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Example sentences for "political science"

  • Rome, its lack of progress in political science, i.

  • Absence of progress in political science in, 265.

  • Economics, political science, and ethics, before any systematic attempt had been made to study the matter empirically, had formulated theories of human nature to justify their presuppositions and procedures.

  • The subject-matter of political science, as he conceived it, was not so much political forms as social conditions.

  • He was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 1859, and received from the university of Tubingen the degree of doctor of political science.

  • The tendency of matter to remain at rest, if unmoved by any external agency, and of persisting to move after it has once been set in motion, is a conservative tendency; and is as true in political science as in any other.

  • His theory of continuity has this significance in political science, that it supplied a basis for conservatism apart from absolutism and compatible with freedom.

  • For they both say that the need for two chambers has become an axiom of political science.

  • If the topic of my address was the history of political science, the highest and the largest place would belong to Plato and Aristotle.

  • Osgood bearing on this general subject are: "England and the Colonies" (Political Science Quarterly, II.

  • Professor Hart has criticized the work as an enterprise in political science.

  • His system of political thought, therefore, forms a blend of Far Eastern political philosophy and Western political science.

  • Such borrowing includes the use of notions such as non-political society, patterns of authority, and ideology, none of which are to be found in the more law-minded part of political science.

  • The point of view and means of study of political science may be kept, if a few necessary borrowings from sociological thought (not necessarily sociology) are introduced.

  • He said, 'He that knoweth the schemes his foes contrive in accordance with the dictates of political science, should, knowing them, act in such a way as to avoid all danger.

  • Vaisampayana continued, 'That best of Brahmanas, thus addressed by the king, freely answered him in these pointed words well-agreeing with the import of political science.

  • For as, in chemistry, elements in opposite states of electricity unite and form valuable compounds, so in political science, antagonistic principles enter necessarily into the composition of government.

  • A brief review of the effects of that decision upon the constitutional law, political science, and social conditions of the Republic will make this apparent.

  • For all such attitudes in political science, Lincoln had an instinctive aversion.

  • To the end of his days, he looked askance at the temper of abolitionism, regarded it ever as one of the chief evils of political science.

  • It sums up all his long, slow development in political science, lays the abiding foundation of everything he thought thereafter.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "political science" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blue morocco; class movement; each three; heavy growth; high schools; mixed spice; political agent; political agitation; political community; political crime; political development; political economy; political education; political equality; political issue; political leader; political organization; political reform; political rights; political theory; political wisdom; political writer; real body; this effect; true love; until they