This controversy, so light is the change in human spirits, especially among the lower class, awakened bursts of idle mirth among beings, who had so lately been in the jaws of danger, if not of absolute despair.
The expression of exultation, which had so lately been seen on every countenance, was now changed to one better suited to the feeling of the moment.
He cast his eye upwards, with a shake of the head, at the vacant spot in the heavens which had so lately been filled by the branches of those trees that now lay stripped of their verdure, worthless and deserted logs, at his feet.
Mine indeed would have been a single bliss, and therefore unworthy the name, had not the tenderness and the truth of Olivia so lately been manifested.
On receiving this intelligence the group collected again, curiosity to witness such a death--or a better feeling--drawing to the spot men who had so lately been actors in a scene seemingly of so much greater interest and moment.
The soldiers, who had so lately been employed in interring their victims, were now called on to bury their own dead.
Perhaps he reflected on the retribution that had alighted on his late comrade, and bethought him of the frightful jeopardy in which his own life had so lately been placed.
Her cheeks, which had so lately been pale, flushed, and her eyes lighted with some of their former brilliancy.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lately been" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.