In an absolute monarchy the people have no political rights--the right to establish a form of government for themselves, and the right to elect those who are to make and administer the laws.
Being himself restrained by no positive laws or regulations that have been adopted by the people, or that may be altered by them, the people have no political rights.
Political rights are those which belong to the people in their political capacity.
The French Revolution was a tremendous upheaval of society, which brought with it the abolition of feudalism and monarchy, and the securing of an equality of political rights.
When we said if these rights which it is meant to protect are not civil they must be political rights, we thought we had the Supreme Court in a corner.
Women consider they have the same political rights as men.
Though political rights were granted only to Christian Moldo-Wallachians, the provision was made that, by legislative arrangements, the enjoyment of political rights could be extended to other creeds.
There never can be a true peace in this Republic until the civil and political rights of all citizens of African descent and all women are practically established.
Thus property instead of birth was made the basis of political rights.
Thus the inhabitants of a Latin colony possessed some of the most valuable of the private rights of Roman citizens, but they had no political rights at the capital.
They were free to acquire property, and enjoyed personal freedom, but at first had no political rights whatever.
For thus, the only difference having been abolished, all men would be equal in fact, and consequently entitled to become equal in political rights, and power, and position.
It gives them no political rights in the State, as to voting or holding office, or in any other respect.
As mentioned above in our chapter on political rights, it now exists, by the constitutions of four States; and has been submitted by constitutional amendment in several others and refused.
So far as appears, there is no special legislation in any European country which is concerned particularly with the legal or political rights of industrial laborers.
Political rights, chapter concerning, chapter XIV, as to militia duties; interference with.
It is clear that such only as possessed land could claim civil and political rights in the new states thus called into existence.
Never doubting that I might do so, I had taken my pen when my eye caught the words: "While we do not clamor for any additional civil or political rights.
Every year that our appeals for political rights to congress and the legislature are denied, insult is heaped upon injury.
Gratz Brown for the recognition of woman's political rights he had given in the United States Senate in a speech upon extending the suffrage to the women of the District of Columbia.
Nor were the privileges which the bourgeoisie had contrived to acquire confined to political rights alone; they included also fiscal exemptions.
Who can doubt that by the same title you may decree political rights, also, without distinction of color?
In America the lowest classes have conceived a very high notion of political rights, because they exercise those rights; and they refrain from attacking those of other people, in order to ensure their own from attack.
In the course of these seven hundred years it sometimes happened that in order to resist the authority of the Crown, or to diminish the power of their rivals, the nobles granted a certain share of political rights to the people.
I am certainly very far from averring that, in order to obtain this result, the exercise of political rights should be immediately granted to all the members of the community.
At the present time civic zeal seems to me to be inseparable from the exercise of political rights; and I hold that the number of citizens will be found to augment or to decrease in Europe in proportion as those rights are extended.
It cannot be said that a strict democracy was established, since church membership was the condition of the full enjoyment of political rights.
The magistrates abandoned, in despair and disgust, their high claims to political rights, while the young king, on his bed of justice, decreed that parliament should no more presume to discuss or meddle with state affairs.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "political rights" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.