But our governmental affairs are so vast, and ramify over so large a space of the world, that it is extremely difficult to get a Minister to strike out a new path, unless he has the sympathies and hearty support of the public with him.
The mountains of the route alluded to, are the grand nucleus of the Hagar, which intersect and ramify through all Central Sahara.
Six nerves pass from this plexus, which ramify upon the muscles and skin of the lower extremities.
A quantity of adipose matter is deposited around its vessels, which ramify through its structure.
The heart is supplied with arteries and veins, which ramify between its muscular fibres, through which its nutrient blood passes.
The origin of the internal respiratory or phrenic nerve, that is seen to ramify on the diaphragm.
The nerves divide and subdivide, until their minute filaments ramify on the tissues of the different organs.
From this plexus six nerves proceed, which ramifyupon the muscles and skin of the upper extremities.
The nerves which ramifyover the lower part of the membrane, and which endow it with sensibility to touch and pain, are branches of the "fifth pair" of nerves.
The lacteals belong to a class of vessels known as absorbents, or lymphatics, which ramify in nearly all parts of the body, except the brain and spinal cord.
Trenching is of paramount importance, for the roots of the Sweet Pea require a considerable depth of good soil in which to ramify for the support of robust healthy plants capable of producing handsome flowers over a long season.
The epidermis is devoid of bloodvessels, but is provided with fine nerve fibrils which ramify between the cells of the rete mucosum.
Others of the papillæ contain nerves, ending here in tactile corpuscles, or continuing, as we have mentioned before, to ramify as fine fibrils in the rete mucosum of the epidermis.
Numerous bloodvessels ramify in it, and, with their attendant nerves, break up to enter the numberless canals of the Haversian system.
Respiration goes on by means of a system of branching tubes (tracheae) that ramify throughout the body, and to which air is admitted through nine or more openings in the side of the body guarded by valves called "spiracles.
The nervous system consists of a brain and spinal cord from which trunk nerves arise and ramify throughout the body.
The arteries divide and subdivide (like the branches of a tree), become smaller and smaller, and ultimately ramify into every part of the body.
Nerves divide and subdivide, sending off branches, which ramify in all parts of the body, and, as they near their terminations, they contain but one or two fibers.
The olfactory, or first pair of nerves, ramify through the nostrils, and are the nerves of smell.
These subdivide in the small bronchial tubes, which ramify through the lungs like the branches of a tree, the tiny twigs of which at last end in clusters of cells so small that there are six hundred million in all.
Among the branch lines which ramify from this great central railway are +La Roche to Les Laumes+ by Auxerre, Cravant, Sermizelles, Avallon and Semur.
All the side streets which ramify eastward from the Avenue de la Gare lead to the Quartier Carabacel, one of the most sheltered parts of Nice, and inhabited by the most delicate invalids.
The top boughs of the central tree, in the Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca, ramify in the same scientific way.
They have no lungs, but they respire by means of a number of apertures in their sides, and these open into a system of delicate branching tubes which ramify throughout the body.
Numerous tracheal tubes ramify upon its outer surface, and appear as fine white threads upon a greenish-grey ground.
Between the six epithelial bands and the muscular layer are as many triangular spaces, in which ramify tracheal tubes and fine nerves for the supply of the epithelium.
I again questioned the natives on this point, and one youth undertook to point out some marks made by white men.
These animals are abruptly distinguished from the preceding by a conversion of the branchiæ into spiral-shaped tracheæ, which ramify and traverse the whole body.
The tracheæ of plants do notramify like the nerves of animals; but if they divide, they separate only as fascicles, which have been liberated from their origin.
This insaccation is converted in the Spiders into more distinct air-cysts, which finally ramify in the higher insects and become true tracheæ.
The branches again ramify from the same cause by which the stem ramifies.
These ramify and form plexuses that accord with the visceral organs, which they govern.
Each is composed of an upper and lower membrane, between which the blood-vessels and respiratory organs ramify so as to form a delicate network for the extended wings.
Both processes are long, the burrows ramify far into the bank, and it is not certainly known in which the ferret remains.
Its aggressive roots ramify through the soil and drink up the moisture so voraciously that if water is not abundant, neighboring trees and plants may find their roots robbed, and the functions of healthy growth will be interfered with.
Roots ramify under the ground, and sprouts spring up, often producing thickets of an acre or more.
The first lesion of pleurisy is overfilling of the blood vessels that ramify in this membrane and dryness of the surface.
The accompanying sketches will explain the manner in which granite veins often ramify and cut each other (figs.
Several mule-paths ramify from this forest road, the most important being to Lake Nino and Corté, and to Asco: whence Mt.
The fibres give rise to an abundant plexus of fibrils in the granular layer, and many reaching into the molecular layer ramify there, especially in the immediate neighbourhood of the dendrites of Purkinje's cells.
It forms, therefore, for these bones an internal periosteum, and the meningeal arteries which ramify in it are the nutrient arteries of the inner table.
Numerous little streams descend from the mountains, and irrigation canals ramify in every direction.
The river divides in the open gravelly plain into numerous branches, which separate to a considerable distance from one another, and ramify very irregularly.
Some of the glands, such as the sudoriferous, do not ramify (Figure 2.
Other vessels grow into the body-wall and ramify in order to convey blood to it.
Turgid veins ramify superficially; and the surface is of a reddish blue or a purple colour, varying its hue from time to time, according to the state of the health, and the changes in the circulation.
When a large plexus of vessels remain dilated on the part, the most effectual method of removal is to divide them, as they ramify on the sclerotic, by means of scissors, or a fine knife, and afterwards to employ stimulating applications.