, as we hear nothing elsewhere of a Tammuz resurrection in March at Babylon.
A man may marry a woman of his own totem, which elsewhereis incest, and capitally punished.
I have elsewhere given many examples of the opposite belief among races of many grades of culture, from the Australian blacks to the immortal gods of Homer.
Elsewhere a man of a given totem--say the emu--cannot marry a woman of that stock; it is incest.
Other heads elsewhere have no doubt achieved similar results by other means, though we have never come across an example equally remarkable.
Even so, many will not learn to write it correctly, and as for speaking it, that is an accomplishment so much more conveniently acquired elsewhere that we offer no opinion as to how far it is worth attempting at school.
Elsewhere she too often suffered from a sense of self-reproach; between her and the book in which she tried to lose herself there would come importunate visions of woe, of starved faces, of fierce eyes.
In places it was scarcely possible to make a way for fern, bramble, and underwood, but elsewhere mossy tracks led one among hazels or under arches of foliage which made of the mid-day sky a cool, golden shimmer.
The causes and the background of the War of 1812 are presented elsewhere in this series of Chronicles.
Somewhat ruffled, Admiral Warren decided to go elsewhere and made a foray upon the defenseless village of Hampton during which he permitted his men to indulge in wanton pillage and destruction.
I had told them austerely what I would do for them, and what I would not do; but I did more and more what they really asked, for therein and not elsewhere I had a certain authority.
There is something sacred about a man's work that is not elsewhere in matter.
Defenses were negligible there, and Bougainville’s difficult terrain would prevent any rapid reaction from enemy ground forces located elsewhere on the island.
Halsey thus decided to seize the Russells prior to action elsewhere in the Solomons.
Von Berger has to go elsewhere before he reaches Dorby.
But what they have done elsewhere is--damnable," he cried, with hardly repressed fury.
Served my time in the Navy--and had a billet elsewhere ever since.
And she remarks elsewhere that The minnow is the minnow-mum of fishes.
Elsewhere it is confusion of metaphor, very common among the second-rate "tragedians," that is derided.
Elsewhere occurred this famous bit of badinage between King and Chorus:-- Chorus.
Elsewhere Orpheus says to Eurydice:-- I am a lunatic for lack of thee!
Elsewhere there is some sarcasm at the expense of the newspapers.
Soldiers, the guards of the mail coaches, innkeepers, hostlers, and tradesmen in Stilton and elsewhere were not above purchasing the smuggled goods and disposing of them to the Luton merchants.
From this register it will be seen it was not only the French prisoners at Leek and elsewhere who fought duels.
This was at a time when the influx of prisoners from the Peninsula and elsewhere had caused the prisons to be so crowded, that it had become necessary to again spend large amounts in building new prisons.
How Seale (a name found elsewhere just off the Old Road) may do so I cannot tell.
The whole is known and has a continuous history; and such certitude is the more valuable in a typical division, because it permits us to deduce much that can elsewhere be applied to the less known portions of the road.
The word Stoke here, as elsewhere in the South Country, is associated with the crossing of a stream.
Elsewhere we had found very much of what men had done before they began to write down their deeds.
Secondly--It runs for a part of this division upon clay, a soil which elsewhere it carefully avoids as being about the worst conceivable for a primitive and unmetalled road.