With regard to excesses in coitus the case may be mentioned of a country girl of 17, living in a rural district in North Carolina where prostitution was unknown, who would cohabit with men almost openly.
Ellis mentions that suckling lasts for three years, during the whole of which period the wife must not cohabit with her husband.
They cohabit up to the time of the child's birth; but after that not for a long period, formerly three years.
Fauna or the Good Goddess (Bona Dea), another of the oldest native Italian deities, was variously called his wife or his daughter, and he is said to have assumed the form of a snake in order to cohabit with her.
They must all be of a particular age; and after the ceremony they may not cohabit with their wives until harvest, and they are obliged to sleep at night in their granaries.
It is our experience that the female at rutting time will cohabit with more than one male like a dog or rather like a cat which it more generally resembles.
We believe that the females cohabit with more than one male at rutting time and that additional young are created at each service.
This law stood unaltered until 1839, when, in addition to the causes already assigned, a divorce is authorized for three years' wilful desertion or refusal to cohabit by either person, if the cause continues at the time of petition.
Then the court is authorized either to suspend the decree; or, if the wife refuse "to return and cohabit under the protection of the court," it may discharge and annul the same.
The same is true when either of the parties is under the age of consent, "if they shall separate during such nonage, and shall not cohabit together afterwards.
She shall continue to enjoy this alimony "until a reconciliation shall take place, or until the husband shall by his petition or libel, offer to receive or cohabit with her again, and to use her as a good husband ought to do.
A widow cannot marry again; but she is not expected to burn herself; and maycohabit with any Hindu as a concubine.
Among some European nations, attempts have been made to make it impossible for husbands and wives to cohabit except for reproductive purposes.
One queen made a law that every man should cohabit with his wife at least seven times each night!
It is generally the result of a second cohabitation immediately following the first, but some parents have twins who cohabit but once during several days.
The first time that the husband and wife cohabit together after the ceremony has been performed is called the consummation of marriage.
Benjamin, official, the said Marcault was non-suited and ordered to return to her husband and cohabit with him.
Vivant, refused Villot's demand, and ordered her to go home to her husband and cohabit with him as her lawful spouse.
Those creatures not gifted with erring reason, but with unerring instinct, and that have not the liberty of choice between good and evil, cohabit only at stated periods, when pleasure and reproduction are alike possible.
The natives of the Gold Coast and many other African tribes regard it as a shameful offense to cohabit during gestation.
On his steadfast denial, he was sentenced to be placed in conspectu tormentorum, which was carried out in spite of an appeal by his procurator, but he persisted in asserting his innocence and the case was suspended.
The Roman Inquisition did not follow this example of the Spanish and allowed the employment of procurators.
Thus among the hill tribes of Assam, not only are men forbidden to cohabitwith their wives during or after a raid, but they may not eat food cooked by a woman; nay they should not address a word even to their own wives.
In that tribe a bridegroom must sleep with his mother-in-law before he may cohabit with her daughter.
It is despicable unjustly to be jealous of your wife; but it is infamy to cohabit with her if you know her to be guilty.
He ought to be quite sure before he take the smallest step in the way of accusation; but if unhappily he have the proof, no consideration on earth ought to induce him to cohabit with her one moment longer.
How shall it be permitted that the daughter of the Kazi of the Moslems cohabit with a man of the dancers and vile of origin?
He regains his two children and his wife, who had steadfastly refused to cohabitwith her captor.
By the laws of their country these Nayres cannot marry, so that no one has any certain or acknowledged son or father; all their children being born of mistresses, with each of whom three or four Nayres cohabit by agreement among themselves.
The custom, which permits a man to cohabit with a woman lower in the social scale than himself, and prohibits a woman from exercising the same liberty, is called the rule of anulomam and pratilomam.
With regard to Gypsey marriages, Salmon relates that the nearest relations cohabit with each other; and as to education, their children grow up in the most shameful neglect, without either discipline or instruction.
They marry and cohabit amongst each other, and are held in a sort of horror by the common people.
Thus among the hill tribes of Assam, not only are men forbidden to cohabit with their wives during or after a raid, but they may not eat food cooked by a woman; nay, they should not address a word even to their own wives.