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Example sentences for "guns were"

  • Machine-guns were difficult to work from an aeroplane; they were the natural weapon of the airship.

  • A sunken road running east and west past the aerodrome was occupied, rifles and ammunition were served out to the mechanics, and machine-guns were set in position.

  • When the war came, and machine-guns were mounted on aeroplanes, a clear field was needed for forward firing.

  • Guns were heard, and I suppose we made a demonstration both by land and water.

  • In the course of the evening the field and machine–guns were placed on board a junk that had been taken on the previous day, and at one oʼclock in the morning the march recommenced.

  • Nearly all the horses with the guns were at once killed, and the infantry, taking their places, dragged the guns back to shelter, near the point where they had entered the city.

  • The next morning there was considerable surprise when it was found that the two troublesome guns were silent.

  • While the air was musical with the ringing of church-bells, guns were fired, the British flag was hauled down at the State House, and the crosses and stripes hoisted in its place.

  • By this time the line was past Brieulles, whose guns and machine-guns were of course stabbing the flank at close quarters.

  • They took these, only to find that more machine-guns were echelonned in the recesses of the woods.

  • The next morning all the machine-guns were ordered up to send a barrage of bullets over the heads of the charge into the edge of the woods.

  • Water, ammunition, food, were trickling in regular streams up the gullies; guns were in position, and fresh troops had been landed to relieve the strain and hurry matters forward.

  • Guns were hauled up these ridges by hundreds of men, just as the Italians were doing on the Gorizia front.

  • Even with the knowledge that her guns were of smaller calibre than her antagonist, she dashed straight at the Sydney and tried to close.

  • Quite a few shells fell about our dug-out, and machine-guns were turned on the stack while I was ranging on to a party of Turks working on two distant gun-emplacements.

  • But when our machine-guns were out of action, bombs and bayonets and rifles held him off.

  • Through the deserted streets I ran to the observation station, river front, in case the field-guns were required to go into action.

  • The premises of the Committee, on which were various documents and papers which were to be sent into the country, were occupied by Red Guards, and machine-guns were placed at the entrance.

  • With the exception of the break when Prentiss was captured, Grant's line of battle was maintained all day, though it was steadily forced back and thirty guns were lost.

  • Drums for carrying ammunition for the guns were supported on platforms over the tracks immediately in rear of the two control cabs.

  • Both my guns were able to fire on the battery, in spite of which they got off about eight rounds at me without damage, but sufficiently close to be audible inside the cab, and I could see the flash of each gun as it fired.

  • Eight thousand prisoners and 100 guns were captured, and these prisoners alone were nearly double the casualties suffered by the IIIrd and IVth Corps during the first day of the battle.

  • The margin was a narrow one, however, for within fifteen minutes of the disaster White's guns were at work.

  • So severe was the fire that the guns were obscured by the dust knocked up by the little shells of the automatic gun.

  • Guns were brought up, and fired shell into the farmhouse.

  • By dogged persistence they won the position, and quickly turning the captured German guns were enabled to smash up the counterattacks which followed quickly after the positions were occupied.

  • By this time all the stores and guns were safe, and the troops in the centre were moving through the city.

  • Guns were relaid on the trench, and before long the entanglements were destroyed.

  • By August 24th the whole of Whish's field-force was before Mooltan, but it was not until September 7th that the siege-guns were in position.

  • It seemed the moment for an advance; the troops were full of eagerness, and a portion at least of the enemy's guns were in Thackwell's grasp.

  • Eleven officers and 2,450 men were taken prisoners, and three cannon and five machine guns were captured.

  • Four of the enemy's guns were captured, and the Russian positions on Mt.

  • The number of prisoners was considerably increased and four guns were captured.

  • As Wash-ing-ton drew near the fort at West Point, he thought it strange that no guns were fired.

  • Guns were fired to tell that one who had fought well had gone to his rest, and strong men shed tears as he was laid in his grave, for his loss was a source of great grief to all.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guns were" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    already said; answered gravely; beat thoroughly; come fill; dollar figure; further still; give motion; grammar schools; great events; guns and; guns each; guns were; gunshot wound; gunshot wounds; hand down; kept clean; known also; main lines; members directly; more certain; numerous species; popularly known; seminary priest; square miles; waiting for; whatsoever they