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Example sentences for "preemption"

Lexicographically close words:
preehaps; preeminence; preeminent; preeminently; preempted; preen; preened; preening; preens; prees
  1. Many who have not the ability to buy at present prices settle on those lands with the hope of acquiring from their cultivation the means of purchasing under preemption laws from time to time passed by Congress.

  2. The preemption laws confer upon the pioneer who complies with the terms they impose the privilege of purchasing a limited portion of "unoffered lands" at the minimum price.

  3. In disposing of these lands, I recommend that the right of preemption be secured and liberal grants made to the early emigrants who have settled or may settle upon them.

  4. The manifest purpose of the homestead and preemption laws was to promote the settlement of the public domain by persons having a bona fide intent to make a home upon the selected lands.

  5. With this end in view, all vexatious or unnecessary restrictions imposed upon them by the existing preemption laws should be repealed or modified.

  6. So much weight has from time to time been attached to these considerations that Congress have passed laws giving actual settlers on the public lands a right of preemption to the tracts occupied by them at the minimum price.

  7. The claim of the settler under the homestead or the preemption laws is not, however, limited to lands subject to sale at private entry.

  8. Actual settlers under existing laws are protected against other purchasers at the public sales in their right of preemption to the extent of a quarter section, or 160 acres, of land.

  9. If the right of preemption be thus extended, it will embrace a large and meritorious class of our citizens.

  10. He delights in delicate stain on white, and revels in most gorgeous stain upon stain.

  11. It was told how the glass painter in place of smear shadow began to use a stippled tint.

  12. Such men deserved to be encouraged in every way, and should receive from the preemption laws the same benefits that would enure to native-born citizens.

  13. He succeeded in establishing the preemption system, and had the system of renting public mines, etc.

  14. If Congress should hereafter grant alternate sections to States or companies, as they have done heretofore, I recommend that the intermediate sections retained by the Government should be subject to preemption by actual settlers.

  15. I recommend that the benefits of our land laws and preemption system be extended to the people of Utah by the establishment of a land office in that Territory.

  16. To check this tendency a preference right of purchase was given to settlers on the land, a plan which culminated in the general preemption act of 1841.

  17. Upon removing to Washington with the other members of the family in 1864 he took a preemption claim in Paddock Hollow, and there he maintained his home for six years.

  18. Here he took up a preemption claim of one hundred and sixty acres, subsequently commuted this and then took up a homestead.

  19. He therefore used his preemption right and occupied one hundred and sixty acres of land on what is now Eureka Flats.

  20. When land was thrown open to settlement he secured a preemption claim at a dollar and a quarter per acre, his place being located two miles south of the town now known as the Hammond Farm.

  21. In 1877 he went to Idaho, where he used both his preemption and homestead rights in the Potlach country, filing the first homestead right in that section.

  22. Accordingly he took up a preemption claim two and a half miles southwest of Dixie and thereon resided to the time of his death, which occurred in 1888.

  23. He purchased a quit claim to a preemption of one hundred and sixty acres, on which he proved up, and with that tract as a beginning he had extended his farm holdings until he was one of the largest landowners of this section of the state.

  24. Here the father used his homestead and preemption rights and upon that place which he secured continued to make his home until the death of his wife.

  25. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-two years of age and then in 1881 took up a preemption claim, which is now within the city limits of Pomeroy and he still owns eighty acres of that.

  26. This right, however, was afterwards modified to the extent that preemption could be exercised by an Indian only by special consent of the Government.

  27. During this same year Congress denied a number of petitions for the right of preemption in the Northwest Territory, because such a right would encourage illegal settling.

  28. He could not have trusted him even in that; it would have been like this stupid fanatic to have prevented Key's preemption of that claim, until he, Collinson, had satisfied himself of the whereabouts of the missing proprietor.

  29. No person can claim a preemption right more than once.

  30. Such lands have been granted by the United States to the State of Oregon, and are not open to preemption or homesteading.

  31. To make this book useful, I must run the risk of making it tedious by some account of the land system relating to the preemption and homestead laws applicable to the public lands of the State.

  32. Yet, as it might add value to the location, he dispatched to our headquarters at Monterey, as I have already related, the two men with a written application for a preemption to the quarter-section of land at Coloma.

  33. The bill creates an unjust distinction between persons claiming the benefit of the preemption laws.

  34. Two years later he took up a preemption claim of one hundred and twenty acres and bought one hundred and sixty acres of railroad land in Walla Walla county but in 1883 sold this property to his father.

  35. While a resident of Eureka he took up three quarter sections of land, using his homestead, his preemption and his timber culture rights, and in 1897 he removed to the ranch and turned his attention to the stock business.

  36. He first secured a preemption claim of one hundred and sixty acres but did not prove up on it.

  37. He had also filed and proved up on a preemption and had filed on a timber claim.

  38. In 1890 he bought eighty acres adjoining, proved up on the preemption and mortgaged the one hundred and sixty acres.

  39. George was employed as an attorney to secure for the county a preemption title to the land on which Walla Walla was built.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preemption" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adoption; appropriation; assumption; colonization; conquest; indent; occupation; option; preemption; preoccupation; prepossession; refusal; requisition; subjugation; usurpation