The nuts will germinate and seedlings have been raised.
The plants are asexual, and bear clustered sporangia, containing minute spores, which germinate and form prothalli, on which are borne the true organs of reproduction.
No botanist now believes that genuine mummy wheat has been made to germinate in modern times.
These seeds are thickly scattered, and as they germinate readily in the mineral soil, enormous numbers of them sprout and begin to struggle for existence.
All I saw was the sowing of the seed in very stony ground, where not one kern out of a thousand is like to germinate and much less to grow.
Yet as experience proves, occasionally it does both germinate and grow, yes, and bloom and come to the harvest of repentance and redemption.
The berries are attractive to small birds, who swallow them whole, and afterwards void the seeds, to germinate when thus scattered about.
The results of examination on the comparative yield of starch in the potato, showed that while it abounded towards the latter part of the season, it decreased when the tubers began to germinate in the spring.
If the weather is dry, the seed very often does not germinate until the occurrence of rain, and it has been known in a dry, light soil, to remain in the ground without injury for six weeks.
A; c1] germinate seeds before planting them in their permanent place.
He gave seed thoughts which should lie in men's hearts, and germinate when fit occasion came.
The seeds of Sugar Maple ripen at the end of summer, and germinate in early spring.
The matured seed, with embryo ready to germinate and reproduce the kind, completes the cycle of the vegetable life in a phanerogamous plant, the account of which began with the seed and seedling.
Red Maple seeds are ripe and ready to germinate at the beginning of summer, and are therefore more convenient for study.
Smith[3] has shown that pollen grains germinate best at 85 deg.
The spores germinate only on moist leaves and the disease is spread by wind, rain, workers and the like.
The temperature at which seeds germinate is exceedingly varied,--those belonging to our own clime will germinatewhen the thermometer rises above 40° F.
You cannot sow the seeds of such beliefs on dry soil, by means of reasoning; they germinate only in blood and blossom only through fear.
Despite what he had been told, anti-semitism was beginning to germinate and blossom in the beautiful land of France.
If these germinate well, the seed may be relied upon as good, and no further trial need be made.
At the first, many fears are reasonably entertained that the seed will not germinate well.
In order to determine whether the seed will germinate well or not, let the planter begin to test them early in the spring.
Keep them from heating, and they will germinate and grow as readily as corn.
If you had known that it took carrots from 12 to 18 days to germinate you'd not have made the mistake of planting again so soon.
Its seedsgerminate better from cones that have been scorched by fire.
Its seeds readily germinate and cuttings, whether from roots or twigs, strike root quickly.
The seeds germinate before the fruit begins to decay.
They germinate and cover the deforested slopes with a crop of knob-cone pine saplings that soon claim all standing room and cover the scars of fire completely.
They have also an advantage, in that the great majority of flowering plants have the sexes united in the same individual, so that a single seed in a state fit to germinate may easily stock a whole island.
Any other seeds, such as those of pond lily and eel-grass, that germinate readily under water, will do as well as rice.
The percentage vitality, that is, the number of seeds which germinate out of one hundred.
As soon as the stratified nuts begin to germinate they should be removed from the flats and planted in the nursery or propagating bed.
They begin to germinate very early, and if you delay planting until spring you are nearly sure to lose them.
These spores falling upon any part of the plant above the ground will, if moisture be present, germinate very quickly, sending out germ tubes which pierce the epidermis of the host.
The seed of Ginseng does not sprout or germinate until the second year, when a slender stalk with two or three leaves puts in an appearance.
The seeds are peculiar in that it usually takes them about eighteen months to germinate and if allowed to become dry in the meantime, the vitality will be destroyed.
Spores from dried specimens in the laboratory have been found to germinate after several months when placed in water.
If water be allowed to stand upon the seeds they will not germinate, neither will they germinate if they become dry.
The spores will be carried about in the air, they are so light, and if they settle on a suitable medium they will germinate and start another growth of mould.
The spores break away, one by one and favoured by fortune, are carried to a wheat plant where they germinate and give rise to the familiar rust.
They germinate on Wheat to form the summer stage of “Rust.
They are blown or carried by insects or other agencies to suitable situations for growth, they germinate and form new fungi.
The remainder of the zoospores will come to rest later and germinate to form new plants just as though no fusion had taken place with two of their number.
In the spring they germinate and give rise, not immediately to another fungus, as might be expected, but to another kind of spore.
Its seeds are very minute and when they germinate they give rise to a seedling not unlike a piece of wire.
The spores germinate on rose leaves and start the disease anew.
These spores are pinched off in great numbers and will germinate in the larva the same as the sac spore.
There is a tradition that the spores will not germinate unless they pass through the alimentary canal of the horse or some animal.
Some of this seed will germinate in less than a week, while some may take so long that you will think it is not going to grow at all!
Soak your morning glory seeds over night, so that they will germinate more quickly, and then plant them along the line of the circle or square marked on the ground.