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Example sentences for "perch"

Lexicographically close words:
percession; perceyue; perceyued; perceyuing; perceyve; percha; perchance; perchaunce; perche; perched
  1. From my perch on the box I saw their expressions change from surprise to amazed delight.

  2. An elm overhangs it, and on the lower branches, which are dead, the swallows perch and sing just over the muddy water.

  3. If a bough falls into the water, let it stay; sparrows will perch on it to drink.

  4. Suburban railway stations are often haunted by crows, which perch on the telegraph wires close to the back windows of the houses that abut upon the metals.

  5. Thrushes appear to vary their notes with the period of the year, singing louder in the summer, and in the mild days of October when the leaves lie brown and buff on the sward under their perch more plaintively and delicately.

  6. Then they perch on a branch three or four yards only from where I stand, silent and motionless, and glance first at me and next at a bush of bramble which projects out to the edge of the footpath.

  7. Out in the middle it was quite green with millions of little water-weeds, which died and rotted and reeked till seven big perch died of it and floated on their backs.

  8. The carp did the same; and the perch hung a nice nest of eggs in between the reeds where the warblers had built their nest.

  9. There were not only great, horrid pikes and great mannerly carp and roach and perch and sticklebacks and eels.

  10. Then he would reflect upon the easy time which the Eel husband had and the Frog husband and the Perch husband and all the others.

  11. Mrs. Stuart gesticulating on her perch as if about to fly.

  12. Princess Caremfil swept away, and the Amazonian queen climbed to her perch among the painted mountains, where her troop already sat like a flock of pigeons shining in the sun.

  13. The day was not of the clearest, or, rather, the morning mists still hung in heavy folds about the ocean, making it look from my airy perch as if sky and sea had changed places.

  14. When within Haley's little cove, I looked down into the water, and saw the perch (cunners) swimming lazily about.

  15. However, I must say, that I believe the boys thought of nothing else then, but of getting the finest red worms, and those marked with yellow rings round the body, as being especial favourites with the perch at the great lake.

  16. But he did not take to flight at once, being comfortable where he was and the sounds not very alarming, and while he hesitated he received a violent shock in the middle of his breast, which knocked him off his perch powerless and dying.

  17. He would fly to meet us in the morning, and perch on our shoulders with an impudent assumption of innocence; quite unconscious that the yellow stickiness of his bill told us he had just been breakfasting off several eggs.

  18. They change the aspect of a parlor from that of a mere reception-room, where visitors perch for a transient call, and give it the air of a room where one feels like taking off one's things to stay.

  19. But, as they are greatly disinclined to a long flight, they soon settle down again, or, what is more likely, perch upon the branches of the nearest tree.

  20. Manuel Blanco turned the corner and Benton slipped quickly down from his perch on the wall and fell into step as the other passed.

  21. In Alaska I used to lie flat on my cot before a great open fire and his god-ship would perch cross-legged on my chest.

  22. Out went the line, but hang me if I could pay out fast enough, for he jerked me clean off my perch into the water.

  23. Young Jack had dropped from his perch and joined his fellow-prisoner on terra firma, and together they poured over these singular rags.

  24. He descended from his perch and examined its collar.

  25. He sat with Dorita on the cold and perilous perch of the garden wall and discussed Cousin Sybil and the wedding.

  26. These hirundines never perch on trees or roofs, and so never congregate with their congeners.

  27. It was with a feeling of relief that Clifford stood on the floor of the lofty perch and glanced down at the glare of water.

  28. Should a bird of good omen, in ancient times, perch on the standard, or hover about an army, the omen was of good import, and favourable to conquest.

  29. Attempting to catch a perch with a hook, but no bait.

  30. His granddaughter had been watching for this happy event, and she no sooner met his eyes than, with a smile of satisfaction, she jumped from her morocco perch and brought him a sheet of paper well and laboriously covered.

  31. It also sings from a perch near the ground.

  32. Like the Horned Larks they are walkers, not hoppers, and like most walkers, it is exceptional for them to perch in trees.

  33. During the migrations the Bank Swallow travels with other members of its family, sharing their roost in the marshes by night and their wayside perch by day.

  34. A flight is ended by an upward swing to the chosen perch which may be a tree-top, a telegraph wire, or lightning-rod tip.

  35. His scolding notes betray his ancestry and his reeling, rippling song, delivered both from a perch and on fluttering wings above the reeds, suggests in form, at least, that of the House Wren.

  36. His mother had a cabin with no land--not a perch of land, no potatoes--nothing but the cabin.

  37. Flying from steeple to steeple,' the eagles of the former did actually, and according to promise, perch for a while on the towers of Notre-Dame.

  38. As soon as the back of his last auditor was visible down he would fly to his chosen perch and resume his glorious song, tempting his audience to return.

  39. Occasionally he would perch on my shoulder or head, never staying very long but never betraying any distrust.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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