If he could have invented something clever and cutting in response to this sally he might have made the mistake of quitting his rĂ´le of hard, unsentimental man of business.
However this may be, it will perhaps be comforting to know that the Chinese, unsentimental as they are in their methods of courtship, are no strangers to what in Europe we recognise as the romance of love.
He's unsentimental and level headed, and doesn't like marriage.
If he could have invented something clever and cutting in response to this sally he might have made the mistake of quitting his role of hard, unsentimental man of business.
A dense December fog creeps in everywhere, choking and blinding, as I finish the history of those fifteen innocent days, calm as autumn, and bright as spring, when we three took our Unsentimental Journey together through Cornwall.
And though they accepted many things as being merely their natural rights, they gave an unsentimental affection and appreciation in return.
She avoided Kate Duveen, whose unsentimental directness would have hurt her, lunched by herself, and walked home alone to Bosnia Road.
But what would have been his feelings if he could have known that almost three centuries after these lines were penned, they would be used to express the emotion of an unsentimental traveler in the primeval forests of the New World?
It was An Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman, a lady who could not be unsentimental if she tried ever so hard.
They are assigned to crews out of the roundhouses in a very systematic and utterlyunsentimental way.
It seemed to some of us that spring that there was a chance for unsentimental journalism in a new paper, that should be unhampered by tradition.
They were not what a profound, unsentimental person would consider models of common-sense, but they were not depending upon the opinions of profound, unsentimental persons for anything in particular; so this did not affect them.
In order that it may be determined whether there is the true basis of love, there should be opportunity for unsentimental acquaintance.
The very sentimentalists, who go to novels to exercise the idealism which they cannot use in life, will read these unsentimental stories, although their lazy impulses would never spur them on toward any truth not sweetened by a tale.
The verse, even though narrow in its appeal, and sometimes slight, is at least excellent in art, admirable in execution, and vigorous and unsentimental in tone.
And, in addition to this impregnable safeguard of Jessie's loyalty, she was satisfied that Jessie's friendliness with Archie was of the most unsentimental character.
In fairness, however, it should be said that when Mr. Thomashevsky occasionally leaves the role of hero for an unsentimental character, particularly one which expresses supercilious superiority, he is excellent.
They, however, have written a number of plays which are distinctively of the New York Ghetto, and which attempt an unsentimental presentation of truth.
You are merely my Oedipus, the vade mecum of my unsentimental journey.
They were almost unsentimental enough to please Mark Wellgood himself.