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Example sentences for "pragmatical"

Lexicographically close words:
praetor; praetorian; praetorians; praetors; praetorship; pragmatically; pragmatism; pragmatist; pragmatists; prahu
  1. And here the business might have rested, if Catin's pragmatical spirit had not interposed.

  2. Her brother would now and then ask her, "What dost thou see in that pragmatical coxcomb to make thee so in love with him?

  3. Have I been one of those interfering, pragmatical fathers who cannot let their children enjoy themselves their own way?

  4. Moreover the traditions of pragmatical historiography had by no means disappeared.

  5. The historians of the Renaissance period simply reverted to the ancient pragmatical view.

  6. I think it may not be superfluous to recall to the reader once again what I said at the conclusion of the sixth chapter, that entitled "In the Depths of the Abyss"; but we now approach the practical or pragmatical part of this treatise.

  7. He's a pragmatical fellow, but as plucky as ginger, and I love him for it.

  8. The German ninny-hammers and pragmatical Spaniards are doing the same thing; and, in consequence, our whole anticipations have been violently frustrated.

  9. Yet what are the present plans of this pragmatical body?

  10. Do as you list," answered Lord Glenvarloch; and having bestowed a passing thought on the whimsical and pragmatical disposition of his follower, he dismissed the subject for others better suited to the day.

  11. He was generally most at ease among the children; he saw some of them, and Swan holding forth to them in his most pragmatical style.

  12. He didn't say much," answered Swan in his most pragmatical manner.

  13. I am not preparing myself for a governess, that I should make a point of honor of such things, little pragmatical prig that you are; nor are you, that I know of.

  14. I have no faith in men who were conceived in a perfunctory manner, on a pragmatical system, so to speak; the wife receiving her husband in bed as she would a tedious guest at an afternoon tea.

  15. Such a belief, contingent indeed, but still forming the ground of the actual use of means for the attainment of certain ends, I term Pragmatical belief.

  16. Thus pragmatical belief has degrees, varying in proportion to the interests at stake.

  17. As also, that he had beheld and looked upon the fair and beautiful Pragmatical Sanction his wife, with her huge rosary or patenotrian chaplet of jet-beads hanging at a large sky-coloured ribbon.

  18. But how was the proud, pragmatical old father reconciled to the match?

  19. One minister called me a pragmatical rascal, and vehemently inveighed against the whole body of Dissenters.

  20. And damn me, if I do not think I hate you the more for coming to-day in this pragmatical way, when nobody sent for you, on purpose to show how much wiser you are than all the world besides.

  21. He had a great mind to vow never to consent to his daughter's marrying such an overbearing, pragmatical fellow; she ought to be ashamed of even thinking of him, when he was no better than her brother's murderer.

  22. I shall tell him it is to be very soon, at any rate; and that if he wishes to see how I value his pragmatical advice, he may come and dance at the wedding.

  23. And would he not deserve to be hissed and thrown stones at till the pragmatical fool could learn better manners?

  24. He simply regards it as a desire to meddle, a priggish and pragmatical act, and even as a sneaking desire to inflict punishment by proxy.

  25. I have known lowly and unimportant people who were yet full of pragmatical self-concern, and whose pride took the form not so much of exalting their own consequence as of thinking meanly of other people.

  26. I so much delighted Pantoufle, by having thus overthrown the authority of a pragmatical confrère, who had been peculiarly stern in his prognostics; that he made the proposal to me of joining him in the chances of his profession.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pragmatical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advantageous; appropriate; beneficial; commodious; expedient; fitting; functional; helpful; philosophical; positive; practical; pragmatical; proper; realistic; serviceable; useful; utilitarian