Can you tone that condensed lightning bolt down to a workable level?
It was just fortune that permitted us to have our weapon in workable condition at the time your ship was attacked.
Less than 500 square miles are there underlain by workable anthracite coal.
Much of this vegetable matter became buried, and has since been converted into workable coal.
It cannot frame fair and workable regulations in haste; and it must frame its regulations in haste if it is not to know its exact task until the very eve of its performance.
It is impossible to create a strong and workable State and to insure peace and prosperity in a country so heterogeneous and containing an imbroglio of peoples each facing in its own direction and gravitating toward other neighboring States.
It is obvious that it would be useless to prospect for coal in a region where no strata of rocks formed during the Carboniferous or coal-forming age are to be found within a workable distance below the surface of the earth.
The moments were becoming very pearls themselves for preciousness, but seizing the brush, he made a workable copy of the map on the back of a letter which he had in his pocket.
It embodies the results of actual experience and it is intended to be workable in every detail.
The local tinsmith usually has an invention of his own in the way of revolving ventilators which is workable and nicely suited to the needs of the paint shop.
Hardened brushes may often be softened into workable condition again by soaking the bristles in hot linseed oil.
There is no record of a single attempt to make the popular assembly a straightforward and workable public organ.
The number of understanding people in the world who were setting themselves sincerely and simply to restore honest and workable currency and credit conditions were few and ineffectual.
They made it possible to carry out administrative work in areas ten times as great as any that had hitherto been workable under one administration.
What they have dealt with mainly is the fact that the War has left us a less workable society, has been marked by an increase in the forces of chaos and disintegration.
But it will not necessarily be for that reason any less fatal to the workable transnational individualism.
The price of the preservation of nationality is a workable internationalism.
It was a task in which everything indicated that, unless great care were taken, public judgment would be so swamped in passion that a workable peace would be impossible.
It was, in other words, an attempt to clear the road to a more workable international policy by undermining the main conceptions and prepossessions inimical to an international order.
More than that, both countries should offer to forgo the debts owing to them by France on condition of French adhesion to more workable European arrangements.
Mr Lloyd George has himself sanctioned a jingoism which, if useful temporarily, becomes later an insuperable obstacle to the putting into force of workable policies.
It has been alleged, and seems highly probable, that the British Premier was throughout most anxious to bring about a workable compromise.
In Pietamonte the workable bed is composed entirely of micaceous specular iron ore (fer oligiste), with its fissures filled with yellow ochre.
France contains no workable gold mines; but it presents in several of its rivers auriferous sands.
From the examples previously adduced, marks of this kind acquire new importance when in a district susceptible of including deposits of workable ores, the gangues or vein-stones are met with which usually accompany any particular metal.
This ore has been found in few countries in a workable quantity.
An analogous furnace is used at Andreasberg for the liquefaction or purification of the mattes, and for workable lead when it is much loaded with arsenic.
I have no argument with any workable approach to emotional maturity, but in many cases we are actually becoming involved with the meaning of words (semantics).
This approach, to some readers, may seem an oversimplification of a very complex problem, but I think it's time that we had a simple, workable formula devoid of technical jargon.
Details of the expansion program presented by Alexander were rapidly reduced to workable plans.
The heavy parts, the engines and the controls, were in workable condition and would merely require cleaning and oiling.
Nickel, while present in the average igneous rock in greater amounts than copper, lead, or zinc, is apparently not so readily concentrated in nature as the other metals and is rarely found in workable deposits.
In Illinois and Indiana there are nine workable coal seams, in Pennsylvania in some places about twenty, and in Wales there are over one hundred, many of which are worked.
Seldom is a workable coal bed entirely alone; there are likely to be several superposed and overlapping seams of coal, separated by sandstones, shales, or other rocks.
Draw up a workable plan for the redistribution of immigrants in your state.
A program embodying these three aims has the disadvantage of seeming commonplace and slow of fulfillment to those who prefer novel and sensational schemes, but it has the advantage of being both workable and safe.
It was practically acknowledged that this was done to make the Act moreworkable financially.
Unfortunately, it does not seem very workable at the time to which I suppose you referred.
Chesterton demanded urgently that the worldlings who had failed to make the world workable should abdicate.
It makes no claim to perfection, but it does claim that it has devised a workable plan for saving and conserving this wasted energy for both public and private use and so as to provide a public revenue.
Placer claims are soon worked out and exhausted, while good lode claims are workable and profitable for many years.
Our forest fire laws are proving to be workableand hence practical.
It was the combination of a practical drill, and the parallel invention by Sommeiller of a practical air compressor that resulted in the first workable application of machine rock drilling to tunneling.
There existed one workable American machine, the Fowle drill, invented in 1851.
It would help to group the various thoughts and workable schemes around a definite plan and stimulate activities in view of its realization.
Without a definite workable policy of united action, and the awakened consciousness of the Catholic masses at large, throughout the Dominion, the Catholic problems in Western Canada will not be solved.
This plan would be workableuntil the time when success would warrant in each Province a local printing plant, having at its service a "boiler plate" supply from the main office.
This engine is quite a workable one, although the arrangements described are very crude.
It took me two years to produce a workable engine.