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Example sentences for "political economists"

  • In opposition to these palpable absurdities, it was triumphantly established by political economists, that consumption never needs encouragement.

  • The mere servants of mammon, whether as political economists or as private individuals, may see their depravity faithfully reflected in communism as in a mirror.

  • Ricardo and von Thünen have shown, must pass as an indispensable stage in the preparatory labors of political economists.

  • The efforts of political economists to select from among the infinite number of goods, those which should constitute the subject of their investigations, have taken two directions in recent times.

  • The chief of these errors was, according to these new teachers, the abnormal development of individualism--the adoption of that principle of laissez faire which forms the basis of what may be called the Orthodox School of Political Economists.

  • Such disturbing causes have always been allowed for by political economists.

  • Political economists will do well some day to take heed of it, though they cannot take measure.

  • In all the ranges of human thought I know none so melancholy as the speculations of political economists on the population question.

  • That chapter and the preceding one differ from the common writing of political economists in admitting some value in the aspect of nature, and expressing regret at the probability of the destruction of natural scenery.

  • Apart altogether from the views of political economists, there are certain evils which result from Absenteeism.

  • This has been the case with political economists to a remarkable extent; a fact which John Stuart Mill notices and complains of as injurious to the science.

  • That is the common opinion of Political Economists.

  • One of the most eloquent speakers who had addressed them that day, Professor Aytoun, had told them of some bad articles which came from Scotland in the shape of political economists.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "political economists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blue fire; exclusive economic; holy obedience; last will; name assumed; political affairs; political career; political crime; political development; political events; political freedom; political ideas; political influence; political issue; political liberty; political life; political opinions; political organization; political party; political point; political prisoners; political questions; political thought; pretty house; special type; thousand diners