So, with forayand reprisal, and fierce private war, with all the border in a flame, the year 1781 came to an end.
This foray brought but a short relief to the settlements.
Thus in July the Chickamaugas sent in a talk for peace; but at that very time a band of their young braves made a foray into Powell's valley, killing two settlers and driving off some stock.
Consequently the Sandusky Indians used the Moravian villages as halfway houses, at which to halt and refresh themselves whether starting on a foray or returning with scalps and plunder.
After waiting until August he got tired of the inaction, and made a foray into the Indian country himself with nineteen men, defeating a small party of his foes on the Sciota.
Clark Hears the News Before this inroad took place Clark had been planning a foray into the Indian country, and the news only made him hasten his preparations.
For a century it had little to do save an occasional foray upon the peasants of the Alpine valleys, or an extortion on the Jews of Palermo, or the fomenting of a witchcraft craze.
With such secrecy and expedition had the move been executed that the first intimation that the people of Triverio had of the neighborhood of the dreaded heretics was a foray by night, in which their town was ravaged.
The foray began on a Monday morning in the high Cheviot Hills, and many a child yet unborn was to rue the day.
No more the reivers down the vale On raid and foray ride; No more is heard the widow's wail O'er those who fighting died.
He therefore sent all the forces he could muster, under the command of his two bravest officers, to make a grand foray in Shropshire.
Accordingly the Percies and March made a foray into Teviotdale, and challenged the chivalry of Scotland, by way of concealing their real enterprise from the eyes of the English king, to meet them in battle on the 1st of August.
A better situation for a successful foray by brigands does not exist on the line of the road between Chicago and Kansas City.
In a few days after this successful foray into Mexico, Jesse and Frank were at their ranche enjoying much-needed repose.
De Montfort made a foray into Foix, carrying desolation in his track, and showed himself before Toulouse, but was soon put on the defensive.
The Danes were everywhere in fear, For the dread foray every year.
A foraythrough the land he makes; Denmark in every quarter shakes.
The spring after the foray which has just been related King Harald ordered the people out and went with them to Denmark (A.
A viking-feast Earl Hakon kept, The land with viking fury swept, Harrying the land far from the shore Where foray ne'er was known before.
But I explained how it was here, For earl and king, advantage clear With thee to hold the strictest peace, And make all force and foray cease.
King Harald lay with his ships up in a river, and made a foray on land, but left some of his men behind to protect the ships.
As they required to make a foray for provisions on the coast, some of his men landed, and drove down a large herd of cattle to the strand.
He set up his camp on the borders, intending to make a foray from thence.
A partridge clamouring on the left when he commenced a foray was a certain presage of success to a Mina.
After a successful foray they offer one-tenth of the proceeds at the shrine of Kali Devi.
During that time Murra Foraywould be growing hourly more proficient in the use of Dimanche.
A blinded and deaf Murra Foray would not go back to the home of the Huntners.
There was no indication that Murra Foray had spotted him.
That, he saw bitterly, was why Murra Foray had been so positive that the identification tab he'd made with the aid of Dimanche had been a forgery.
In an emergency, he could draw on these, whereas Murra Foray would be limited to the energy in her nervous system.
He grinned as he thought hopefully about giving Murra Foray a surprise.
Though a priest, I would trust you to ride with me on a forayacross the border; but as a Baird, I would not entrust you with the custody of women.
He himself was a Baird, and report said that, in his youth, he had ridden on many a foray in England.
Tell us, were you with your father in that foray he headed, to carry off some cattle that had been lifted by the Bairds?
By a private mark upon it, he knew that it had been written at Alnwick, and was doubtless the proceed of some foray upon a monastery across the border.
Here was proof indeed that the Old Wolf meant no hurried foray but an attack in such force as might be expected to gain the castle and the lands of Mountjoy.
Slipping out of the hall and through the rear of the Abbey, he ran, as we afterwards learned to our cost, with might and main to take the news of this mad foray to the castle's governor.
The news of this startling foray threw the civilians of Washington into a genuine panic, by which Mr. Lincoln was, at least for a few hours, not altogether unaffected.
How reasonable this view was at the moment is of little consequence, for within a few hours afterward the character of Jackson's enterprise as a mere foray became too palpable to be mistaken.
The foray achieved little, but it wore the aspect of a signal and unavenged insult.
His business now was to make a vigorous dashing foray down the valley.
By this gallant deed was shattered forever the Confederate Army of the Valley; and from that time forth there issued out of that fair concealment no more gray-uniformed troopers to foray Northern fields or to threaten Northern towns.
An Autumn Foray will be held on Saturday next, visiting Monkend Woods and Copplestone Quarry.
In one case, four frontiersmen dressed and painted themselves like Indians prior to starting on a foray to avenge the murder of a neighbor.
The traces of these days of raid and foray are to be found in abundance all over Coquetdale, as indeed all over Northumberland, in pele-tower and barmkyn, fortified dwelling and bastle house.
The tracks and passes between the hills, once alive with frequent foray and wild pursuit, are now silent and solitary but for the occasional passing of a shepherd or farmer, and the flocks of sheep grazing as they move slowly up the hillsides.
The young Sir James had previously been captured on a foray into Muskerry, and executed at Cork, so that of the brothers there now remained but Earl Gerald, the next victim of the machinations which had already proved so fatal to his family.
Though the fox as a general rule sleeps during the day, he does not always, but sometimes makes a successful foray in broad daylight.
No matter how terribly frightened, his assurance quickly returns, and another foray follows; so that you begin by thinking him the most cowardly and end by finding him the most impudent of birds.
A single forayinto Spain had shown Musa, the Arab general, the weakness of the kingdom; that the cities were unfortified, the citizens unarmed, and many of the nobles lukewarm towards the king.
There we heard that a party of the Makololo, headed by Lerimo, had made a forayto the north and up the Leeba, in the very direction in which we were about to proceed.
When we reached Litofe, we heard that a fresh foray was in contemplation, but I sent forward orders to disband the party immediately.
Essex, not being willing to undertake the foray to the Azores with the Dutch ships alone, was obliged to digest his spleen as: best he could.
The marquis, on receiving the invitation of Deza, lost no time in gathering his kindred and numerous vassals around him; and they came with an alacrity which showed how willingly they obeyed the summons to a foray over the border.
On some occasions, they encountered the latter with success in the open field, and in one instance defeated and slew a large body of Christians, as they were returning from a foray laden with plunder.
The system worked well enough in those ancient times, when a season rarely passed without a foray against the Moslems.
This foray produced a state of lawlessness in the country, which was the main reason of our further detention.
Drummond made no attempt in the winter to repeat the forayinto New York of the previous December, although he and Prevost both considered that they had received provocation to retaliate, similar to that given at Newark the year before.
That chant is one they used to sing on returning from a successful foray laden with the heads of many enemies.
It is this canoe which history records was, whenever possible, launched over live human bodies as rollers, one division of the king's army being kept continually on the foray to provide the wherewithal.
The girls made foray into a little side pocket of bedroom for the changing of shoes, whitening of noses, and various curlicue preambles.
A quick red belied her insouciance and she made a little foray into the bin of mill-ends.