If the authority we desire to use does not come to us through the Constitution, we can exercise it only by usurpation, and usurpation is the most dangerous of political crimes.
Controlled through fraud and usurpation by the designing, anarchy and despotism must inevitably follow.
Mr. President, I have said enough to show the usurpation by Congress under the "fugitive" clause of the Constitution, and to warn you against abetting this usurpation.
In securing to every person claimed as slave the protection of trial by jury and the Habeas Corpus, they simply provide safeguards strictly within the province of every State, and rendered necessary by the usurpation of the Fugitive Act.
And yet that is a feeble image of the actual usurpation of the New England deputies over the property of the Southern States.
Usurpation of Victor Emmanuel-- Fall of Rome in 1870-- Accession of Leo XIII.
The joy and enthusiasm of the people, augmented by the memories of recent usurpation and tyranny, were unbounded.
Finally, the law violates the property rights of the Church, whether by usurpation of these Associations of Worship, as also by the suppression of the budget of worship, which was in itself a partial indemnity.
And, to all judicious examiners, it must appear, "That the lines of duty are as much transgressed by a more independent and less respectful exercise of acknowledged powers, as by the usurpation of such as are new and unusual.
In order to give color to theusurpation (for it was nothing better), the lawyers cited an obscure article from the code of the barbarous Salians, which, as they pretended had always been the acknowledged law of the French monarchy.
This usurpation is productive of immense loss to the state as France so clearly shows.
When they returned to England, they fought to put their candidate on its throne, which had been unsteady since its usurpation by Henry IV.
The lords who helped the usurpation felt they should share the natural power of the kingship.
One of the apprehensions of the framers of the Constitution was that of executive usurpation of functions lawfully pertaining to the co-ordinate department of the Government.
Sometimes the usurpation of the executive power, sometimes the fickleness and unbridled license of the people, had brought popular governments to destruction.
Moving in its own clearly defined orbit, without usurpation or lessening of prerogative, the great executive office, at the close as at the beginning of the century, is the recognized constitutional symbol of authority and of power.
Persecution, and the usurpation of those who were esteemed foreigners by the French, lay at the root of the troubles.
But that unfortunate, that audacious policy of usurpation once entered upon, there was no going back.
The usurpation was consummated by the one and consecrated by the other.
Even at this day we find attempts to vindicate the usurpation by which they continued themselves from three to seven years.
A bill of rights, therefore, ought to set forth the purposes for which the compact is made, and serves to secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority.
Such a step was at once an insult and a usurpation of power.
The Hebrew kings, at all events, undertook priestly duties, and not until after the fall of Jerusalem does the history allow that usurpation of monarchical rights upon which the prophet Ezekiel (q.
In 344 party struggles between oligarchs and democrats led to a usurpation by the tyrant Timophanes, whose speedy assassination was compassed by his brother Timoleon (q.
The President had good reason to believe that Mr. Stevens' resolution would pass the Senate, as it did on the 2d of March, and he looked upon it as one more step in the usurpation of power by an "irresponsible directory.
Before all was ready, an accusation was brought forward against him of aiming at the subversion of the republican constitution of the state and at the usurpation of supreme power.
And every sound man knows equally well that the temporary success of Louis Napoleon's usurpation has only made the terrible crisis more unavoidable.
Since she has fallen, Italy has been completely crushed, the moderate freedom of Germany has been put down by Austria with the support of Russia; lastly, the usurpation of Louis Napoleon has been made possible.
The sanction of Pippin's usurpation by the pope was but an indication of the good feeling between the two greatest powers in the West,--the head of the ever-strengthening Frankish state and the head of the Church.
He sanctioned a usurpation which was practically inevitable and which was carried out with the approbation of the Frankish nation.
This usurpation of power on the part of the third estate transformed the old feudal Estates, voting by orders, into the first modern national representative assembly on the continent of Europe.
One of the most remarkable occurrences was the usurpation (649) and successful reign of a woman, the Empress Wu.
The anger of Parliament and of the people at this usurpation obliged him to recall the declaration.
The Carlovingian usurpation was thus hallowed in the eyes of the people by the sanction of the Church.
The Mikado and his court were deeply incensed at the Shogun's usurpationof authority, and were at the same time hostile to the introduction of foreigners.
Usurpation of the throne by Athaliah; reigns 6 years Ib.
This may yet prove an usurpation that will lead to its ultimate deposition and ignominy.
Harold byusurpation gain'd the crown, * And ditto usurpation pull'd him down.